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Artistic analysis: "Boris Godunov" Pushkin AS History of creation, main characters, summary

To understand the meaning of the work is helped by his detailed literary analysis. "Boris Godunov" (Pushkin, as is well known, was always interested in historical subjects) is a play that became a landmark event not only in the domestic but also in the world drama. The tragedy was a turning point in the poet's work, marking his transition from romanticism to realism. For the writer himself, this was a very successful experience in dealing with historical material. The success of the composition determined the further work of the classic in this direction.

Writing a work

First, I should say a few words about the work on the play and the history of the creation of Boris Godunov. заинтересовала писателя потому, что он был очень сложной и противоречивой личностью. The biography of the brother-in-law of Tsar Fedor I Ioannovich interested the writer because he was a very complex and contradictory personality. In addition, the period of his reign was a turning point in the history of Russia, marking the beginning of the Time of Troubles.

That is why the poet turned to the years of his reign, taking as a basis the folk tales of him, as well as the famous "History of the Russian State" by the famous historian NM Karamzin. In the second half of the 1820s the author was carried away by the work of W. Shakespeare and therefore conceived to create his own large-scale tragedy, the plot of which would develop against the background of real events of the past. It is from this and should be based on, telling about what was the story of the creation of Boris Godunov. This historical figure interested the poet by the fact that Boris was a strong, strong-willed and charismatic figure who by his origin could not claim the Moscow throne, but by virtue of his intelligence and talent he achieved what he wanted: he was proclaimed king and he ruled for seven years.


A brief description of the first scene of the work should begin its analysis. "Boris Godunov" (Pushkin was interested in Shakespeare's tragedy, and therefore, like the English playwright, he began with a large-scale artistic sketch of the first scene of the action) is a play in which, according to the generally recognized opinion of critics, the main character is the simple Russian people. Therefore, the first scene immediately opens before the reader a wide panorama of the Kremlin Square, where, in fact, after the death of the last son of Ivan the Terrible Fedor, the destiny of the kingdom was decided.

Representatives of the Zemsky Sobor ordered the congregation to ask Boris Godunov to take the royal title. The latter refuses for a long time, and this plot moves very closely resembles the scene of Shakespeare's play Richard III. However, in the end, he agrees and promises to rule fairly and wisely. The rights of the hero to the throne were explained by the fact that his sister was the wife of the deceased Tsar Feodor, who died childless. The very queen Irina refused power and went to the monastery.

Scene in the monastery

A separate description of the monk Pimen must be included in this literary analysis. "Boris Godunov" (Pushkin always attracted the image of the Russian chronicler, whom he embodied in his play) is a work that differs from the historical chronicles of Shakespeare by a large coverage of the place and time of the action. The next scene occurs five years after the events described above. The poet describes the peace work of the monk Pimen, who is working on his chronicle. His monologue is a wonderful example of an old speech imbued with profound philosophical meaning. It sounds about the fate of Russia and the place of man in history. Monk argues that descendants should know the fate of their homeland. His long work and humble mood contrast sharply with the behavior of Grigory Otrepiev, who decided to occupy the Moscow throne, calling himself the name of the murdered prince Dmitry Uglich, the youngest Tsar Ivan the Terrible.

History of Otrepyev

Characteristics of this character must necessarily include artistic analysis. "Boris Godunov" (Pushkin always attracted the personality of the adventurous warehouse, and this character embodies this type of hero) is a drama that is built on a dynamic plot that includes political intrigue and philosophical problems. So, Gregory fled from the monastery and tried to cross the Lithuanian border.

However, at the inn, the guards almost caught him. Grigory deceived his pursuers and managed to hide in Krakow. Here he began to gather strength to march on Moscow and at the same time took care of the daughter of the local voevoda Marina Mnishek.

The image of the main character

In the tragedy "Boris Godunov", a brief summary of which should be retold on the main stages of the drama, a psychological portrait of the king is given. First, the author shows him in the family circle, in a conversation with his daughter and son. In these passages the reader sees in him a caring father who cares about the happiness of his heirs.

From his conversation with his son it becomes obvious that Boris is a wise ruler who deals with public affairs and seeks to teach his successor the same. But then follows the scene in which he appears before the reader in a completely different way. The Tsar blames himself for the murder of Tsarevich Dmitri (this fact is not confirmed by historical science, but the author used the popular rumor) and is afraid that this crime will affect his fate. He tries with all his might to be a just and wise ruler, but the thought of the death of the child does not give him rest. Thus, the author gave a detailed psychological portrait of the king, revealing it from two sides and showing his secret mental suffering.

Characteristics of Otrepyev

Great importance in the historical subjects attributed to his work AS Pushkin. The drama "Boris Godunov" tells about one of the most dramatic events in the past of Rus - the beginning of the Time of Troubles, which almost led to the fall of state independence.

The author pays much attention to the image of Otrepiev, who became an impostor and took the Moscow throne. In the writer's view, it was a man of adventurous store: alive, cunning and very ambitious. In the scene in the frontier tavern, he showed dexterity, ingenuity, and restraint, having managed to escape from the chase. The work "Boris Godunov", whose characters are distinguished by a strong and outstanding character, attracts readers not only with an interesting and dynamic plot, but also carefully written characters that seem to have come down from the pages of Karamzin's famous work. The pretender has become one of the main key figures of the work, although the play does not show his direct confrontation with the king.

Image of a monk

On the basis of historical material, Pushkin built his work. "Boris Godunov" (the chronicler Pimen in the drama under consideration turned out to be one of the most memorable characters) is a tragedy in which a whole gallery of portraits of the late 16th-early 17th century is represented. The monk of the monastery, where Grigory Otrepiev lived for some time , is represented in the play as the embodiment of wisdom, peace and tranquility. He is busy writing a chronicle about the events of past times, and it is with his eyes that the reader sees the past, as he himself was an eyewitness of great events. From his monologue, we learn about his quivering and reverential attitude towards his work: Pimen understands the importance of creating a chronicle about national history. The whole play "Boris Godunov" is imbued with historical authenticity. The passage describing the scene in the Miracle Monastery is especially solemn, as the monk's speech breathes peace and tranquility, and his calm contrasts with the restless mood of Grigory Otrepiev.

The people in the drama

According to the generally recognized opinion of critics, the author has brought to the fore simple people who are constantly present in the most important stages of the work. Initially, when the tsar was elected, ordinary residents of the capital gathered in the Kremlin square to ask him to occupy the Moscow throne.

In the scene in the frontier tavern again there are people from the social lower classes of society: the hostess of the inn, ordinary soldiers. This is what distinguishes the play "Boris Godunov" from the historical chronicles of Shakespeare. The passage in the finale is especially eloquent and meaningful: at the decisive moment of the proclamation of the king of the impostor, the assembled crowd is silent. This is the author showed that at the moment the fate was decided at the top, among the boyars, who took the side of Otrepiev. This scene is, in fact, the culmination, although the poet made it to the very end.

So, the people in the tragedy "Boris Godunov" is the main character. This feature of the drama reflected in the opera of the same name by the famous Russian composer M. Mussorgsky, in which choral parts are of paramount importance.

The War Begins

The play "Boris Godunov", the brief content of which is the subject of this review, consists of several scenes that are united by one common idea - the opposition of man and power. The next scene begins with a description of the military actions of the impostor. He moves to Moscow in the hope of seizing power. However, in the capital, Boris unexpectedly dies, but succeeds in his death before blessing his elder son Fedor to reign. Among the boyars in the meantime, the idea has matured to rebel against the children of the deceased ruler, and one of them proclaims the impostor king. The play ends with the silence of the people.

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