Food and drinkRecipes

How to cook an unusual tortoise cake for a children's holiday?

Delicious and delicate cake "Turtle" is prepared very quickly. It is worth mentioning that a small amount of inexpensive products is required to create such an original product. This cake, made by hand, will serve as an ideal option for dessert for any children's holiday.

Unusual and quick cake "Turtle": a step-by-step recipe for cooking

Required products:

  • Chicken eggs of the usual size - 6 pcs .;
  • Sand sugar - 1 glass faceted;
  • Wheat flour - 3 full glasses;
  • Baking soda with apple vinegar - along a dessert spoon;
  • Yoghurt (it is desirable to take with sour, for example orange or grapefruit) - 1 l (for impregnation);
  • Kefir thick 3% - half cup (for impregnation);
  • Sour cream is dense fresh - 4 large spoons (for making glaze);
  • Cocoa powder - 3 large spoons (to create glaze);
  • Sand sugar - 4 large spoons (to create a glaze);
  • Dark chocolate - 90 g (to create a glaze);
  • Butter creamy fresh - 120 g (for making glaze).

Preparation of the dough

Cake "Turtle" is assembled from a variety of small size cakes. For their preparation it is required to mix 6 chicken whipped eggs, sugar, baking soda, extinguished with apple cider vinegar, and wheat flour in one dish. As a result of this connection, you should get a dough consistency of liquid sour cream.

Baking of cakes

To create a base, it is recommended to take a large baking tray, grease it with plenty of oil, and then lay out on it a previously prepared dough. To do this, you should use a tablespoon (laid out the basis, as in pancakes). About 9 small crusts are placed on one parchment leaf. They are preferably baked at a temperature of 185 degrees for half an hour. As a result, you should get about 27 small, but lush and soft cakes.

Preparation of impregnation

Cake "Turtle" can be impregnated with any cream. But since this dessert is designed for a children's holiday, we decided to use only natural yoghurt with sour taste and thick yogurt. They are recommended to be combined together in a large container, and then carefully beat with a mixer.

Forming a dish

Cake "Turtle" is collected quite easily. To do this, it is necessary to get wet all the baked crusts in the milk impregnation, and then put them on the pies in the form of a suitable animal with a shell. After this, the ready-made dessert is recommended to completely pour the previously prepared glaze.

How to make icing

To create such an ornament, mix sour cream with cocoa powder, chocolate bar and sugar, bring them to a boil, and then add butter (creamy) and stir until it dissolves completely. After that, chocolate glaze is recommended to cool and fill it with a formed "turtle". Also on it it is necessary to make beautiful patterns by means of the remained milk impregnation and a toothpick.

How to serve to the table correctly

Delicious and original "Turtle" cake (the classic recipe we reviewed above) is served to the table only after it has stood for 3-4 hours in the refrigerator. During this time the dessert should be completely saturated with yoghurt filling, become soft and gentle.

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