
Historical portrait of Yaroslav the Wise. Princes of Kievan Rus

Yaroslav the Wise, the prince of Ancient Rus, is known to any schoolboy. Once a great ruler of a huge state, he now lives peacefully in the pages of a history textbook, opening up to young minds new information about his amazing activities. A true patriot, a fine diplomat, an experienced economist and a true connoisseur of art - all this can be said about the prince. The historical portrait of Yaroslav the Wise can not be briefly described, since the period of his rule is generously laced with good deeds and clever deeds.

War with the brothers for the throne

After the death of Prince Vladimir, Vladimir left many heirs-sons. The elder, Svyatopolk, decided to become a single ruler, for this purpose he killed the younger brothers: Gleb, Boris and Svyatoslav. The survivor Yaroslav, at that time the prince of Novgorod, having learned about the atrocities of a relative, gathered a squad and went to Kiev. The battle for the throne between the brothers was many. Svyatopolk, nicknamed for his wicked temper and intolerant character Cursed, often asked for help from the Pechenegs. The forces were unequal, and Yaroslav retreated. But the Russian people themselves in one day, tired of an unbearable ruler, took up arms and helped the Novgorodian to defeat his brother and take the throne.

A little later he also had to go out on the battlefield with Mstislav, who ruled in Tmutarakan. Another newly-announced brother also wanted to dislodge the more successful son of Vladimir from the throne. But then Yaroslav won. He was very supportive of both the nobility and the simple peasants. Since then, the era of the heyday of Ancient Rus began. The historical portrait of Yaroslav the Wise (circa 988-1054) still speaks today of the courage and profundity of this great ruler.

Why Wise?

Nicknamed the princes of the common people, based on their style of government, habits or character traits. The historical portrait of Yaroslav the Wise makes it clear that he was really deep, with a broad outlook and an analytical mind. The nickname "Wise" was given to him because of his tireless enlightenment activity. He not only read the annals and books, which at that time was considered the peak of learning, he also did everything to ensure that literacy extended to all segments of the population.

Representatives of the clergy, at his instruction, began to teach children the art of reading and writing. Also, the prince opened the first school for boys, which was in Novgorod. In the XI century, it was a big event, which turned the idea of people about life. Buying books in large quantities, the prince collected a huge library and gave it to the St. Sophia Cathedral. Yaroslav the Wise - an example of the historical portrait of the ruler, who constantly thought about the well-being of his subjects and in every way contributed to it.

Introduction of translations

The historical portrait of Yaroslav the Wise testifies to the outstanding reserve of the prince's mind , his amazing abilities in science and creativity. He became the first in Russia who decided not only to read and write books, but also to translate the already existing works of foreign chroniclers and sages.

He respected the wisdom of representatives of other powers, especially his thinkers of ancient Greece. Yaroslav ordered to translate their philosophical treatises, so that people who wanted to read them used their native language, Slavic, thereby improving it and studying deeper. Adhering to this principle, he initiated the destruction of the dependence of Russian scientists on the heritage of Byzantium. And when the question arose of appointing a new metropolitan, he did not call him from abroad, as was customary before, but appointed his own, Hilarion, from the simple Slavic village of Brestov. The church charter, Nomocanon, was also translated into the native language, as the prince had ordered. To be better than everyone, not to be afraid of change are those traits of character that through the ages demonstrate the historical portrait of Yaroslav the Wise. The history of Russia before did not know such rulers.

The first handwritten law in Russia

Yes, Yaroslav the Wise also put his hand to this good and necessary cause. He stands at the origins of the most ancient Russian monument of jurisprudence - "Charter" ("Russian Truth", or "Court of Yaroslavl"). Contemporary researchers unanimously declare that this is not a simple book written by the prince, not only his thoughts and thoughts, but a very profound work in the field of law, a whole collection of laws, customs and practices that have operated in those remote times. It was said that in the creation of the collection, the ruler was assisted by private individuals. But even if they completely wrote "Charter", Yaroslav's contribution can not be overestimated. Since he, at least, patronized them, gathered them all under one roof, united one thing and brought it to the end - he published a collection.

The "Charter" increased the responsibility for killing, arson, damage to livestock and property. He stood guard over the health and life of ordinary people, provided for financial compensation for injuries and insults. He recommended conducting an examination, searching criminals in hot pursuit, checking false evidence - at this still initial level of development of these components of the modern law enforcement system.

