Food and drinkRecipes

How to cook olive with chicken

For sure, every housewife at least once in life was preparing a wonderful festive dish - a salad Olivier. But, of course, not everyone knows that it was invented by the French chef Lucien Olivier. Initially, the composition of this salad included cancer necks, as well as grouse meat. In addition, in those days, it was added to it the red caviar and veal tongue. The similarity with Olivier, which we are preparing today, only in that, as before, now the salad is added gherkins and eggs. Today , Olivier salad is prepared differently , its composition is different: here there are sausage or chicken, eggs, cucumbers, onions and potatoes. Many people add cooked carrots and canned peas. And, of course, all this is filled with mayonnaise.

Mostly housewives in Olivia add sausage. But how delicious this salad turns out if it includes a chicken! Let's find out how to cook olive with chicken.

For preparation you can use boiled chicken fillet or chicken leg. We cut one fillet into small cubes. Separately we cook two potatoes, a couple of eggs and one carrot. Once everything is welded, drain the water - the food should cool to room temperature.

When preparing olive with chicken, it is necessary to cook vegetables in advance, since cold potatoes are cut better, do not disintegrate, and the cubes turn out to be neat.

So, all the cooked products are cleaned and cut into small cubes. The same is done with pickled cucumbers. We need three to four cornichons. Cut the half of the peeled bulb into small pieces, chop some parsley sticks.

Some people do not like to add onions to Olivier, but it gives spiciness to this dish, so it's better to use it for cooking. Excellent white onion, which does not cause tears, it is sweet, very pleasant to taste.

So, mix all the diced products and add two tablespoons of canned green peas. In the event that the peas are not canned, but freshly frozen, it should be poured with boiling water and let stand under the lid for five minutes. All the salt and pepper to taste. Some even add sugar to Olivia. Dressing with mayonnaise salad - Olivier with chicken ready. Bon Appetit.

And now I want to share a recipe for the classic salad olivier, which will include chicken and apples.

So, to begin with, we prepare the basic boiled ingredients of the salad. Separately we cook one chicken breast, three eggs and the same number of potatoes. One large carrot should also be boiled. After all cooked, you need to cool the food. Finely chicken chicken boiled. In Olivier with chicken, we add diced potatoes, carrots and eggs. Now it's turn to cucumbers. We cut into small cubes one fresh, two salted cucumbers and mix with all other ingredients. Further finely chop the greens - you can add parsley or dill, and you can both. In addition, be sure to cut into a salad with chicken and chicken, green onions and one apple. All this is mixed in one saucepan, a can of canned peas and salt is added to taste. We fill with mayonnaise - Olivier's festive salad with apples and chicken is ready.

Decorate such a delicious and loved by all the dish can be greens, pomegranate seeds or ornaments from vegetables.

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