HealthQuit Smoking

How to get rid of bad habits and start a new life

Habits are an integral part of a person's life, making him individual. However, not all of them can be called useful, on the contrary, each of us has a certain number of habits that we would like to get rid of. But, unfortunately, we are inclined to postpone these seemingly insignificant things in a long box. However, if you think about it, rejecting bad habits would greatly simplify our life and become an occasion for pride in ourselves, and therefore in this article we will consider this eternal theme.

Relevance of the problem

From childhood to old age a person acquires new skills daily, which later become his habits. So, for example, automatically we turn off water, gas and light, we tie a tie, go to work, without even understanding the roads. But among all this everyday bustle, those habits that are wasting our time, putting us in an embarrassing position before other people, show us not from the best side to the children, creep, thus, a bad example. Therefore, the question "how to get rid of bad habits" is far from the last point in the list of pressing problems. However, people often think that it is too difficult and requires enormous effort to drop this and take a step towards their brighter future, because this issue remains hanging in the air. But still there are simple ways how to get rid of bad habits and start a new life, and then we will analyze each of them in detail.

First step

To begin with, try to remember when and why you allowed this or that bad habit to intrude into your life. Perhaps this was not the best time, and you were obsessed with remorse or some problems. Before thinking about how to get rid of bad habits, remind yourself that they do not pursue happy people, but only weak characters and dissatisfied with their position. Perhaps now you will tell yourself that you are quite happy with yourself and with your life, but if you observe yourself, you will be able to notice which moments and situations you most often "seize", "wash down", "light" or spend in insomnia . The first step to understanding how to get rid of bad habits is to reveal the soil on which they are born. These can be problems at work, quarrels with the companion of life, negative thoughts about the future and so on. Therefore, first of all you need to learn how to cope with your problems without cigarettes, alcohol, insomnia and other things.

Second step

Summon all your imagination to help, to decide for yourself how to get rid of bad habits. To do this, first, come up with about a dozen alternative exercises in those moments when you want to pick up a cigarette or nibble your nails. So, for example, you can regale yourself with your favorite candy, watching a funny movie or listening to popular music, it can be anything. Secondly, imagine how you will be proud of yourself and brag about your friends and acquaintances that you have managed to overcome these baser whims. And even better - imagine with a happy smile on your face, how you can praise yourself for every month or week without bad habits. New dress, tickets for hockey, rest with friends - fill your life with more joy.

Third step

Connect to this and your loved ones, turn the rejection of bad habits into a collective activity! Let your wife spoil you with your favorite meal or a pleasant evening alone, the children share their interests and spend more time at home. Tell everyone about your firm intention and call on the same friends, because coping with the task alone is always more difficult. And at the same time you will look after each other and control. A great incentive will be if by punishment for violation you do something material, the loss of which will be really felt. So, for example, one of the incentives to address the issue of "how to get rid of bad habits quickly" can be an official honest debate on something significant. Or you can agree to give a friend an amount of money as a penalty for each violation. So it will be more closely watched for your own enrichment, and you will restrain yourself from saving.

The fourth step

Maximally distract yourself from your bad habits, switch your attention and spend time on more pleasant things. If you are alone, find the object of adoration, and even better - the conquests, whether it is a partner in a relationship or the conquest of a creative Olympus. If you are married, start refreshing the relationship with your spouse or make repairs in the house. If you already have children, engage in their upbringing, or even better - teach them something useful and interesting for you both: to ride a bicycle, to make models of ships or planes, to sculpt from plasticine, to draw portraits - anything.

Process value

So you switch your thoughts to pleasant things, life will become more joyful, and the need to use bad habits will disappear by itself. And, believe me, you yourself will not notice how you can manage without them for weeks, then months, and then forget them altogether. And, of course, the question of how to get rid of bad habits: smoking nails, smoking, seizing problems, etc., will all but lose its relevance. And all because you will become a happy person, and everything superfluous will be left behind. Remember once and for all that bad habits are pursued only by weak people, dissatisfied with their lives, and therefore - get rid of this list.

Special Topic

However, no matter how hard it is to control oneself, it is even harder to keep track of your children. After all, often parents, having noticed from their child any bad habit, include a totalitarian regime and build all the deliverance from it on the prohibition, punishment and penal system. And this is fundamentally wrong. First, as in the case of adults, you need to understand the origins of the problem. Psychologists say that in a bad habit a child is looking for some sensations that are necessary for him at the moment. So, for example, children gnaw nails or bite their lips when they worry, are nervous because of failures at the school or in their relationships with their peers, and especially often because of problems in the family. After all, they are trying to calm themselves, to concentrate on the important, to get distracted from their experiences. Starting from this, it is worthwhile to build a strategy of struggle.


To the question "how to get rid of bad habits" (for children it is especially relevant), the answer is extremely simple: engage your offspring, dear parents! Speak with them heart to heart, more often get out on cultural rest, spend time with them at home, become their faithful assistants and best friends. Of course, this does not mean that you need to pursue them around the clock, not at all. Just be more attentive to them. And let the appearance of a bad habit in the child will be for you not an extra reason to shout at him, but cause to be concerned about his life and show more interest to him. And most importantly, do not forget that parents are the brightest and most authoritative example in the eyes of a child. So do not scandalize in the family, learn to restrain your emotions for the sake of the future of your child, help him cope with his personal experiences, reward for success, nurture his healthy pride, develop self-control. After all, as the song says, "the weather in the house is most important, and everything else is vanity." Hence the conclusion: in a happy family the child will not focus on his problems and learn to cope with them without bad habits.

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