
Healing Schizandra. Planting and care

Some plants not only serve as an excellent decoration of the garden, but also perfectly strengthen the human body. These include and Schizandra. Planting and caring for this weaving liana does not cause trouble, therefore it is very popular among gardeners. The birthplace of this amazing plant is the Far East, it is found in Primorye, Sakhalin and the banks of the Amur.

It is difficult to find a more curative plant in nature than lemongrass. The application finds the roots, leaves, fruits and stems of the creeper. They produce a pleasant aroma of lemon, so they are often added to tea. According to its effectiveness, Schizandra ranks second after ginseng and is very revered in oriental medicine. First of all, it is the strongest stimulant, increasing endurance at physical exertion, improving the work of the heart, brain and lungs. From berries you can cook jam, marmalade, delicious fillings and drinks. Thanks to its useful properties and decorativeness throughout the whole of Russia, Schizandra has become very popular.

Planting and nursing are carried out in the spring, when the kidneys have not yet blossomed. Then a trench is pulled a little more than half a meter deep and about 40 cm wide. If the place is on a hill and the soil is loose, then you just need to add fertilizers, sand and lime, otherwise you should put the broken brick on the bottom, because Schizandra does not tolerate water stagnation . One bush to plant does not make sense, because this plant needs cross-pollination. The distance between the vines should be about one meter. Do not forget about the supports, which are so need magnolia.

Planting and care involves choosing a well-fertilized, friable and moistened soil. In particularly hot weather, the bush should be watered once a week. The roots are located close to the surface, so weed must be weeded carefully so as not to damage them. In addition, the root system should always be in the shade, because it does not tolerate the drying and overheating of the soil. To keep the moisture longer, you can use a thick layer of mulch with organic fertilizers.

The introduction of nitrogen in the spring, and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers in the autumn has a beneficial effect on Schizandra. Planting and care involves the timely removal of thickening bush and dry shoots. In spring, the plant should not be cut off, as it traumatizes it. For the winter, the root system is covered with dry fallen leaves. Fruits usually ripen in September, by this time they become soft and transparent.

Many gardeners are interested in how the magnolia vine grows Chinese. The photos of this ornamental plant are very attractive, so everyone wants to grow such a miracle in their garden. It is best to reproduce the vine with root offspring, also it is worth trying the method with the division of the bush. If an adult plant is not at home, then you can buy seeds or beg from familiar cuttings and in such a way to grow this beauty. Schisandra grows quite rapidly, so it can be planted near a gazebo. Liana beautifully it will fly and will not forget to please the hosts every year with a plentiful harvest of berries.

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