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What is trixelion: value. Triskelion: description, features and interesting facts

All known religions came from the pagan beliefs of our ancestors. People worshiped the power of nature and believed in the divine power of water, fire and air. Each element was dedicated to its symbol. During archeological excavations, scientists find many confirmations to this fact in surviving drawings and objects of everyday life of people, beginning with the Bronze Age. Of interest is the assertion that in different peoples the symbols dedicated to one of the deities are very similar. For example, the sun in mythology has many illustrations, one of which translates into the value of triskelion.

The origin of the symbol

The most famous symbol, which came to us from the depths of centuries, is a triskelion. Its name is derived from the derivative of the Greek word τρισκελης, which can be translated as "tripod" or "tripod". This sign has also abbreviated names - Triskel or Triskel. The people with this sign used the peoples inhabiting modern Europe, Asia, the East, and also South America. Triskelion revered the Etruscans, Celts, Greeks and even the Japanese.

Definition of concept

So what is Triskelion? It is a sign that glorifies the power of the sun - its sunrise, zenith and sunset. However, over time, it acquired new meanings. He is credited with the strength of the three elements - fire, water and air, he is the defender of floods, fire and theft, personifies the transience of being, birth, life and death. Thus, the numerical expression of a symbol is the leitmotif in the knowledge of what trisquelion value has. It is inherent in everything that is the basis of this sign.


The general principle of the triskelion image is three curved lines that have a common point at the center. They can resemble running feet, spirals or even the heads of the beast. Gradually, the stylistics of the sign changed and began to acquire a variety of forms. Here it is worth noting that very few people know what triskelion matters. The symbol, the culture in which the sign is used, its material expression are all very interesting, and the icons do not remain static, incarnating in new forms.

Thus, the amulets were adorned with ornate ornamentation in the form of bizarre curved lines. They could contain cosmogonic and zoomorphic elements, or vice versa they acquired clear geometric features.

However, there is a general pattern in applying triskelion - the pattern of the symbol must be symmetrical and carry a powerful energy charge. If an object with a drawing applied to it is untwisted clockwise, you can see a kind of "movie" in which the cycle of movements will be repeated.

Magical properties

It must be said that the value of triskelion is mysterious, because it contains the magical component into which the ancient peoples believed.

It is easy to see that the figure and its symbols are based on the number three. The magic of this figure is reflected in subsequent religions, which replaced paganism. In the Christian canons, the holy trinity: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit is nothing but echoes of a pagan symbol. Medieval Europe widely used the symbol of the sun in the arms not only of the nobility, but perpetuated this symbol on the flags of entire localities.

Theories of the emergence of a symbol

In the history of world culture, the symbol "trixelion", the meaning of which does not have a single clear definition, introduced its intrigue. Until now, historians have no common opinion about who first immortalized the tripod in world culture: the Greeks or the inhabitants of the distant Maine, located between Britain and Ireland.

The Greek theory

According to the proponents of Greek theory, it was with the easy hand of Greek travelers, who first mastered the island of Sicily in the beginning of the VIII century BC. And called it Trinacria (trinacrios), that is, triangular, and a symbol appeared. The value of triskelion was, like the name, according to the number of mountain peaks marking the island's borders from the south, east and west: Cape Pakhin, Cape Pelor, Cape Lilibei. The sign, invented by the Greeks, was called the Sicilian Triskel. In the following centuries, the peoples inhabiting Crete and Macedonia, the Celtic and Etruscan tribes adopted this sign and introduced it into their culture.

Triskelion of the Greeks was chosen as the basis for the flag of the land of Sicily. It has the image of running from one point of knees bent at the knees with a female head in the center.

An interesting fact is that originally the center of the connection of the three legs was the head of Medusa Gorgon with hair stylized under three snakes reminding us of insidiousness, wisdom and treachery. It's about one of the most terrible monsters with a woman's face, whose gaze turned a man into stone, and he was beheaded by the hero of ancient Greek mythology Perseus.

In 2000, the flag was changed and in its modern image instead of the terrible head of Medusa Gorgon, the center of Triskel is adorned with the face of a fertility goddess with wheat ears instead of hair. Modern inhabitants of the island no longer associate the female face on their flag with the terrible Gorgon. And the symbol "triskelion" the meaning gets completely different.

The Viking Theory

Proponents of the second version argue that the symbol was coined in the Irish Sea by the inhabitants of the Isle of Man around the 5th-6th c. BC, who were at that time citizens of one of the most ancient states of the era - the Vikings. The symbol of Triskelion adorns the flag of the Isle of Man until our time and was last modified in the XIII century.

The intrigue is that the signs of the southern and northern lands, between which lie thousands of kilometers of water and land, are remarkably similar to each other. There is a possibility that the symbol has much more ancient roots and, where it originated in fact, remains to be determined by new generations of scientists. And it is possible that the number of versions of the appearance of the symbol will increase. As and, probably, in this connection there will be new theories revealing value. Triskelion continues to amaze.

Modern use of the symbol

The Isle of Man and Sicily are far away, but the Republic of Ingushetia is much closer, but she also placed a stylized sign on her banner. The author of the flag, which was approved in 1994, was Academician Dakhkilgov Ibrahim Abdurakhmanovich. The salt sign or the sign of the sun is depicted on the flag with three rays rounded at the ends counterclockwise. It is in this direction that the Earth rotates around the Sun and the Sun - around its axis. In the opinion of the people of Ingushetia, Triskel will save them from harm and ensure prosperity and prosperity.

The image of the triskelion we see around us and in modern life. Fans of the Austrian football club "Furst" and the French "Gengam" to attract good luck and ensure a victorious game on the field to their participants, posted images of the sign on the flags of the teams. Only in FC "Furst" - in the form of three running legs in football equipment from the center of the ball, and in FC "Gingam" - in the form of a mathematical formula of the spirals of Archimedes of Syracuse.

Or, for example, the flag of the US Department of Transportation is nothing more than the same stylized salt sign.

You can see the principle of "three-leggedness" in the well-known automobile brand Mercedes. Is this the secret of the popularity of cars of a well-known brand?


Thus, Trisquelion's meaning of the symbol is very interesting and mysterious. Each nation endows it with its own properties and believes in the action of this sign directed at various aspects of life. However, it unites in one: an amulet with a symbol of triunity is designed to provide the spiritual comfort of its owner, to remove unnecessary excitement that has accumulated in the body. Protect against panic attacks, with which modern man faces regular regularity. In a moment of doubt, he will help you make the right decision for you and take negative emotions.

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