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How to build a mechanical house in "Maynkraft" and what it is good for

When you first start the game, you do not have any items - all you need to do is yourself. And you need to do this fairly quickly, because in the first (in the last resort the second) night you will definitely need a house in which you can hide. For starters, this can be the simplest structure that you can imagine - four walls and a ceiling, a door so you can enter and exit. But, of course, the world of "Maincrafter" does not exist in order to do just that - in the course of time you acquire certain skills, gain experience, collect a large amount of resources, and you can think about building something bigger. Many players are interested in how to build a mechanical house in the "Maincrafter", but first you need to figure out how to construct your own home.

Construction of an advanced house

If you want your home to look cool and protect you and your property from mobs at the same time, then you will have to practice. Later on, you will learn how to build a mechanical house in Meincraft, how to make it visually attractive, and so on. But first you need the basics. And this means that it is worth pointing out what exactly should be present in a good and high-quality house. First of all, this is the foundation. If you were building your first house as it is, now take the time and lay a solid foundation, so that later your house will stand as long as possible. Next, the walls are built, which are the main part of the house. Here you can choose the material to your liking, and also play with shapes and sizes. After that, turn on the creative and create a roof. Since there are no such blocks in the game, you will have to decide for yourself what it will be made of. Steps are a popular solution, but nobody forces you to use them. The final step is the insertion of windows, doors and so on. So your first quality house is ready. But it can be improved both in aesthetic and in practical terms. And if in the first case you can create everything that you find beautiful, then in the second you will need more detailed information on how to build a mechanical house in the "Maincrafter". After all, it is this improvement that will make your shelter more reliable and convenient. A mechanical house is called so for the simple reason that it can be stuffed with different mechanisms. The most famous of them should be considered in more detail.

Solving the problem of multi-storey houses

Nobody said that your house should have only one floor. But in the presence of several floors there is a problem of ascent and descent. You can use a ladder, but it's not very convenient and takes a lot of time. If you want to learn how to build a mechanical house in the "Maincrafter", then you definitely start with this mechanism. The elevator can be installed anywhere in the house, and it is monitored by means of plaques that indicate its command. That is, on the first floor you put a sign "up", on the second - "down", and your elevator is ready. When you go into it on the first floor, it will take you to the second, and vice versa. This is the first step to understanding how to build a mechanical house. In "Mayncraft 1.7.2" various items and recipes have been added, which give an additional opportunity to create new mechanisms that will make your home even better.

Hidden rooms

Nobody excludes the possibility that ill-wishers can enter your home. However, you can still save most of your savings, since the mechanisms allow you to make a hidden room. Entrance to a particular room can easily be disguised by hiding it behind some object, and the door is made automatic, that is, opening only under specific conditions, which only the owner knows. The robber will need considerable savvy to get to your treasures, so the chances are that he will leave with nothing.

Replacement of trunks

Many players are irritated by chests, which for a while were the only available storage system. Nobody wants to dig in a lot of things to find the right one. Optimize this with distributors. If you install several of these mechanisms around the house and fill them with specific items, everything will be much simpler. If you need food - go to the distributor, activate it and get a unit of food. Everything is very simple and effective, exactly what is required from a mechanical house.

The simplest mechanisms

Some people, accustomed to playing the latest versions, can not imagine how to build a mechanical house in the "Minecraft" version 1.5.2, because there are many useful mechanisms out there. In fact, even without some rich set, you can create a mechanical masterpiece from a particular building. You just need to connect the doors with switches, such as a lever and a button, using red dust. And then when the switch is activated, the door will automatically open or close. The same can be done, for example, with lighting, that is, you have the opportunity to realize engineering potential even in the earliest versions of the game.

Special Cards

However, there are those fans of the "Meincraft", which are not very attracted by the prospect of introducing a large number of mechanisms into the house. For them, there is a map in the game "Maincraft", the mechanical house in which is already automatically added. In fact, there are several such maps, so you can even choose. In the game "Maynkraft" the mechanical house of Siverus is one of the most popular, with him many maps have already been created, each of which you can try yourself.

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