Food and drinkRecipes

Hot home ajika: recipe without cooking

Adjika (the recipe without cooking is presented below) is prepared surprisingly quickly, but it turns out very tasty and useful. It is worth noting that such an acute dressing sauce should only be in the season of ripening vegetables. After all, it is at this time of year that there are no problems with the acquisition of all the required ingredients.

Delicious hot adzhika: recipe without cooking

Required components

  • Red tomatoes ripe - 4 kg.
  • Chili pepper - 3 small pieces.
  • Sweet pepper Bulgarian red color - 1,5 kg.
  • Garlic fresh large - 200 gr.
  • Apple vinegar 9% - 200 ml.
  • Sea salt is fine - 2 large spoons.

Choice of main ingredients

The recipe for homemade Adzhika without cooking provides for the use of only ripe and undamaged vegetables. After all, if you do not comply with these requirements and get overripe ingredients that are about to start to deteriorate, the cooked sauce will not last for a long time, nor will it have a special flavor and aroma.

Preparation of main ingredients

To home ajika (the recipe without cooking includes a minimum of components) turned out delicious, it is necessary to thoroughly treat each ingredient. To do this, rinse the ripe tomatoes and dry them with towels. Further it is required to wash the Bulgarian pepper, cut the stem, but at the same time leave the internal septums and seeds in place. You should also clean the cloves of garlic and prepare a hot chili (remove the stem).

Vegetable processing

It should be noted that the recipe for Adzhika without cooking requires the obligatory use of a meat grinder or blender. After all, only with the help of these kitchen devices you will get a delicious homogeneous sauce. In order to cook it, you need to crush the following ingredients in the gruel: red tomatoes, Bulgarian pepper, cloves of garlic and chili. After that, all these ingredients are required to be mixed, pre-flavored with 9% apple cider vinegar and shallow sea salt. Next, cooked sauce should be covered with a newspaper or a towel and left aside exactly for 1 hour. After a lapse of 60 minutes, the adjika is recommended to mix again with a large spoon.

Forming the workpiece

Adjika (the recipe without cooking is presented a little higher) can be stored in the refrigerator throughout the autumn and winter season. But before that, a spicy and fragrant sauce should be spread over dry glass jars. Sterilize them unnecessarily, since the billet is not intended for long-term storage in the cellar. After that, the finished adzhika should be covered with plastic or glass lids.

It is worth noting that the sauce made of fresh vegetables, made without the use of heat treatment, preserves all its vitamins and nutrients. That is why such procurement is very popular among those who monitor their nutrition and health.

You can use homemade adzhika without cooking immediately after cooking it. Usually it is served to dishes such as dumplings, manti, etc.

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