The heyday of Kiev

Yaroslav the Wise (1019-1054 - the years of his reign in Kiev) ruled with dignity. For this period comes the flowering of the state and the capital of ancient Rus - Kiev. The prince patronized religion. He welcomed the construction of new churches and churches. During his reign, the first monasteries began to be erected, among them the Kiev-Pechersky, known all over the world. Today it is a whole Lavra, which impresses with its beauty and luxury. This is the center of religious life in Kiev.

Also, Yaroslav fortified this city with a huge rampart, turning it into a real fortress. The southern entrance framed the gates, they were called "Golden" because of the church domes. Also in the center of this part of the city was built the Metropolitan Cathedral, known as the Sophia. These buildings in the old capital of Russian cities have survived to our time in excellent condition. They radiate the glory and strength of our ancestors. Millions of tourists come to Kiev every year to see these man-made miracles.

Thanks to the prince began to actively develop the craft. Masters from all over Russia gathered in Kiev and built a whole settlement here. Now this place is called Podol. The capital of the Russian principality reached its apogee of development and became equal to such European capitals as London and Paris.

The prince's foreign policy

He managed to expand the borders of Russia. His power also covered the western part of Peipsi Lake: on this land Yuryev was built, known today as Estonian Tartu. The desire to make your principality the best is a credo that radiates the historical portrait of Yaroslav the Wise. The history of Russia testifies that he managed to restore power on the Neman over the yatvingas. It completely rebuilt and revived not only Kiev, but also Novgorod, Vladimir-Volynsky, Chernigov.

Yaroslav fortified the borders of the principality, and waged an active struggle with the nomads. When they got to the borders of his state, he collected the squad and successfully repulsed the enemy's attacks. He was feared and respected. Yaroslav was very educated and intelligent person, he was accepted in the most influential countries of Europe: Britain, France, Germany, Norway, Byzantium. The rulers of these powers drank tea with him at the same table, communicated on an equal footing and considered Russia a full-fledged, developed and strong state unit of that time.

Dynastic relations

Prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich Wise, whose political portrait is described in every textbook of history today, showed how valuable marriages he had with a representative of the royal houses in Europe. This also manifested his glorified wisdom. He himself married the daughter of the Swedish King Ingigerde, who was made into a cross in Irina.

His sons also made up a good party. Izyaslav chose the sister of the Polish king, Igor - the princess of Germany, Svyatoslav - the Austrian princess, Vsevolod - the Greek princess from the Monomakh clan, from whom another famous Russian prince Vladimir Monomakh was born.

The daughters of Prince Yaroslav have settled even better. Anastasia married the King of Hungary, Elizabeth - for the Norwegian ruler, Anna - for the French king. As you can see, these dynastic ties further strengthened the position of Russia in the political and economic world arena. And they showed to all European states the strength and power of our glorified ancestors.

Establishment of the Russian Imperial House

To this important moment Jaroslav also put his hand. He managed to become related to almost all of Europe, and this contributed to the prosperity of his great principality. The historical portrait of Yaroslav the Wise shows that an active foreign policy helped him in internal affairs. So, thanks to extensive family ties, he set up trade, began to equip the cities and further strengthen the borders.

The dynastic policy was also approved at the legislative level. Alexander Blessed was the beginning of the Russian Imperial House. According to this resolution, the royal family did not have the right to enter unequal marriages. This sought even more development of the principality. After all, ties with the royal houses of other powers only strengthened the position of Russia, since there was little use from other unions. Blood ties also helped to avoid wars, in the event of an enemy attack, provided active support and assistance, enriched the treasury and developed all spheres of the life of the principality.


The historical portrait of Yaroslav the Wise reveals to us the whole depth of the prince's thought, his foresight and analytical mind. He knew exactly what was needed for the development of the state and clearly followed his plan. Thanks to him, Russia reached the apogee of its development. The economy, trade, art and construction were at their peak. The state not only flourished, it declared itself in the political world arena. With Rus were considered, respected and honored.

What were the heirs of Yaroslav, princes of Ancient Rus? Who are they? Historical portraits show that the Wise had no worthy follower. None of his sons could decisively follow in the footsteps of his father, so this development of Russia in those far years no longer saw. All the achievements of the prince quietly faded, the pace of development declined, and then completely disappeared. A dark medieval clock was approaching, a Time of Troubles. Rus seemed to forget herself in a lethargic sleep, waiting for a new strong and wise ruler.

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