Food and drinkRecipes

Recipe: salapin porridge for fishing

Salapin porridge, the recipe of which we will consider below, is a bait intended for fishing. This dish is a personal invention of Dmitry Salapin. It is also worth noting that such a thick, rich product acts as a good bait for feeder fishing.

Recipe: salapin porridge with dyes and other flavor additives

Necessary ingredients for bait:

  • Pearl barley - ½ cup;
  • Millet croup - 1 glass;
  • Corn croup - ½ cup;
  • Croup of barley - 1 glass;
  • Vanillin - 2 sachets;
  • Food colors - if desired;
  • Unrefined sunflower oil (smelling) - ½ cup.

Features of the dish

Recipe "Salapin porridge" provides for the use of various groats. Their proportions can vary depending on how much and how seriously you decided to tackle fishing. It is worth noting that the probability of catching a large catch with this dish increases several times, if during its preparation, use aromatic spices, as well as food colorings.

The process of preparation pearl barley

Recipe "Salapin porridge" primarily requires the preparation of pearl barley. To do this, it should be poured into boiling water at a rate of 1: 3. After that, the rump needs to be stirred, and then reduce the fire to a minimum, so that the dish will languish, and not boil. In this condition, the pearl barley should be cooked for 40-50 minutes.

The process of making millet cereals

As you can see, the recipe "Salapin porridge" is prepared in stages, with the gradual addition of cereals to boiling water. This makes the dish a more suitable consistency for fishing. After the pearl bar becomes soft, it should be poured into it, while the fire and the amount of water should not be increased. Both types of cereals should be well stirred, and then flavor them with refined sunflower oil and 2 bags of vanillin. Next, it is recommended to cover the porridge with a lid and leave to languish for 20-24 minutes.

The final stage in the preparation

We cook classic Salapin porridge until all the water finally boils away. After that, food coloring, corn and barley must be poured into the semi-finished product . Next, dishes with a dish should be tightly closed with a lid, hold on for another 1-3 minutes, and then remove from the plate, put on a cutting board and strongly wrap with a towel. In this position it is recommended to keep the porridge for 3-5 hours. During this time the unprocessed ingredients will swell, making the dish more dense.

It is also worth noting that according to its consistency, the salapin bait for fish should not turn out sticky, but crumbly. However, if you take it in the palm of your hand and tightly squeeze it into a fist, then a hard and strong lump must come out of it. If this does not happen, then it is recommended to pour ½ of a glass of ordinary Herculean flakes into the Salapin porridge for fishing. Under the influence of temperature they swell and help "glue" the necessary lump from a self-brewed bait.

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