HealthQuit Smoking

Why choose Dunhill cigarettes?

In our time there are many enterprises that produce tobacco products. Sometimes at a sight on show-windows of specialized shops in eyes ruffles from bright names and bright packages. Among all this diversity, the "Dunhill" cigarettes are especially prominent.

history of the company

It all began in rainy London over a hundred years ago, when Sir Alfred Dunhill opened a small tobacco shop in the city center. In the range there were tubes and various smoking mixtures that could be made to order directly on the spot. In those years, St. James was the main street of the capital, on which continually appeared men's clubs for English gentlemen. According to the rules of the institution, they were supposed to smoke pipes and cigars. It was for these goods that the rich English addressed themselves to the shop, which was headed by Sir Dunhill. It is known that among the buyers were even members of the British government. A year later the company produced the first cigarettes. True, they were called Asorbal, and as a filter a piece of plain wool was used. Cigarettes "Dunhill" appeared much later.

On the shelves of their test batch can only be seen since 1912. But after a couple of years the taste of this product became known to the whole world. Everything happened thanks to the First World War. The owner of the company, being a man enterprising and far-sighted, made a good marketing move. He began to send Dunhill cigarettes to the front, where soldiers could enjoy the unique aroma of high-quality tobacco. These years were a time of triumph for a little-known company.

Becoming a brand

The company gradually developed. Production was gaining momentum, attracting close attention. The quality of the product is evidenced by the fact that in 1921 he was supplied personally for the Prince of Wales, and three years later the goods went outside the country and appeared in the outlets of France and America. Later, the company "Rotmans" acquired a popular brand and engaged in its promotion. This was until 1999, until it eventually became part of a group called the British American Tobacco Company. In our country, cigarettes "Dunhill" appeared only in 1994. Deliveries were limited, so the mass buyer was not able to freely purchase the goods. Only ten years later, in 2004, the famous company began importing its products to Russia. At that time, she had already established several brands for different countries:

  • Dunhill Lights Fine Cut Dark Blue - for the EU countries.
  • Dunhill Lights Fine Cut Dark Blue - for Holland, Switzerland.
  • Dunhill Lights - for the domestic market, that is, England.

After the merger in the 2000s, the British American Tobacco Company opened branches to sell its products in Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America.

A rich assortment of "Dunhill"

Every year the authority of the brand "Dunhill" grows. More and more people among a wide range of similar products, presented on the shelves of stores, choose this sort of cigarettes. They can always be recognized by the spicy aroma of real, quality, fresh tobacco and a rich aftertaste. All these characteristics combine the "Dunhill" cigarettes. The types of this unique product are quite diverse. Among the most popular are:

  • Dunhill Lights Fine Cut. The product from Holland, refers to the category of lungs.
  • Dunhill Fine Cut Blonde. Consider the lightest ("ultralight"), produced in Switzerland.
  • Dunhill Fine Cut Master Blend is also an easy option.
  • Dunhill Fine Cut Black - they can be called male, because they are much stronger and heavier than others.
  • Dunhill Frost is a super-light product.
  • Dunhill International. They have two subspecies: Red and Blue.

All this is the goods of the world market.

In our country recently the "Dunhill" line is represented by the following species:

  • Dunhill Top Leaf.
  • Dunhill Fine Cut Black.
  • Dunhill Fine Dark Blue.
  • Dunhill Fine Cut Blue.
  • Dunhill King Size Filter.
  • Dunhill King Size Light.
  • Dunhill King Size Ultra.
  • Dunhill King Size Infinite.

They all have the same length (100 millimeters), but differ only in the percentage of nicotine and tar.

Product Opinion

Very many smokers (both abroad and in our country) choose for themselves a Dunhill cigarette. Reviews of each of them emphasize the superiority of this product over the goods of other brands. True, it should be noted that these words refer only to cigarettes of European manufacture. In the priority, of course, there will always be goods from England. For many years now this product has preserved its unique taste and wonderful aroma. And all thanks to skillful processing of tobacco. It's nice that the world producer is so closely monitoring the quality. Especially it should be noted packaging. Everyone knows that tobacco during storage absorbs moisture and various extraneous smells. Therefore, the container must be not only beautiful, but also reliable. In this, judging by the reviews, "Dunhill" is not inferior to any other brand. Excellent quality and presentable appearance are two components of success.

Such cigarettes not only emphasize the style of the buyer, but also enhance his status in the eyes of others. It's a shame that recently similar goods began to appear on the shelves of Russian production. Even a novice smoker can easily distinguish them from the original. The product does not have a characteristic smell, but there is no need to talk about taste. The only thing that corresponds to the norm is packing. But she is not able to save low-quality goods from shame. Therefore, when buying, you must carefully read the data on the country of manufacture.

Recognizable goods

Not everyone knows how the "Dunhill" cigarettes really look like. A photo of a separate bundle can tell the buyer about a lot. First of all, with its help you can in time learn to distinguish a real product from fakes. Initially, these cigarettes were produced in soft packs. However, now a solid variant prevails. The tutu itself has several characteristic features. First, there is a slight roughness on its obverse. This makes the product recognizable. Secondly, when you open the top cover under it there is no customary foil.

This part has been replaced with a special film. It preserves the aroma of the product inside the pack and prevents the penetration of foreign smells into it. The film has an adhesive compound, which allows you to return it to its original position at any time. Experts call this device the old word "humidor". True, before such a method was used only in cigar boxes. Now a nice addition appeared in cigarettes. Knowing all the subtleties, you can safely go to the store and not be afraid to get there counterfeit.

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