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How to cook candied apples for winter

Candied fruit is a berry or a slice of fruit, cooked in syrup, and then dried. You can prepare this delicacy at home. The main thing is to know the sequence of actions. It should be noted that the preparation of candied fruits is one of the methods of home preserving, which allows you to save the product. You can make a treat from nuts, fruits, berries and vegetables. But it is better to use those that have dense flesh. Most often in the home made candied fruit from apples, watermelon, melon, fizalisa, citrus, apricots, mountain ash, cherry, cherry, plum, quince and pear.

Preparation of delicacies: preparation

So, where to start? How to cook candied fruits? The very process of making such a treat is simple enough. But it takes a lot more time to do this than to stock up on jam.

Begin the manufacture of delicacies should be with the processing of raw materials. Apples should be washed, cut into pieces and removed from the core. Sliced fruits should be put in a pan or enameled cooking pot. On top, you need to sprinkle them with sugar.

Cook apples

Preparation of candied fruits from apples is exactly the same as cooking jam. Toughest fruits need to their full readiness. Time depends on the grade and degree of maturity of the apples. To ensure that the fruits are so much more saturated with sugar, it is necessary to make a few brews, making a break between them for 8 to 12 hours. Experts recommend to boil apples a little longer. In this case, the syrup will be more viscous.

And then what?

Candied apple fruit is very delicious. However, for their preparation, there is not enough cooking. The resulting composition should be carefully poured into a colander or sieve. This is necessary in order to all the excess liquid glass. To pieces of apples are better absorbed in sugar, and the syrup has completely separated, it is worth leaving the cooked fruit to drain for a couple of hours.

Drying candied fruits

When the liquid from the candied fruits drains, only the pieces of fruit remain in the colander. They need to be laid on a baking tray in one layer. Half-finished candied fruits should be placed in the oven and dried. The temperature should be 40 ° C. For the same purpose, you can use an aggregate such as an electric dryer.

During this procedure, you need to make sure that the treat is not dry. Candied apple candy should remain soft and look like a withered product.

After the dainty dried, it should be sprinkled with sugar on top of it, while trying to cover each piece. To do this, candied fruit can be gently shaken. It is better, of course, to use powdered sugar. You can prepare it yourself by chopping ordinary sugar in a coffee grinder or blender. To make a treat is not too sweet, you need to observe the proportion. One kilogram of fruit requires 170 to 200 grams of sugar.

After you have filled the candied fruits, they must be dried again by placing them in an electric dryer or in an oven. If the delicacy was prepared from watermelon or melon, then repeated drying would not be required. Usually, candied fruits are left at room temperature until completely cooked.

How to store candied fruits

Many housewives prepare candied apples for apples for the winter. But how to store them correctly? Cooked delicacy is better to keep in a glass jar. To do this, candied fruits are densely packed in a container and covered with a lid. It can be plastic or tin. You can also use cellophane or parchment paper. You can store candied fruits from apples and with goodies from other products. The mixture in one bank looks very attractive.

If candied apples, the recipe of which is listed above, will be stored in a dry room, they can be put in a conventional box of cardboard, plywood or wood. For better preservation, the bottom and walls of the boxes should be laid with parchment paper.

Where to use homemade candied fruits, and where to put syrup

After the preparation of candied fruits, a syrup remains. It can be used for compotes, jam, jam and jam. As for the delicacy of apples, it can be added to cereals, desserts from cottage cheese, cupcakes, patties, rolls and cakes. Candied apple candy can be used to decorate ready-made dishes.

Are candied fruits useful?

There are still disputes about how useful candied fruits are. With complete certainty, we can say that a delicacy cooked at home preserves most of its useful components. Of course, the product will not be as bright and attractive as the store. After all, all kinds of dyes are added to the delicacy when manufacturing under industrial conditions, which harm our body.

Another recipe for candied fruits

Apples from apples for winter are prepared by many. However, not everyone knows that you can add a lemon zest to the treat. To prepare candied fruits you will need: sugar, apples and citrus peel. Initially, the sugar syrup is prepared. To do this, mix sugar, a few glasses of water and citric acid. This mixture is cooked until thick.

In the resulting syrup, you need to add the peeled apples. The fruit is boiled for another 30 minutes. Before removing the candied fruits from the fire, add a pinch of vanillin and a few lemons to the mixture. The result should be a light jam. From the finished product can be made candied as needed.

Apples are laid out in a sieve to stack the syrup. Then the lobules of the fruit should be spread on the plates in one layer. So they dry up much faster. In this position, candied fruits should be left for a day. After the specified time, the delicacy should be sprinkled with sugar.

That's all, candied apples are ready. Store them best in glass containers.


If you watch your weight, then candied fruits should be discarded. After all, this delicacy contains a lot of sugar. And this indicates a high caloric content of the product. With caution, it is worth eating such a delicacy for those who suffer from diabetes. As for children, candied apples perfectly replace sweets. Such a treat will please every child. If, of course, the baby does not have health problems, then candied apples can be eaten in almost unlimited amounts. After all, delicacy is also useful.

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