HealthQuit Smoking

The best way to quit smoking: review, features and effectiveness

Everyone knows that smoking causes serious damage to health. However, not everyone can get rid of the addictive habit, since nicotine causes serious addiction and dependence. But if a person decides to get rid of cravings for cigarettes, stopping to seriously damage his health and the health of people around him, it is worth remembering that there are many ways to help cope with smoking and permanently abandon the addiction. A person needs to choose the best way to quit smoking, which is right for him.

Advantages of quitting smoking

In order to create an incentive to combat smoking, it is necessary to understand the advantages of abandoning this harmful habit and think about the bonuses that a person acquires, refusing a regular cigarette. The advantages of life-free life include the following:

  • Normalization of the nervous system, reduced irritability;
  • Restoration of taste and smell;
  • Improvement of the circulatory system, as a consequence, improving the performance of the cardiovascular system;
  • Reduction in the level of carbon dioxide in the blood;
  • Reduction of the risk of coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, stroke;
  • Reducing the risk of developing cancer;
  • Improvement of brain oxygen supply;
  • Improvement of skin condition, complexion;
  • The disappearance of dyspnea;
  • Increased lung volume;
  • Increased endurance of the body;
  • The disappearance of headaches and the cough inherent in smokers;
  • Increase of protective reactions of the body.

In addition, after giving up smoking, a person ceases to harm the health of those around him who, against their will, became passive smokers and inhaled cigarette smoke.

The most popular ways to combat nicotine addiction

Among the many existing methods of fighting smoking is to identify the main ways to quit smoking, whose review will help to understand the subtleties of a particular option. And they are not so little. A person will only have to choose the best way to quit smoking, which is suitable for him.

  1. Therapy based on nicotine substitution.
  2. Aversivnaya therapy.
  3. Effects on nicotinic receptors.
  4. Application of methods of psychotherapy.
  5. Use of alternative medicine methods.
  6. Reception of antidepressants.
  7. Without auxiliary means, only by willpower.

Nicotine replacement therapy

Many smokers who managed to overcome craving for nicotine noted that the best way to quit smoking quickly is to use nicotine replacement therapy. The effectiveness of this method is due to the fact that both the physiological and behavioral aspects of the smoking process are taken into account. When using drugs belonging to the nicotine substitution group, innocuous nicotine enters in the body in very small doses. Thus, the withdrawal syndrome disappears, and the process of giving up cigarettes is much faster, and most importantly, easier.

The main advantage of this method is that a person gets nicotine, to which he is accustomed, but without the emission of tobacco smoke, which is the cause of health problems. Gradually, the amount of nicotine consumed is reduced, and the person calmly completes the course of getting rid of addiction, without excess irritability, energy costs and all sorts of side effects.

The therapy is carried out with the help of special drugs, which include nicotine, which can be purchased at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription:

  • chewing gum;
  • Nicotine patch;
  • Nasal spray;
  • Electronic Cigarette.

The attitude to electronic cigarettes in the narcologists is skeptical. In their opinion, the smoker does not disaccustom from the process, but proceeds to a more modern form of nicotine consumption. Before you start using this or that tool, you should carefully consider contraindications, a list of side effects and dosage.

Aversion therapy

A group of people who managed to overcome addiction, along with narcologists say that using aversive drugs is the best way to quit smoking forever. The essence of therapy is the use of drugs that contribute to the appearance of aversion to the very smoking.

One of the most common methods of aversive therapy is the rinsing of the mouth with liquids that, when reacting with tobacco smoke, contribute to the appearance of an unpleasant odor that causes a strong sense of disgust. The main components of the agent are solutions of silver nitrate and copper sulphate. A solution of silver nitrate is recommended to lubricate the surface of the tongue and gums before smoking another cigarette.

As an effective tool, solutions containing tannin, glycerin and water are also suitable. A good result is shown by the methods of conditioned reflex vomiting from the addiction to smoking, which are carried out with the help of solutions of copper sulfate and zinc sulfate, as well as apomorphine, emetin hydrochloride, and the herb of thermopsis.

