
Forage silage: scientific fundamentals and benefits

The silage technology offers many benefits to livestock farms. The method makes it possible to provide livestock with a nutritive fodder base at any time of the year. If the traditional hay preparation provides for the preservation of 70% of useful elements, then ensiling increases this index by 20%. In many respects this is achieved by maintaining conditions that exclude the negative processes of disintegration of valuable elements, among which protein. What is especially important, silage forage can be organized even in small-scale farms. Of course, we are talking about small volumes and with minimal technical means for organizing canning, but for a typical private land the method can be effective.

General Scientific Principles of Siloing

The process of obtaining feed is aimed at maximum supply of the target farm with the necessary nutrients. Therefore, the basis of silage foraging is a complex of biochemical reactions, during which a relatively fresh but dense and safe plant mass is preserved. Technologists exclude air admission to the future feed during conservation, resulting in the accumulation of organic acids. In particular, lactic acid is produced , which is the necessary means of providing the effect of preserving. In addition, the biochemical medium formed at the first stages of storage protects the mass from deterioration and decomposition.

A question may arise as to where the substances so necessary for the favorable conditions of conservation are taken. And this is one of the main advantages of this technology. The fact is that silage forage practically does not require the introduction of special modifiers and reagents. All the processes occurring during conservation are natural and are based on the work of local plant enzymes and beneficial microorganisms that fall into the feed along with green grass.

What affects the quality of silage?

The qualitative characteristics of the mass of mass depend on two factors - its crushing and moisture content. The optimal process of lactic acid reaction is determined by the balanced concentration of sugar and other components in the herbal juice. With increased humidity, the risk of diluting the sugar base increases, which does not have the best effect on the properties of the finished food. Conversely, excessive dryness, as a rule, brings into the mass more air, which reduces the effectiveness of conservation as such. The optimum moisture content of the plant mass is about 70%. As for grinding, this factor is related to the previous one. If the silage of forages is made at a humidity of 60%, the cutting is performed in 2-3 cm increments. At 70%, the spacing between the slices should be 4-5 cm. If the moisture index is brought to 80%, grinding provides intervals of 9 -10 cm. At the same time, fine grass can be preserved in its original form, except hard to compact and coarse plants.

Control of microbiological processes

It has already been noted that the mass of silage in terms of providing preservatives is self-sufficient. But this can only be achieved if the biochemical processes at which the main active element - lactic acid - are properly regulated. The main tool to manage its production can be called limiting access to oxygen. The complete tightness of the place of the bookmark will ensure the quality silage of the feed. Mold fungi appear in cases of violation of this rule and adversely affect the characteristics of the mass. In particular, the aerobic fungi of the families Mucor and Aspergillus appear in the air and decompose not only lactic acid, but also protein elements with carbohydrates. If there is no confidence in the reliability of the structure from the point of view of hermeticity, it is possible to use as feed preservatives in the form of molasses molasses, formic acid or natural starter cultures from lactic acid bacteria.

Laying the mass of mass

The laying process should be carried out as quickly as possible, since the stacked mass in the structure is heated and contact with the available oxygen leads to a loss of protein, and the protein becomes indigestible. As a rule, in the process of servicing large multi-tonnage repositories, the process takes 5-7 days. Similar work on small farms should be completed 2-3 days after the start of the event. Just as quickly, the first layers of insulating material should be laid, thanks to which the preservative of silage forage is more actively developed and stored for a long time. As such a material, a film can be used, but only with reinforcing notches for stiffening.

Structures for conservation

Now it is worthwhile to consider in more detail the structures directly, into which laying can be carried out. There are two options for organizing the silage process - horizontal and vertical. The first option involves the use of trenches and pits, which contain plant mass. Such methods are good for easy maintenance and minimal cost. But they are more often used in private farms, since they can not accommodate large volumes of harvesting. Vertical methods of silage forage suggest the use of building structures of cylindrical shape. They are also called silos, and, depending on the technical design, can accommodate from several to 500 tons of plant mass.

Silicone mass sealing

Tramping is also a necessary technological stage in the process of preparing the plant mass for silage. The operation can be carried out by various technical means, including up-to-date economic materials. It is impossible to overdo the compaction - the higher the density, the better, since less air will remain in the laid layers. If silage is done at home without machine tools, special attention should be paid to the corners and places near the side walls. In such areas, air is most often collected, which descends into the lower strata.

Benefits of siloing

In comparison with other varieties of feed this option allows you to get exactly a natural product at low costs for the implementation of technological stages. Even on large livestock farms, which invest considerable financial resources in special equipment and silos, feed preparation pays for itself. The advantages of the method include the availability of a common process in the organization. Even in a housekeeping environment, technology can be observed. Thus, the basis for siloing feeds as the main condition for the content of plant mass is claimed to be leakage. It can be done with a deep trench and several decks of film material.


Still, the preparation of silage can not be called a completely free option for obtaining nutritious food. Those who want to test this method in their own farming environment should first determine what herbs are available for this task. For example, it is recommended to use beans and cereals. Also ensilage of feed depending on the scale of production requires regular monitoring with the help of special devices. So, modern silos are equipped with measuring devices that determine the humidity and temperature conditions. But in any case, even additional investments justify themselves by the fact that livestock gets a truly nutritious and environmentally safe feed, which can be used even in winter with appropriate conservation.

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