Food and drinkCooking tips

How to boil soft eggs

Some housewives often happen that, when they put their eggs in a bowl of water, they somehow crack. There are several reasons for this. Try to observe, perhaps you put eggs in hot water. Then here is the answer for you. Still eggs can burst because you cook them in a large bowl, they swing all over the bottom and strike. Or the water boiled, and the eggs were above the surface, or maybe you just turned on the fire too much. Fire should be either medium or small. Adhering to fairly simple recommendations, you can cook eggs as needed.

How to cook boiled eggs right?

Too long to cook eggs is not recommended for the reason that the egg you cooked at best will turn out to be bitter or taste, and its appearance will resemble rubber.

If you want to boil hard-boiled eggs, then it will be enough to boil them for about ten minutes after the water boils. If you prefer eggs in a bag, then cook them for about five minutes. If you are a lover of soft-boiled eggs, then cooking will take no more than three minutes.

Also when cooking eggs, remember that the water in which we will boil the eggs, it is necessary to salt, because such water has a high boiling point, and even if the egg burst, it will flow out less. If you are worried about not bursting eggs, then you can pierce the stupid side of the egg with a needle.

In the event that you do not get to cook exactly such eggs as you want, you can find another way out. There is a special device that can control the process of egg-cooking, and then you will no longer be bothered by the question of how to boil soft-boiled eggs .

The specificity of such a device is that you can set a timer on it and not watch it. He himself perfectly "knows" how many minutes to cook soft-boiled eggs . Strictly after the set time period, the device will turn off and they will never be digested. And in order to easily clean the eggs, you should immediately after they are cooked, put them into cold water and hold for about ten minutes.

How to boil soft-boiled eggs in aerogrill

By the way, very tasty eggs are obtained in aerogrill. Before you cook such eggs, you need to wash them properly and put them in warm water so that they warm up a little. Next, put the eggs on the middle grate and cook for about ten minutes. After six minutes, you need to turn the egg 180 degrees so that it is cooked evenly. So you get a soft-boiled egg. If you need a hard-boiled egg, then you need to cook it for fifteen minutes. Of course, the regime and the amount of time will depend also on the aerogrill itself. The main thing is to adapt.

So it turns out that you live for yourself, you live and one day you make an opening for yourself, how to cook soft-boiled eggs.

How to cook mushrooms

In order to understand how much time should be cooked mushrooms, you must first determine their appearance, because different mushrooms are cooked differently.

In any case, all mushrooms recommend cooking for an average of one hour on a small fire.

If you take mushrooms by type, then, for example, chanterelles, sticks and mushrooms you need to cook for at least one and a half to two hours.

Podberezoviki and boletus boiled for about an hour, but you can and a little more.

White mushrooms need to cook for 35-45 minutes, while you need to constantly remove the foam.

Opyat are cooked in several stages. First they need to boil in one water for about an hour, then drain the water and boil them in new water for about 40-60 minutes.

Fast enough to cook lines and morels - only 10 minutes, as well as champignons - 5-7 minutes.

As for dried mushrooms, they should be cooked for about two hours, and before cooking it is better to pre-soak for four hours.

Frozen mushrooms before cooking should be thawed, and cooked about 20 minutes.

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