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Heating batteries: varieties and application features

Officially , radiators are called radiators. They are used to create a comfortable environment in the room and have a wide variety of species. When replacing the existing or creating a new heating system, it is necessary to take into account that for the autonomous and central heating, the appropriate types of radiators are used, which have their own characteristics.

Heating batteries, cast-iron

These devices are very common. Most of the high-rise buildings are connected to central heating, which operates with the help of boiler rooms. In panel houses, the system is designed in such a way that for its functioning it is necessary to drain the water in the off-season and perform washing. As a result of these measures, the formation of corrosion increases, eddy currents arise , the pressure in the system rises. Therefore, the feasibility of using cast-iron radiators remains relevant today.

Cast iron has increased anti-corrosion properties. The material has a good thermal inertia, so the heating batteries cool for a long time. Also, the large diameter of the radiator ducts reduces the risk of their clogging with scale and slurry. A good flow is important in the operation of systems with natural circulation. Devices are recommended to install in homes where the source of heating is a solid fuel boiler.

Heating batteries made of aluminum

These products have some advantages over cast iron ones. This is a higher heat output, and, consequently, faster heating of the room, modern design, low weight, less amount of coolant used. Based on the technological features of batteries, aluminum radiators can not be installed in a central heating system. This is due to the demand for the material of the product to the chemical composition of the heat carrier.

When heating, hydrogen is released, which helps to corrode the metal. In addition, aluminum devices can not be mounted together with brass and cast iron parts. There is also another danger for such products - these are wandering currents. Under the influence of these factors, aluminum heating batteries can "melt away" in a matter of months. Currents can occur in the event that the neighbors from above make grounding of the power supply to the pipes, as well as in other situations.

But aluminum devices are successfully used in homes with autonomous heating, in which the quality of the coolant is much higher. In this case, the period of use of materials will be long enough, and high energy efficiency will yield significant savings.

Steel heating batteries

These products by their properties are in the middle between the two types of radiators described. A distinctive feature is the ability to select a single section, which can be any configuration. There is no need to create multiple connections, which increases the reliability of the entire system.

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