HealthQuit Smoking

"Light" cigarettes are even more dangerous for health than ordinary cigarettes?

Even a schoolboy knows nowadays that smoking causes lung cancer. However, cigarette manufacturers provide smokers with more "healthy" alternatives in the form of products with special filters. It is believed that "light" cigarettes are less dangerous. But is it worth it to believe obsessive advertising? Let's talk about this in more detail.

Special filters are responsible for the occurrence of adenocarcinoma

In connection with the widespread increase in the popularity of healthy lifestyles, tobacco companies risk losing an impressive portion of consumers. "Caring for human health" - it was under this slogan that special cigarette filters were launched. And now on the packs of famous brands are often marked "soft" or "light." However, according to the latest research, smoking of "soft" tobacco has not become a salvation for people. Employees of the University of Ohio under the leadership of Peter Shields found out: there is a clear correlation between the filters with ventilation holes and the increased cases of adenocarcinoma diagnosis. Manufacturers once again turned around the fingers of gullible tobacco lovers. Many people are sure that "light" cigarettes are less dangerous to health, like ordinary tobacco.

The inventors of the filter pursued a good purpose

The cigarette filter was invented in the 60s of the XX century, and, of course, the inventors pursued good goals. They did not want to harm smokers and sincerely believed that from now on smoking would be less dangerous. However, very soon the planet expected a surge of registered cases of the lacquer of the lungs. Since then, every decade, the percentage of smokers dying from adenocarcinoma is steadily increasing. And now we can safely say about the scale of this epidemic.

What is the difference between ordinary cigarettes and "light"?

In fact, these two types of tobacco products do not differ in any way, with only one difference: the cigarette filter in the second variant has a special perforation. According to the inventors, the structure they created had to dilute the concentrated tobacco smoke with air.

Access to secret data

It is curious that the tobacco companies conducted their own tests, during which it became clear that the filter not only does not reduce the amount of toxic substances entering the lungs of the smoker, but also changes the structure of the smoke itself. However, this information could not be brought to the court of the public, otherwise cigarette sales would fall sharply. The results of all the studies were in classified folders, and only now independent researchers managed to access them. In total, the team from the University of Ohio was able to analyze about three thousand documents, which reflected the tests of "light" cigarettes and internal statistics.

Conclusions of the study

On the one hand, "light" cigarettes reduce the concentration of resins inhaled by the smoker, but on the other hand, it does not save from the development of lung cancer. Adenocarcinoma is considered a particularly aggressive form of this severe disease. Scientists have no doubt that the filter changes the principle of combustion of tobacco, which leads to an increase in the concentration of toxic substances. Thus, the smoker thinks that he inhales less concentrated smoke, but in fact his lungs get even more harmful substances than when smoking conventional cigarettes. And the very design of the filter allows carcinogens to penetrate into the lungs even deeper. Unfortunately, a false feeling about a lower concentration of nicotine is really present.

Opinion of an independent expert

Michael Fiore, MD, who does not take part in the study, says: "People think these cigarettes are less dangerous, which allows them to take deeper puffs and smokes more on average, they can hold the smoke in their mouth longer. Even more increases the amount of toxins that the body of a smoker receives.Tabacco companies are obliged to stop labeling packs, they should not continue to mislead people. " Meanwhile, the authors of the study propose to introduce a ban on the use of filters with a special perforation.

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