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Types of culture, corporate and legal culture

Among the multi-faceted concept of "culture," several of its types are distinguished. Types of culture differ by the sign of who and for whom it was created. Distinguish the main types - elite, popular, mass, counter-and subculture. Elite is created for a narrow group of people who have a certain preparation for the perception of the produced culture. As a rule, it is created by a limited number of people (professional creators).

The mass is created for a wide perception. It originated at the beginning of the last century and still exists. Such a culture is most common, because it is produced for the masses, which do not require special training.

Folk culture is created anonymously - the name of the creator of fairy tales, songs and epics is not known exactly. In the process of transmission from generation to generation, it can significantly transform in comparison with the original one.

Counterculture is a culture that goes against the generally accepted foundations of society. Most often occurs in the youth environment, is characterized by immunity and denial of generally accepted norms or their individual elements.

Subculture is the norms and rules of behavior of a part of society, grouped according to a certain feature. It can be a sexual sign, age, professional, etc. Among this species we consider such subspecies of culture: corporate and legal.

Corporate culture is generally accepted norms of behavior among people who are employees of one corporation. The center sets a goal, for the implementation of which all employees of the corporation work. Depending on the purpose, the types of corporate culture are distinguished:

  • The first is the culture of power. It is inherent in most small organizations, in which there is a need to make power decisions by persons who are the centers of the corporation. This allows you to adequately respond to events that occur inside the organization and outside it, which in turn makes it possible to comprehensively monitor the situation. In such companies, the key role is played by its leader, the ability to manage personnel. Here, the hierarchy in power is most often recorded. If there is an opportunity to enhance the employee, then the ladder will rise up to the one that proved personal devotion to the head of the company. Solutions in this company are accepted and implemented quickly.
  • The second kind is the culture of the role. Most often it is common in bureaucratic institutions that have many years of experience. Here personal initiative is not welcome, the personal qualities of the leader are not perceived - in fact, there is no leader either - there is a clear role-playing game, fueled by the company's many years of experience. The main goal of such a company is to ensure uninterrupted and stable production. Often, they forget about rationalization.
  • The third kind is the culture of the problem. In such a corporation everything is subordinated to the task that needs to be realized. Once it is implemented, all staff is taken for a new one. Here the result of the work of the entire collective is important, personal participation is absorbed by the overall achievement. Since the result is higher than personal ambitions, it is difficult to grow professionally.
  • The fourth type is the culture of the individual. Here the personality and its participation in the process are very important. The whole process of production is impregnated with interpersonal relationships, the ability to interchangeability, assistance, conviction. A common common goal is not a result for the company, the main thing here is the professional growth of each employee.

Legal culture is a part of the general culture of the whole people, which aims to provide a comfortable legal microclimate for every member of society. Types of legal culture:

1. as many as the whole society;

2. Because of an individual personality;

3. Since professional groups.

All types of culture differ depending on who is currently acting as its carrier - a member of society, a member of a professional group or an individual. For example, the legal culture of doctors in the first place speaks at work, and when in a society, the physician obeys the general rules and norms of behavior. Similarly, there is a legal culture of judges, lawyers and other professional groups. All kinds of culture are closely intertwined.

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