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Do you know what rhythm is?

Surely, many people often hear such expressions as "rhythm of the heart", "musical rhythm". And not everyone knows what rhythm is.

If you translate this word from Greek, it will mean dimensionality, consistency. To all who are interested in the question "What is a rhythm?", It will be interesting to know that this is a successive alternation of movements, sounds, and so on. For example, with such concepts as changing the seasons, day and night, pendulum beating, breathing, the above term is also used. What is rhythm? This category is inextricably linked with words cycle, cyclicity, periodicity.

Most people who have an idea of what a rhythm is, associates it with dancing and music.

Rhythm in music is a clear alternative to long and short sounds. Otherwise, this alternates the duration of notes in a certain order. During the work with the musicians, in order to control the term in question, they use a special device called a metronome. Each nationality has its own musical tradition. In the sounds of drums, rhythm is of paramount importance. In music, there is such a term as the "rhythm section" of the ensemble, which consists of bass, drums, accordion. They also "set the tone" in music.

Often you can hear the phrase "in the rhythm of the dance." This is a coordinated, coordinated order of movements. In the dance, African, Russian, Gypsy rhythm is distinguished. At the same time, foreign rhythms, for example the Spanish dance Flamenco, are incredibly colorful and incendiary.

The concept of rhythm is characteristic of literature. It is the rhythm of verses that differ from prose. There are rhythmic components such as line, stop and syllable in verse. In rhyming lines, the number of syllables should be the same, and the stresses should be consistent, otherwise it will be impossible to achieve the desired rhythm.

Also distinguish poetic dimensions, each of which has its own rhythm: anapaest, trochee, dactyl, iamb.

No less common phrase "natural rhythms".

All processes occurring in nature are cyclical: after a day follows the night, and in the winter comes the fall.

It is characterized by such concepts as the frequency of ionospheric emissions, the cycles of solar activity, the pulsation of the geomagnetic field. Natural rhythms have a close relationship with human biorhythms. This postulate proves the fact that a huge number of people are energetically active during the daytime, while at night everyone prefers to rest and restore the spent forces. Each person has his own biorhythms, while in all people they are dependent on the physiological processes occurring in the body.

Among other things, there are rhythms in architecture and painting. In such creative activities rhythm is of paramount importance, since without it the work of real professionals can not be simply identified, it is a kind of "brand name".

Thus, rhythm plays a crucial role in human life, because it is the basis of the universe.

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