HealthQuit Smoking

What is nicotine? Physical and chemical properties. Nicotine in cigarettes, the effect of nicotine on the body

Smoking cigarettes is detrimental and one of the most difficult addictions. Even a schoolboy knows about what nicotine is and what its impact on the body is. This substance, which goes hand in hand with tobacco, is what causes dependence on all smokers. It harms the body, spoils the respiratory and vascular system, can cause serious illnesses. But now we propose to consider what nicotine is in a broader context, relying not only on the recommendations of the Ministry of Health, but also on its chemical composition, as well as the distribution history.


The term "nicotine" appeared in the era of the Early Middle Ages, when most of Europe still actively used Latin in everyday speech. The phrase Nicotiana tabacum called the leaves of tobacco in Portugal, and one scientist named Jean Nico considered them a remedy for headaches. It was he, by the way, brought this plant to France, where he began to study its properties actively. Thanks to his experience, alchemists have developed a whole system of distillation of tobacco, the final product of which was the purest nicotine. A brownish liquid, having an oily structure, was widely used in medicine. With her help they treated asthma, colds, eczema and even epilepsy. Later, scientists of the XVIII and XIX centuries were able to withdraw nicotine, using certain chemical operations.

Chemical composition

First, let's find out what nicotine is from a scientific point of view, what elements are included in its composition and what end products it includes. So, this substance belongs to the category of alkaloids, it is endowed with the properties of weak alkalis. It also shows an increased nitrogen content. Nicotine molecules are maximally concentrated in the leaves and stems of tobacco, and in small amounts are present in makhorka, tomatoes, potatoes and green pepper. It should be noted that the process of nicotine biosynthesis provokes the formation of toxic substances that are deadly to insects. To man these poisons also cause harm, but the lethal outcome, as a rule, can come only after excessive use of nicotine.

What happens when a person smokes?

Nicotine is characterized by rapid accumulation in all tissues of the body. Getting into the oral cavity, it penetrates into the lungs and is absorbed literally into all the walls and membranes through which it passes. Passing through the lungs, it descends into the stomach, its particles also penetrate into the blood and penetrate from the inside to the surface of the skin. Also it is necessary to say that one tightening is enough for nicotine to reach the brain, where it contacts the main neurons and temporarily blocks their full-scale vital activity. Completely out of the body this substance comes out after only 1.5-2 days.

The effect of nicotine on the body

The essence of the influence of this substrate lies in its effect on the neural connections, which are called synapses. Their work is somewhat paralyzed, resulting in the following symptoms:

  • Heart palpitations are increasing.
  • Increases the percentage of adrenaline.
  • Glucose passes into the blood from the liver.
  • Increases pressure, because the vessels narrow.
  • In the brain, there is a release of mediators, which provokes a psychostimulating effect.

In other words, it is possible to formulate what is nicotine. It is a drug that stimulates the production of a certain hormone in the body, and also affects the dopamine neurotransmitters that function in the brain, thereby inducing the smoker to try it again and again. Those who have not smoked for long, knows that it is necessary to spend a couple of days, and the body will be able to overcome this dependence, as the poisons from it completely come out. But people who smoke for a very long time, realize that nicotine in cigarettes causes them not only physiological, but also psychological dependence, getting rid of which is not easy.


Nicotine is a highly toxic substance. As an example, you can consider adolescents, many of whom start smoking. If a young organism receives the amount of nicotine that is contained in half the pack of cigarettes in 2-3 hours, a person will fall into a coma because of the paralysis of the respiratory and circulatory system. Of course, how much nicotine is consumed by adult smokers can not cause clinical death, but can well contribute to the development of cancer in various organs. Moreover, over time, the activity of the nervous system is dulled, and cells are unable to transfer the entire flow of information to the brain. A visible result of this can be a dullness of pain, a hindered reaction, a lack of happiness and many other mental abnormalities.

What is nicotine poisoning?

Even experienced smokers are not insured against this phenomenon. In order to poison your body, it is enough to exceed the usual dose for him, and nicotine will use all its poisons. What are the external symptoms of cigarette poisoning?

  • Arrhythmia.
  • Overexcitation or, conversely, apathy.
  • Pallor.
  • Cold sweat and chills.
  • Violation of vision clarity, the appearance of ringing in the ears and dizziness.
  • Nausea or vomiting.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Salivation.
  • General weakness.
  • Convulsions.
  • Rapid breathing.

In the case of such symptoms after smoking, you should immediately seek medical help. It is worth noting that such incidents rarely pass without a trace. Such people subsequently develop tachycardia, atherosclerosis, the risk of getting a heart attack increases, gastritis or ulcer appears or the heart's work gets completely worse.

From nicotine is the benefit

A well-known medical proverb says: "Everything is poison, everything is medicine; Both determine the dose. " We have already found out that the ancient alchemists used nicotine as a universal cure, which calmed and healed. Is this substance used in medicine today? Strange as it may seem, yes. In very small doses, nicotine is used to treat the following ailments:

  • Alzheimer's disease.
  • Parkinson's disease.
  • Shingles.
  • Attention Deficit Syndrome.
  • Ulcer of the intestine.

Also, modern researchers are actively engaged in studying the hidden properties of this component. It is likely that in the near future he will be present in many tablets and medicines that will help us cope with various serious ailments.

Electronic cigarettes: what is it?

Recently, during the popularization of a healthy lifestyle, so-called nicotine-free cigarettes have become fashionable, which are an electronic device that simulates standard smoking. This device consists of a battery and a special liquid that the smoker draws in and releases in the form of smoke. Initially, electronic cigarettes were filled with liquids containing nicotine analogues, which supposedly did not have a bad effect on the body. However, it turned out that the chemical composition of this filler did not receive the necessary approval and is not certified.

Will an electronic cigarette stop smoking?

After a person has spent many years of his life in tobacco dependence, a sharp cessation of the use of this component can become a shock to the body both physiologically and mentally. For this reason, the well-known manufacturers of electronic cigarettes have created a special nicotine for electronic cigarettes, which, they claim, causes less harm to the body. The bottom line is that its content in the liquid is less than in a conventional cigarette. Moreover, nicotine is mixed with other components that slightly neutralize its effect. It is impossible now to say unequivocally whether this thing is harmful or not, worse or better it than a pack of cigarettes. Many can not abandon the traditional form of smoking, so its popularity does not fall, despite the emerging analogues.

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