Business, Agriculture
Who will take the Far Eastern hectare?
Russian state officials have many times drawn attention to the problems associated with the uneven settlement of the vast territory of a great country. Now the State Duma has adopted a law whose purpose is to stimulate the internal migration of the able-bodied population to the eastern regions. Will it work and what is the effect of waiting for it? After all, this act may be useless if, with the most good idea, careful elaboration of many details that now seem insignificant is not performed.
Historical precedent
At the very beginning of the twentieth century, beginning in 1906, millions of residents of the Russian Empire flocked to Siberia, the Far East and northern Kazakhstan. They, unlike the exiled and political prisoners of the Stalin era, were not driven there by force, they drove themselves, driven by this bold act by the terms of the agrarian reform, initiated by the great statesman Pyotr Stolypin, then prime minister. Just wanted to change the residence of 3 million 40 thousand people, however, about 17% of them later returned to their native land, not finding happiness in the new place, but still most of the relocated took root in the vast expanses of the empire. During the eight years (until 1914), migration took place at an unprecedented pace. Since the abolition of serfdom before the beginning of the Stolypin reform, that is, over 45 years, the people in Siberia moved 1.7 times less than in 1906-1914. The effect is striking, and to repeat something similar, and maybe even surpass the achievement of age-old prescription - a laudable desire. It is only good to understand that over a hundred-odd years in the country and the world something has changed.
Russian peasants a hundred years ago
At the beginning of the 20th century, Russia was a predominantly agrarian country. For the peasants who made up the majority of the population, the land was not just the main value, it was everything. Often, not for love, but for the sake of cherished arable land were marriages, intrigues were built, hostility arose, and sometimes crimes were committed. The land was a wet nurse, a hope and a support, and this situation existed, by the way, not only in Russia, but in other countries too. At the same time, one should also take into account the fact that at the time of the beginning of the reforms, there was no need to teach the peasant to cultivate the land, this science was comprehended from childhood, albeit not at the modern level of agronomy, but quite decent. And the way of life assumed the ability to get a job in a new place practically from scratch: first a dug-out, then a log-house, and soon a full-fledged hut, a five-walled house. And that's all, without stopping the processing of the land produced by the whole family. And now so somebody can?
Who were the Stolypin immigrants?
So, under Stolypin, the land was given free of charge to the settlers, they provided transportation, paid lifts, provided tax breaks and created various other preferences, as a result of which the "pioneers of the wild East" were rapidly richer, and among them numerous millionaires appeared. This pleasant case for the state could become a good example for other followers. But even with these very good conditions at the time, most Russian peasants did not yield to temptation, acting on the principle "where was born - there it came in handy." Deciding to go to Siberia was easier for those who did not go well and had nothing to lose by and large. The "right" owners stayed, and the people of the adventurous warehouse or losers moved. And they would not have gone either, if the state had not incurred a heavy burden of expenditure, however, as it turned out, justified.
What land is given under the new law?
Now it's time to return to our days and compare the situation with the one that was a hundred years ago. According to the law adopted by the Duma and signed by the President, the settlers receive a hectare. Not everyone, of course, what they choose, but from an approved registry, which you can find on the Internet. Regions: Yakutia, Primorsky, Kamchatka and Khabarovsk Territories, Sakhalin, Magadan Region, Jewish Autonomous Region and Chukotka. All this is the Far Eastern Federal District, and this is correct, so conceived. Hectare is given free of charge, the main thing is that it is not already occupied by someone, it was not claimed by third parties, it did not belong to the territory of special economic zones (socio-economic or territorial development), and valuable minerals were not found on the site. There are other restrictions - the land that is within the cities and villages, as well as places that consider their representatives of the indigenous population, is also not subject to distribution. So far, everything is logical and seemingly at first glance does not cause controversy.
Legal issue
No, the questions do arise. Here the person has dared at brave act, has sold everything, that has made at home, and has gone somewhere to the Khabarovsk territory. There he was given one hectare of land, corresponding to the previously listed requirements, and even such that he liked. Whose land is this? The answer is: it is a state one. In five years it can be rented or even bought back, but for now, so work, invest your money and build yourself health. What to do on this hectare? Yes, anything, for example, a garden-garden can be broken down or a greenhouse to put, or a small poultry farm to organize. For a large farm, a hundred square meters is not enough, but for a house and a manor it is enough, even a lot. And here the hypothetical family lives somewhere in a bearish corner, leads a subsistence economy and eats, as they say, at the fodder. Is it possible to raise the economy of remote regions? Very doubtful. On the sale of a lot of not grow, at best there is enough, and if a crop failure? Then you can die with hunger. And if suddenly on the site they find something useful, gold, for example, or oil, it is generally grief. They will take the land together with everything that is on it, and it is free.
We live in the XXI century, and imagine a family that agrees to lead a natural primitive economy, today it is difficult, except perhaps the adherents of some exotic sects. Everyone wants children to go to school, and yes even a good education. And before that kindergarten. And electricity to be, and the Internet, and indeed everything, to list for a long time you can achieve modern civilization. There are not enough cadres in educational or medical institutions right now, and for those who already live in the Far East. By the way, with all this there are problems even in Central Russia. So why go so far? Now everyone can sell his city apartment and buy himself a rural property in a region that is much closer. In the Rostov province, for example. And the questions about whose land this is, will not arise, the documents will be in perfect order. And no one will take it away. Light, water and sewage are most often already there. No, in Transbaikalia there should be some other attractive factors.
Yes, the locals are already expressing dissatisfaction with the new law and began to protest even before its adoption. So, in Yakutsk in late 2015, a rally was held against this act. People are afraid of repeating the "voucher" history of the nineties, when the distribution of "free elephants" led to unscrupulous "grabbing" of public property by oligarchs. Yes, Russia is now in many respects not the same as under Yeltsin, but where is the guarantee that the local authorities again will not remember the war years? And the strangers will come and harm from them ...
So who will go?
Even the State Duma deputies, judging by the law they have adopted, probably understand that there is practically no peasants in the classical sense in Russia, too much was done to exterminate this class by the Soviet government, and after it too ... So who is tempted to donate the Far Eastern hectare? Is it possible to believe that a prosperous farmer will move to the other end of the country, or will an engineer want to grow potatoes and cabbage? A teacher with 16 years of experience will come to teach their children there, in the zone of the far time zone? Unless there is a hope for veterans of war, they too are in three dozen categories of the population listed in the list of "beneficiaries".
Yes, we need to develop the Far East, but understanding the complexity of the task. Stolypin was great and now he would have invented something new, if he were alive.
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