Food and drink, Coffee
Harm and benefit of decaffeinated coffee. Coffee brands, composition
Coffee is one of the most popular drinks of our time. But to afford to use it in the traditional form can not all, so manufacturers began to produce an alternative version - without caffeine. Although the current harm and benefits of decaffeinated coffee are highly controversial issues. Let's try to figure this out.
How produce the product
Decaffeinated coffee, as well as soluble, is obtained by the process of decaffeination - that is, the removal of this substance from the fruit of coffee. This procedure is carried out in different ways, but the most popular can be called "European". For this, the coffee beans are lowered for some time in hot but not boiling water, after which it merges, and caffeine removal takes place in a special solution. Most often, methylene chloride or ethyl acetate is used as the solvent. Then the grains are poured with boiling water, rinsed and dried. In this case, the product may lose a proportion of useful properties, but the cost of such a method is the lowest.
Even after 12-fold processing of grains, it is still impossible to completely remove caffeine from them - the percentage of this substance in the end result will be from 1 to 3. The taste will then differ from the traditional beverage for the worse, because a small part of the solvent will remain in the grains. Sometimes, compressed carbon dioxide gas is used to remove caffeine from coffee fruit . But it is believed that the beverage obtained in this way contains substances harmful to human health, therefore this method is rarely used.
"Cryocene-free" trees
There is a decaffeinated coffee brand that produces the product by the so-called natural decaffeination. This is the fruit of trees of special varieties - Coffeaarabica (Arabian coffee) and Coffeacharrieriana (Cameroon coffee), in which gene mutations replace theobromine instead of caffeine. They grow in Brazil, and were discovered in 2004. The drink, which is produced from their fruits, received the same name - Coffeaarabica.
In the future, it is possible to cross such trees with others, the fruits of which contain caffeine, for the development of new varieties of coffee.
Swiss way
At the end of the twentieth century, a so-called "water" method was developed in Switzerland. The use of solvents in this case is not required. The method is that the coffee beans are lowered for a certain time in very warm water, removing caffeine from them, as well as aroma oils. Then the liquid merges, and the tool that makes this method unique - a charcoal filter - is used. Water is passed through it, as a result of which caffeine is neutralized, and aromatic oils remain.
In the received liquid other coffee beans are lowered , after that from them caffeine with preservation of oils is removed. The output is a beverage without caffeine, but with a wonderful taste and aroma. Such a method is higher at cost price, but for excellent taste qualities it is possible to overpay.
Decaf-Drink Brands
On the world market, coffee is found without decaffeinated coffee, as well as a soluble drink. You can buy them almost in any grocery supermarket, but true connoisseurs for elite grades are better off to go to specialized departments. The most popular are "Grandexexpress", "GrandosExstraMocco", as well as the famous brand of decaffeinated coffee - "Aromatico". These products are produced in countries such as Germany, Switzerland, the USA and Colombia.
Decaffeinated decaffeinated coffee
There is an opinion that coffee beans without caffeine are practically harmless. But this is not so - the decaffeination of the product occurs with the help of chemicals, so in the end, the drink will be spared the harm of caffeine, but is endowed with a "bouquet" of other substances that have a detrimental effect on the human body. Therefore, the true harm and usefulness of decaffeinated coffee deserve special attention.
The danger of frequent use of the product may be as follows:
- Increased intraocular pressure, which increases the likelihood of glaucoma.
- Increase the production of gastric juice, which leads to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Dehydration of the body. Drink is a natural diuretic, so in order to protect yourself from diseases of the urinary tract, you should, after drinking one cup of coffee, add to your daily norm one glass of water.
- Elution of calcium from the bones of the body. True, this problem is solved. It is recommended to take vitamins and eat foods that contain this element, for example, cottage cheese, eggs, milk, cream, nuts.
- Provoking the growth of cancer cells. This point has not yet been proven by scientists, but there are several confirmations of this hypothesis.
- The development of dependence leads to increased fatigue, drowsiness, inhibition, apathy, and in severe cases - to depression.
Of course, if you drink 1-2 cups of coffee a day, the items listed will not touch you, but excessive consumption of the drink will not lead to anything good. Therefore, to neutralize the harm, and the benefits of decaffeinated coffee were the maximum for your body, it is desirable to observe the measure and not get carried away by this product.
The use of decaffeinated coffee
This drink can also have a positive effect on the body of an adult. Useful properties of coffee are as follows:
- Improved physical and mental performance.
- Increased stress resistance.
- Reducing the risk of developing type II diabetes mellitus. This is due to the fact that when you drink the brain begins to absorb glucose better.
- Reducing the likelihood of gout, in particular, in men. But for this you need to drink 4-5 cups a day.
- Improve digestion. After drinking coffee after a meal, you will help the body to better understand it.
- Reducing the risk of prostate cancer by 20%. And this item is fulfilled regardless of the caffeine content in the drink.
- Improving reproductive function in men. It is believed that the product is able to increase the activity of spermatozoa.
- Special attention should be paid to the useful properties of coffee for pregnant women.
Benefits of a drink for pregnant women
Future moms from a drink with caffeine should be discarded. But decaffeinated coffee for pregnant women will even be useful. There are studies confirming that the use of this product reduces the likelihood of miscarriage. But, of course, it is not necessary because of this to drink coffee in excessive quantities - enough will be 2-3 cups a day.
In the end, to drink or not - it's up to you. But it should be remembered that in large doses, any medicine will become a poison, and vice versa. If you drink 1-2 cups of drink per day, you can get a lot of positive emotions, while minimizing the harm. And the use of decaffeinated coffee will be very important for your body.
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