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A short biography of Ryleev, poet, public figure, Decembrist

Rileyev Kondraty Fedorovich, whose brief biography will be considered below, left an amazing trace in Russian history and literature. He was intimately acquainted with Alexander Pushkin and AS Griboyedov, but their relationship was based on common literary interests. Much more solid comradely ties connected Ryleeva with Republicans PG Kakhovsky, MP Bestuzhev-Ryumin and others. From the school bench we know that these people are Decembrists, and five of them gave their lives in the struggle against the autocracy. But what exactly formed Kondratiya Ryleeva as a person, what ways led him to the dungeons of the Peter and Paul Fortress, and then - to the scaffold?

Childhood and youth

A short biography of Ryleev says that he was born in September 1795, and was executed in July 1826. From this we can conclude that he died quite young - he was only thirty years old. But in such a short period of time a writer and a public figure managed to write a lot, and even more to do. Kondraty spent his childhood in the estate of his father - a small landowner - in the village of Batovo near St. Petersburg. He chose a military career for his son, and for six years the boy was sent to study in the capital, in the First Cadet Corps.

A short biography of Ryleev will be incomplete without describing the next stage in the life of the revolutionary, since he is very important, although at first glance it does not seem so. In 1814, a newly-minted artillery officer leaves for France, following the Russian army, which is destroying Napoleon Bonaparte. Life in the "defeated" country had an indelible impression on Ryleyev. If he lived in the 21st century, one could say that he became a fan of the idea of "European integration", but since it began only in the nineteenth century, Raleev had no choice but to become a Republican. At first, he held a moderate position and defended a constitutional monarchy, but the Restoration forced him to change his views on more radical ones.

Return to Russia

Upon returning to his homeland, Rileyev served in the army for a short time. He retired in 1818, and two years later he married passionately and passionately in love with the daughter of the Voronezh landowner Teviashev, Natalia Mikhailovna. A short biography of Ryleev says that the couple had two children: a son who died in infancy, and a daughter. To feed his family, Kondraty Fyodorovich settles down to the position of assessor of the St. Petersburg Criminal Chamber. In 1820, the first work by Ryleev, a literary man, was also published - a satirical ode "To the Temporary", where the author attacked the morals of the "Arakcheevschina".

Literary and social activities

In 1823, Ryleev joined the Northern Society, and together with Bestuzhev began to produce the almanac "Polar Star". Together with Griboyedov he was a member of a literary circle with a slant in freethinking, called "The Academic Republic." He tried himself and as an interpreter from the Polish, thanks to which the "Duma" Glinsky came out in Russia. A short biography of Ryleev to the main works of the writer includes, such as "Ivan Susanin", "The Death of Ermak", as well as poems "Nalivaiko" and "Voinarovsky." But most of all it was glorified by public activity. The brain and engine of the Northern Society of the Decembrists was precisely KFRyleev. A brief biography indicates that since he was a civilian, he did not stand in the revolutionary square on Haymarket Square. Rileyev only came there, but this fact alone was enough to merit a death sentence. He was one of those three hanged, under which the rope broke, but contrary to custom, the verdict was nevertheless carried out.

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