Food and drink, Recipes
Homemade delicacies for the holiday and not only: a recipe for crispy wafers for all occasions
Lovers of gentle, airy, crispy wafers do not need to buy this wonderful treat in the store. Having at home the appropriate devices and a couple of good recipes, you can easily learn how to make such a dessert with your own hands. And pamper yourself and the family with a warm, fresh biscuit even every day!
"Vanilla wonder"
In this article you will find more than one recipe for crispy wafers and for sure you will find something suitable for yourself. The main thing is not to let the wafer herself. And electromixer mistresses, too, it is desirable to acquire. With his help it is more convenient and faster to beat the dough, and the volume increases almost twice, which can not be said when it is prepared by hand. And now, directly, the recipe for crispy wafers. As the main spice is used vanilla, hence their name. Especially delicious these cookies are still hot, only taken out of the waffle iron. You can serve ice cream or whipped cream. Yes, even if you just smear a piece of ordinary butter, dessert will not be worse than an exquisite cookie! This recipe for crispy wafers implies the use of the following products: milk 250 g, half a spoonful of tea soda (or baking powder), margarine or butter 150 g (only in advance get out of the refrigerator to be soft, so it is more convenient to use it in the dough ). Next, sugar is required 70 g, vanilla (or vanilla sugar) - 2 sachets, flour - 200-250 grams, and three eggs.
When studying the recipe for crispy wafers, knead the dough. To do this, cut the butter into small pieces, pour vanilla and sugar to it and beat it with a mixer until the cream is consistently moist. Kill the eggs, only in turn. After each turn on the mixer to stir well.
Wafers "marbled"
Let's suggest one more, tempting and attractive wafers (crispy). Photo, recipe - everything at your service! For their preparation you need: butter (cow) or margarine - 100 g, sugar can be the same or a gram of 20 less. Vanilla will be enough for 1 sachet, eggs - 2 pieces, flour - 200 grams, soda - half a spoonful. You will also need 300 grams of milk, a handful of ground nuts (almonds or walnuts), as well as 2 tablespoons of cocoa and a few spoons of chocolate chips.
In the beginning, as in the previous recipe, butter is beaten with sugar and vanilla to make a smooth cream. Then the eggs are added, the batch continues. Separately from flour with soda and milk mixer make a dough, spread gradually into it the oil mass, making it smooth. Leave for 20 minutes. Now the finished dough is divided into 2 parts, one is mixed with nuts, the other - chocolate with cocoa. After you prepare the form, put into it 2 tablespoons of light and 2 tablespoons of dark dough, stir and bake. Do not put the finished wafers in a pile so that they do not damp, but rather spread one by one on a waffle towel or grill. Sprinkle powder on the table! Or berry syrup, honey - very tasty!
Lacoste on health!
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