HealthQuit Smoking

Tablets from smoking "Champix": reviews and instructions for use

The problem of quitting smoking has long been considered one of the most urgent. Nothing has changed now. The number of smokers increases every year. Many nicotine lovers get used to smoking cigarettes at a very young age. In adolescents, such an act is associated with concepts of adulthood. But time goes by, the body gets used, dependence on nicotine is formed. And then health problems begin: gray complexion, dry cough, premature wrinkles in women. Unfortunately, all the harm of cigarettes for our body, we begin to realize too late. Not everyone turns out to give up on their own. In such cases, you can resort to medication. For example, choose tablets from smoking "Champix". Today they are popular. They are recommended by doctors, celebrities, ordinary people. Why? How did they deserve this recognition? Let's try to figure this out together.

What Statistics Mean

Constant sociological research and surveys indicate that there are few comforting facts. In all countries of the world, the number of men who smoke is 50%. A smoking women varies from 10% to 50%. This is very much. Almost half of the world's population is in the clinging embrace of nicotine. Therefore, the tablets against smoking "Champix" are so relevant today. After all, almost 70% of smokers, realizing the harm of nicotine, tend to quit smoking. But it turns out this is not all, but only 5%. And it's not even a matter of willpower, although it can also play a major role in your quest to start a healthy lifestyle. But we must also take into account one more factor. Nicotine causes no less dependence than drugs. For example, cocaine or heroin. And it's not always possible for a person to cope on his own, as there are strong changes in the body. And here the tablets "Champix" from smoking come to the aid. Do they help? Feedback indicates the desired effect. But what explains the effectiveness of the drug?

A few words about nicotine

To answer this question, you just need to understand how nicotine acts. And then you can choose ways to deal with it. For example, tablets from nicotinic dependence "Champix".

The thing is that, getting into our body, nicotine affects the special receptors of the brain. Therefore, a few seconds after the person took a long time with a cigarette, he begins to experience pleasant sensations. They are associated with the release into the blood of a special hormone. Doctors call it dopamine, or "pleasure hormone." But over time, its concentration decreases, and the smoker again begins to feel discomfort. There is a need for a new cigarette to get a portion of pleasure.

History of the "Champix"

As you can see, the vicious vicious circle is obvious. He leads to the fact that about 3 million people die each year from smoking. Such figures can not but alert. For a long time scientists have been struggling to find a way to save the world from the nicotine plague. And at the beginning of the 21st century, an outlet was found. There were tablets from smoking "Champix". The merit in their invention belongs to the Center for Neurobiology of the company called Pfizer. It was the employee of this institution - Jotam Ko - who became the pioneer and developed tablets to help quit smoking.

How do the Champix tablets work?

So there were tablets "Champix" from smoking. Do they help? What is the scheme of their action? Let's go back to the behavior of nicotine. It turns out that its effect on the receptors can be blocked. How to do it? Very simple. The place of nicotine needs to be taken up by another substance. Then he will not be able to perform his functions and have a stimulating effect. Not finding a place, nicotine will leave the body and not do him any harm.

It is according to this scheme and operates a newfangled tool from the company Pfizer. It affects the receptors of the brain, thereby replacing nicotine. As a result, the harmful substance is blocked. A person does not get any pleasure from a cigarette. For this, and appreciated tablets from smoking "Champix". The testimonies of those people who are already taking them testify that during the tightening they not only do not feel any positive emotions, but, on the contrary, experience an unpleasant taste. Thus, the craving for smoking is significantly reduced. The strength of the desire to drag on the cigarette becomes less and less.

But the Champix tablets also have one more useful feature. They are able to ease the symptoms that arise when giving up smoking. That is, a person suffers less physically.

What do the doctor's say?

Before starting treatment with an innovative drug, it's good to listen to specialists. Doctors highly appreciate tablets from smoking "Champix". The doctors' comments say that this remedy really helps to win the fight against nicotine. Many people, considered to be inveterate smokers, easily parted with this addiction.

World statistics also serves as a confirmation of their words. The drug was put on sale in 2006 after clinical trials. Smokers from different countries took an active part in it. During the year, 9,000 people used the "Champix" pill for smoking. And 2007 was a landmark year for Pfizer. The drug, developed by Jotam Ko, received the Galen Award. In medicine, it is equated to the Nobel Prize.

However, despite such worldwide recognition, all doctors talk about the side effects that can arise when taking the remedy. Decided to choose a pill from smoking "Champix"? The instruction will tell you about all its properties. It's nice to visit a doctor to consult with him. A visit to a doctor who knows everything about your health will help avoid unpleasant surprises during treatment.

Let's talk more about Champix

So, you decided to quit smoking? The Champix tablets can help you with this. After all, they contain varenicline. This substance is called a nicotine antagonist. Varenicline is able to stimulate nicotinic receptors. But, unlike nicotine itself, its effect on them is minimal. He is able to influence the mechanism responsible for creating a sense of pleasure from a smoked cigarette. Vareniclin simply blocks it. As a result, the smoker does not feel any effect of the tightening, and the need for nicotine is gradually declining. In addition, varenicline is able to alleviate the withdrawal syndrome, which immediately appears with the rejection of tobacco products.

Secrets of varenicline

How does varenicline that contains the Champix tablets affect us? The instruction gives detailed information about this substance.

