Food and drink, Recipes
Salo in brine: the way of cooking. Simple Recipes
Once obolgannoe fat (say, harmful and cholesterol) is restored in the rights. Moreover, doctors brought to the people's knowledge that fat is even useful, if you do not eat only them. However, the people, inspired by the information, quickly became disappointed: the product sold in stores and on the markets is often unappetizing or, at least, boring and uninteresting. The output is simple: prepare the delicacy yourself. It is easier and quicker to pickle bacon in brine: the way of cooking takes time even less than pickling cucumbers. In addition, with its use, the final product never turns yellow (as with dry salting), it turns out extremely tasty and can be stored for a long time.
A few tips
Variants, how to salt salo in a brine, a great variety. And it's not difficult to invent your own, you just have to experiment with your favorite spices. However, inexperienced zasolschikam certainly useful knowledge of certain nuances.
- The main key to success is choosing the right product. It should not be grayish or with a yellow tinge, only white or pinkish. The flesh should be dense and homogeneous, but it is easy to poke a match. If you do not make a mistake when buying, the success of the experiment is guaranteed to you.
- Do not leave the lard in the brine after the pickling process is over. The flesh can lose structure and begin to creep. It is better to take the product out, dry it and wrap it in parchment or cloth. The stored fat can and not in the refrigerator, although it is better to still hide it in the cool - at least in hot months.
- Theoretically, bacon in brine (the way of preparation in the details is not important here) can not be oversaturated. The starting material takes as much salt as needed, and no more. But the cases are different: if the product is too salty, it is dried, wrapped in several layers of gauze or a linen napkin and cleaned in the cold. Over a day, excess salt will appear on the surface and can be peeled off with a knife.
In the rest salting salting is a simple and easy process even for a beginner chef. You are afraid not to cope - test yourself on a small piece. A great result will give confidence, and in the future you can salt the delicacy in large quantities.
Salad in brine: the way of cooking is classic
In fact, brine is a very strong brine solution. Its use gives on the output a very delicate and tasty fat, which is eaten instantly. About a kilogram of product is cut into pieces, which will easily pass into the neck of the jar (with modern space deficits, salt is most conveniently salted in three-litters). Slices are added to the dishes without tamping, freely enough, otherwise they may suffocate. Each layer is poured with a laurel, black pepper-peas and cloves of garlic. Further, the brine itself is made: water is boiled (a little more than a liter), a glass of salt is poured into it, and the container is kept on fire until it dissolves completely. The required strength of the solution is when the potato that has been lowered into it emerges. The fat is poured cold with brine, the neck is tied with a clean cloth, and the pot is cleaned for three days in a dark and dry, but not a cool place.
Aromatic brine
Amazing, fragrant and incredibly tasty fat can be obtained in a "lazy" way. Drain the salted tomatoes brine (only if it does not include vinegar!), In a liter of liquid, dissolve a glass of salt and pour the lard in the jar. You do not need to add any spices, and after a week spent in the fridge, you can enjoy a real delicacy.
Grandmother's recipe
There are lovers of boiled bacon. And it really tastes good if cooked properly. You can make "smoked" fat in brine. The way of preparation is still simple. A kilo of the product is cut into large slices, a liter of water boils, half a cup of salt dissolves in it and pepper-peas with a laurel (per eye) and five pressed garlic lobules are laid. After a couple of minutes of a quiet boil, half a glass of onion husk is poured in, and after two more - lumps of fat are put. Cook it for about a half to two hours, after which the work is rubbed with pepper with salt and garlic and hides in the freezer for a day.
Honey brine
In our reserves there is also a very unusual recipe for tasty fat. And it can be called quick-acting: you can eat delicacy on the day of preparation. For him it is better to buy fat with veins and not too thick, it will be much more delicious. For a one and a half kilogram slice boils a liter of water. It is filled with salt, about half a glass, more pepper-peas and laurel, as well as spices. Which, it depends on the cook. Especially popular are cumin, cardamom, cilantro seeds - but here you can give vent to your imagination and add something of your own, your soul. The brine should boil for 3-5 minutes, until the spices give their fragrance to the brine (but they will not start to boil, losing their fragrance). When the marinade is already taken from the fire, three spoons of honey are added to it. If you can find it - lime or motley grass. After this, the brine is insisted for about five minutes and poured into a container, where large slices of the base are stacked. The lid closes, the hour of time is detected - and the delicious delicacy can be sampled.
Lard with greens
People for whom salting is not a new experience, usually use dry seasonings, including spicy herbs. However, people have long noticed that fresh greens give the product a completely unimaginable taste and aroma. You want to make sure - follow this instruction.
A mixture of black with red peppers, pressed garlic and chopped dill is made. The last should be a lot, you can connect it with parsley, basil and cilantro. It is allowed and pofantazirovat: maybe someone likes mint flavor. Salo in the container is laid out layer by layer, each layer is interspersed with the prepared mixture. Tuzluk is made strong, it should pop up a dipped raw egg. When it is boiled, laurel and pea pepper are added to the brine, lovers of witticism can toss a dried spicy pepper, and spicy adherents - pour the paprika. When the composition boils, it cools down and is poured into a container with bacon. On top of the cargo is placed - with it salting will go faster and will be more even. And after a week you can try the delicacy!
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