
What can you do paper yourself at home?

The invention of paper in its time produced a real revolution, since it allowed to abandon the use of too expensive parchment. Thanks to this, the number of books has increased, and knowledge has become available to more people.

For two centuries the paper has been manufactured industrially and is not a deficit. It can be bought in the literal sense everywhere. In the range of office supply stores, there are usually several dozens of types: from the usual printer to the drawing and with patterned embossing.

But many are interested in the question of what can make paper with their own hands. Why do they need it? Well, first, knowledge has not been hampered by anyone, and secondly, this paper is used to create exclusive cards and hand-made wall panels .

Traditional raw materials

It is believed that paper was invented in ancient China. There, for its manufacture, first used the defective cocoons of silkworm, and later they began to soak hemp, wood ash, old rags and mulberry fibers. Such paper quickly tore, so it began to add starch and glue.

Modern raw materials

For many centuries the raw materials and technology of paper production have not changed. However, new technologies allowed to increase the volume of its production, and it became clear that the traditional raw materials would not be enough. Then, materials such as wood or plant cellulose, as well as semi-cellulose, were used. They are extracted quite easily by the sulphate method and have a low prime cost.

If you are interested in what can make paper other than wood, then the most demanded raw material is waste paper. It is also considered the most preferable from the point of view of environmental protection.

For the production of special types of paper , wool, asbestos and some other types of textile fibers are also used, and money is printed on a basis made with the addition of rag semi-mass.

Paper hande made from recyclables

When it comes to such material, then most often at home it is made from waste paper. Therefore, the most common answer to the question of what can make a paper with their own hands, sounds like this: "From recyclables." The technology is pretty simple. To do this, the waste paper is ground, soaked for several hours, and then whipped in a blender until a pulp is obtained - a mass resembling a curd dissolved in water. It is scooped out with a grid frame, it is allowed to drain water and, after being transferred to the viscose cloth, it is dried for several days.

Option of reed

Many are surprised when, in response to a question about what can make paper with their own hands, they are told that a reed that grows along the banks of reservoirs is suitable for this. And yet it's true. On cane paper, you can even paint with watercolor or gouache, so it is suitable for crafts.

In the process of work, the raw material is ground and boiled. Then 100 g of alkali are dissolved in a glass of water and added to the dishes with reeds. Half an hour later, the water is drained, the pieces of stems and leaves are washed, the hardest ones are removed and the remaining blenders are whipped. Brew a little bit of starch and add a couple of spoons in the mashed potatoes to make a pulp. Then come, as in the previous case.

Options from straw

Few people know that even today in India and the PRC about 20% of paper is produced from waste products of sugarcane. The method described above is quite popular and allows you to get high-quality paper. As a raw material in these countries, straw is also actively used. The technology is the same as in the previous case. Therefore, if you are interested in what you can make paper with your own hands, then try to collect an armful of ears in the fall. And then, after processing the stems with alkali, make a pulp.

From what you can make paper for baking

As is known, one of the main problems faced by housewives is the extraction of confectionery from the form after the completion of their preparation. To solve it, usually use special paper for baking. However, if it is not at hand, you can make it yourself. To do this, you can use an ordinary notebook sheet or printer paper, which you just need to lubricate with vegetable oil. In no event can you use printing products on which paint is present.

Making paper for rolls

Despite all warnings about the dangers of smoking, millions of people in the world continue to "smoke". Among them there are those who seek to receive aesthetic pleasure from this process . People of this category sometimes wonder what can make paper for roll-ups, as they are trying to invent a way to get a more piquant taste of a homemade cigarette. It is believed that rice paper is the best for these purposes. You can make it yourself.

Rice paper

First of all, it should be understood that under this name is also understood a very thinly rolled dough from the flour of this cereal. However, in this case we are interested in real paper. It is made from rice straw. If you have such raw materials, then it should be soaked for a few days in a small amount of water to isolate the pulp. Then swell the straw with water, pour the mixture on a silk net, give it the necessary thickness, dry and cut off the edges. It is also recommended to iron the resulting sheet with a hot iron through plain paper.


To make homemade paper turned out even more original, it can be decorated. To do this, before you put the sheet to dry, on its surface you can lay a pattern of dried flowers. You can do even easier: scatter dry petals on the surface.

It will be very interesting to look on paper a monogram made of gold or silver threads with tweezers, or an imprint of a coat of arms. In the latter case, you first need to make a mold with the desired pattern from a mixture of silicone and starch.

Now you know from what you can make paper at home, so you can make an exclusive postcard, panel or other souvenir in the style of hand made.

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