  • Varenicline is well absorbed into the blood, which ensures its effectiveness. The maximum concentration is achieved 3-4 hours after taking the drug.
  • The substance goes not only to the brain. It is evenly distributed among the tissues.
  • It is noteworthy that varenicline practically does not change its composition and does not enter into any reactions in the body. 92% of the drug is excreted unchanged. And only the remaining 8% leave our body in the form of metabolites.
  • Excretion of the substance takes place after about 24 hours. That is, after a day in your body, the presence of varenicline will not be detected.
  • In addition, this drug can be used together with other medicines. Clinical studies have shown that varenicline does not have any negative indicators when interacting with other medicines.
  • But taking the drug on the background of alcoholic intoxication can lead to psychoneurological complications. Seizures are one of the easiest consequences in such situations.
  • Poorly coexists with varenicline and other anti-smoking agents. For example, with the same "Nicoretta". In such cases, the risk of an increase in side effects is possible.

Contraindications for use

Many smokers saw the light at the end of the tunnel after they began to use tablets from smoking "Champix". Feedback indicates their effectiveness. But do not rush in the nearest pharmacy to buy several packages at once. They may not be useful to you. The fact that this tool has its contraindications.

  1. It is better to stop using the drug during lactation and pregnancy.
  2. It is also not recommended to use it for people who have a history of mental disorders.
  3. In cases of hypersensitivity to varenicline, the use of medication is out of the question.

In addition, tablets from smoking "Champix" can not be accepted:

  1. To teenagers who have not reached 18 years.
  2. Drivers and pilots. Because the drug helps to reduce attention.
  3. People who, due to their duty, are associated with precise mechanisms. The reason for the contraindication is the same - the inability to concentrate and the distracted attention.

Side effects

It is worth taking precautions against pills against smoking "Champix". Reviews of former smokers indicate that during the treatment they felt an incomprehensible alarm, anxiety. Cases of insomnia were frequent. In principle, all these symptoms should not frighten you. After all, they are typical for all who quit smoking, even without resorting to this drug. Sometimes you can see increased pressure, dilated pupils. This is also quite an explicable phenomenon that passes, it costs the body to clear itself of nicotine. However, there are also more serious side effects. For example, these are:

  • Decreased tactile sensitivity.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Swelling of the tongue or larynx.
  • Spasms of muscles.
  • Hallucinations.
  • Vomiting or stool with blood.
  • Exacerbation of various diseases, frequent infection with viral infections.

Once you notice these symptoms, you should stop taking the drug immediately and consult a doctor. The doctor will help you adjust the dose. It is possible that it will reduce it. Then the body will be easier to get used to the lack of nicotine.

Application of "Champix" tablets

The main advantage of this medication is the fact that you do not need to quit smoking abruptly. So, already one stress less. You can refuse cigarettes when you have already completed the entire course. But experts recommend to forget about the desire to make an inhaling already in the second half of the treatment.

To do this, it is better to determine in advance for yourself the date when you decide to abandon cigarettes. Psychologists recommend choosing a day timed to an important event for you. You can start taking the drug one week before the chosen date.

All the Champix tablets are numbered. This provides additional convenience, allowing you to orient, when and which tablet should be taken.

Champix Reception Scheme

At once I want to make a reservation that the course of treatment consists of 84 days. Sometimes an additional course of the same duration (12 weeks) is prescribed. If, as a result of the treatment, the necessary results were not achieved, the doctor may prescribe a repeated main course.

You can take the pill at any time, regardless of the meal. They should be washed down with a full glass of water. This is how they will be better absorbed by the body.

There is a special scheme for taking the drug:

  • The first 3 days you take 1 white pill once a day.
  • The next 4 days the dose increases. You have to drink 1 white pill 2 times a day. During this period, it is desirable to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day.
  • In the next 11 weeks, you consume 1 blue pill twice a day. As a rule, by this time the body has already fully adapted to the drug, the manifestation of side effects is reduced. It is during this period that you should definitely quit smoking.
  • During the supplementary course, you need to take blue pills twice a day.

In the event that you are afraid that the habit in the process of treatment does not disappear completely, it is allowed not to immediately stop taking the pills, but gradually reduce the dose of varenicline. In addition, this approach to treatment can prevent signs of unmotivated aggression, insomnia, depression, manifestations of which are possible if the drug is stopped abruptly.

Elderly people, as well as patients with impaired renal and hepatic function, a dose change in some cases is not required. However, if side effects manifest themselves too much, it is worth consulting with a doctor. As a rule, it reduces the dose in the second half of the treatment to one tablet per day.

Tips for professionals: how to quit smoking

Many psychologists say that no matter how effective the medicine may be, it can prove powerless in the fight against smoking. Here it is quite appropriate to paraphrase folk wisdom: "At Champix, hope, but do not be bad yourself." The fact is that in order to achieve positive results, you need to have your own desire and motivation. Sociological studies show that the most successful was the treatment of those patients who seriously decided to quit smoking.

Also important in this case is the support of close people, colleagues, acquaintances. If someone with you will smoke with a cigarette, you may well break. Therefore, we must either reduce communication with such people to a minimum, or go away during breaks somewhere far away.

Choose: "Champix" or "Tabex"

Among the analogues of "Champix" there is a drug such as "Tabex". Many choose it because it is cheaper. But clinical trials have shown that cytisine (on the basis of which an analogue is made) acts less efficiently than varenicline. With the use of "Champix" a person has an aversion to cigarettes, and, as a rule, he no longer comes back to them. This is a more modern and effective tool. It is worth, of course, much more expensive than Tabex.

The price of two packages, which contain 11 tablets of 500 micrograms and 14 tablets of 1 mg, is 1300-1400 rubles. For 112 tablets of 1 mg, you put about 3200 rubles. Of course, the cost can vary in different regions.

Maybe someone "Champix" pills seem too expensive, but it's been known for a long time that it's better not to save on your own health.

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