Food and drink, Recipes
Balyk from chicken fillet. Ways to prepare
Prices for meat delicacies in stores are becoming more and more depressing. A coveted product, bought in spite of the "toad", is often upset in the main. So decisive gourmand must win his laziness and cook himself, beloved, balyk from chicken fillet. The recipe, fortunately, is easy to implement, although it takes a certain amount of time.
We draw the attention of culinary enthusiasts that the meat does not lend itself to any heat treatment. Accordingly, there is no guarantee that along with it, some foreign parasite will not sneak into your body. Therefore, your balyk from chicken fillet should be prepared only from quality meat. Even if you are quite sure of Uncle Vasya from a neighboring collective farm, you should not be tempted by his domestic chicken. Let the poultry farm in your eyes the reputation is lower, but the state supervision is not slumbering over it, and every bird is checked by a vigilant Sanitary Station.
About the ingredients
- First of all - about meat. The breast or fillets should be fresh or chilled. About frost speech is not even raised. In the end, not in Soviet times we live, you can buy a bird without ice in meat. Take into account, if you still try to make balyk from chicken fillet, which has been in the freezer, you will get a miserable likeness of what you want - a languid, suspicious color and a dull smell.
- Now about alcohol. In any case, it is needed - without it your chicken will not last in the refrigerator. However, it is not necessary to take expensive cognac or whiskey (although many cooks believe that it is necessary). You can pour the specified amount of vodka, and for the flavor add a home liqueur or tincture. It is possible and at all to do balyk from a chicken fillet with a port - it simply should be taken three times more. Yes, and when using cognac, it is often added to give a beautiful pinkness to chicken.
- And the last is seasoning. There's no one limits you in choosing. A common standard is Provencal or Italian herbs. But if you know the best set and have the appropriate components of it - safely put them into play.
Divine Balyk
This recipe is considered the easiest. A pair of large fillets, washed and dried, cut into 2-3 long slices. Half a glass of sea large salt mixed with selected herbs, pepper (or better - their mixture) and half a stack of cognac. The whole "marinade" is well kneaded; Diligently every side is smeared from every side. Then the slices are folded into a container, tightly closed and hiding in the refrigerator. Balyk from chicken breasts at this stage should stand there for about two days (not less than one so accurately). Then the meat is washed properly, drained, wrapped in fabric - gauze, a linen towel, a piece of old sheet - and comes back for another day. When wetting the "wrapper" it should be changed. Enough patience - you can wither longer, it does not hurt.
Balyk "Delicacy"
In the "marinade", the differences are not grandiose, but they make the meat more tender, fragrant and spicy. One hundred grammes of a large salt (preference is again given to the sea) should be mixed with a cognac, pink and black pepper, paprika (preferably smoked), kubebe (if any) and a pair of spoons of light, not thickened honey. The composition rubs a half kilo fillet, is packed in a container and is cleaned in the cold for a day. After half the allotted time, the bird must be turned over. Then the balyk from the chicken fillet is taken from the marinade, washed several times, wrapped in a linen napkin and retracted back for six hours. The next step will be his rubbing with paprika, changing the "wrapper" and hanging in a cool dry place for two days. In the absence of this, the refrigerator will also come down.
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