Effects on nicotinic receptors - an effective way to combat nicotine addiction

This, perhaps, is one of the best ways to quit smoking. This method is based on the use of drugs that help a person survive the nicotine hunger during the fight against dependence on cigarettes. The composition of such drugs include cytisine, varenicline, bupropion.

The drugs, the constituent of which is cytisine, have a nicotine-like effect. But at the same time there is no addictive effect. This action of the drug helps to reduce the feeling of pleasure from a newly smoked cigarette. Accordingly, the desire to smoke subsequent cigarettes will gradually fade. In addition, due to the use of such drugs in humans, the symptoms caused by the lack of nicotine in the body are dulled, which helps to survive the crisis moments in the process of abandoning the addiction.

Psychotherapist's help in the treatment of nicotine addiction

People turn to the help of a doctor-psychotherapist in the event that one can not get rid of dependence independently, and all the best ways to quit smoking at home do not bring results.

In order to get rid of the addiction to smoking, in psychotherapy there are two groups of methods:

  • Group (group psychotherapy);
  • Individual (hypnosis, acupuncture, chemotherapy, etc.).

A highly qualified specialist not only helps to get rid of cravings for cigarettes, but also develops a motivation to preserve the achieved result, in order to avoid disruptions in the subsequent.

For many people, referring to a specialist is considered the best way to quit smoking, as therapy is under the supervision of a therapist and does not pose any threat to the mental state of the patient.

Alternative medicine - an assistant in the fight against smoking

For people who are skeptical about nicotine replacement drugs sold in pharmacies, the best way to quit smoking is using alternative medicine methods. As research has shown, more than 35% of Americans who struggle with dependence, use methods of alternative medicine.

These options include:

  • Carrying out inhalations with essential oils;
  • Sports;
  • Full immersion in your favorite work;
  • Favorite hobby;
  • Hypnosis, meditation, yoga and other oriental practices;
  • acupuncture;
  • Replacement of nicotine-containing chewing gum with a slice of lime, etc.

Reception of antidepressants

This is not a separate method of getting rid of addiction, but a means of getting rid of the severe mental conditions that accompany a person in the process of giving up cigarettes or after completely quitting smoking.

Taking medication is not necessary for every person, but only for people who have such symptoms of depression for a long time as unwillingness to leave home (seclusion), uncaused tears, lack of appetite, insomnia.

If you have the above symptoms, you should immediately contact the therapist to obtain the necessary prescriptions and treatment regimen. Antidepressants prescribed only by a specialist, based on the patient's condition.

Willpower - the only assistant in the fight against nicotine addiction

Many people believe that the best way to quit smoking is to train your own willpower. It is believed that to completely get rid of cravings for smoking, you need three weeks. During this time, a person tries in every possible way to calm himself and to motivate him to continue the struggle against dependence.

He can independently develop for himself a system of motives that will help to avoid disruptions on the way to the long-awaited disposal of cravings for cigarettes.

Use of literature as an assistant in the fight against smoking

Some people who have decided to get rid of the addiction, resort to the help of special literature. Many use the well-known book by Allen Carr "An Easy Way to Quit Smoking." People who chose the edition indicated that it was the best way to quit smoking. The reviews are based on the personal experience of people from all over the world. To many avid smokers, this literature really helped. There is no better way to quit smoking. Allen Carr describes the instructions in great detail and gives recommendations. They just need to follow to get rid of the need to smoke a cigarette forever.

It is worth noting that the book - the best way to quit smoking only if you carefully follow the advice of the author and do not make any adjustments to the author's methods.

Support for the environment is an additional incentive

It is very important in the difficult period of quitting smoking to enlist the support of close and dear people. Even if a person has chosen the best way to quickly quit a bad habit, supporting the environment is simply necessary. You can join a special society of people quitting smoking. They share their own experiences and talk about their methods of getting rid of bad habits. As a rule, when a person who decided to get rid of cravings for cigarettes sees successes of other people, he not only wants to achieve the same results, but also surpass them. This further stimulates and forces you to give up another cigarette when you need to smoke.

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