
"Skinoren" - analogues. "Skinoren": analogues are cheap, reviews, price

The leader of the five most common means of medical cosmetics from acne is Skinoren. Analogs containing an identical active substance are known to a lesser extent. The cream and gel Skinoren in Germany have been developed, and the pharmaceutical company INTENDIS MANUFACTURING SpA (Italy) produces them. Paying attention to the ubiquitous television advertising, you can notice the great possibilities of this dermatotropic drug in the treatment of acne. In the instruction to the tube of this agent (cream or gel), it is indicated that the active substance of this "multistage" is azelaic acid. Thanks to this basic component, Skinoren is so effective. Analogues cheap do not differ their main component from this effective tool. Effective control of acne they are carried out with the help of the same azelaic acid. Analogues of Skinorena have identical concentration: creams - 20%, gels - 15%. Meanwhile, the cost of such drugs is much lower than that of the widely advertised Italian original.

What is good about Skinoren? The essence of the action of its analogues

This drug suppresses the growth of pathogenic microflora, prevents the development of the inflammatory process, accelerates the healing of acne, inhibits the production of the sebaceous secretion of the skin, normalizes its lipid balance, stabilizes the process of keratinization of the epidermis, and helps purify the face. In addition, Skinoren has a whitening effect, eliminates pigmentation of traces from healing acne. However, the cost of this cream (or gel) is not available to everyone. So, a 15 gram gel pack will cost about 900 rubles. In the medicinal cosmetics intended for problem skin, today you can find more budgetary preparations than the imported cream (gel) "Skinoren". Analogues cheap - "Acnestop", "Azogel", "Aknederm" - act on the skin in the same way as the original. The concentration of azelaic acid in them is absolutely identical. Fighting acne with these inexpensive drugs can be as effective as using a non-expensive drug. Any analogue of "Skinoren" (gel) - "AcneStop" or "Acne-derm" (Poland), "Azix-Derm" (India), "Azelik" or "Azogel" (Russia) - is appointed by the doctor for the same indications for use , As an Italian drug. In cosmetology azelaic acid is used for chemical peelings and skin whitening. Its pharmacological action in any of the preparations is the same.

Indications for use

For the treatment of problem skin from acne, cosmetologists recommend the use of Skinoren gel or its analogs at the initial stage of the disease (up to 20-40 acne and acne on the face). The same drugs are suitable for therapy of rosacea (papule-pustular form). Cream Skinoren and its analogues are preferred by patients suffering from acne or hyperpigmentation of the skin (including melasma), with any type of skin.

Analog "Skinorena" "Azelik" (gel)

This gel is prescribed by a dermatologist for the treatment of acne and rosacea. It has an anti-acne and depigmenting effect on the skin. Due to its bacteriostatic activity, the synthesis of fatty acids that provoke the onset and development of acne is reduced. "Azelik" with 15% content of azelaic acid suppresses the formation of comedones, cleans the epidermis from keratinized cells, reduces the activity of melanocytes, leading to hyperpigmentation of the dermis. Apply this analog "Skinoren" (gel) to carefully prepared, clean and dry skin with a thin layer in the morning and in the evening. The gel is rubbed into the affected areas of the dermis without affecting its adjacent healthy surfaces. Usually for small areas there is enough pea gel, and for the whole face it will take about 2-2.5 cm of the drug from the tube. The expressed result can be observed after about four weeks, and in order to finally say goodbye to the disease, it is necessary to continue using the drug (as prescribed by a dermatologist) for 3-4 or more months. At the first sessions of skin treatment with gel "Azelik" may appear hyperemia (reddening), itching, scaling of the skin and other signs of its irritation. If there is no allergy to this drug, then after a few procedures these phenomena pass on their own. The same symptoms are caused by the gel Skinoren. Analogues in the same way can not be applied to the mucous membranes of the lips or nose. Even their accidental exposure to tender areas during face treatment threatens to burn. In cases of pronounced irritation of the epidermis during the first procedures, the dermatologist may recommend reducing its use to once a day or short-term withdrawal of the drug.

Skinoren, analogues that do not contain azelaic acid - what's the difference?

Acne is an insidious disease. Advertising, promising to get rid of acne in a couple of weeks or even 2 days, is the fantasies of marketers. A complex multifactorial problem is treated only in a complex. The approach to getting rid of acne should be systematic, only a regular visit to a dermatologist can guarantee a victory over this disease. Very often, experts prescribe diets, treat accompanying diseases that cause the appearance of acne on the skin, while recommending a number of medications. This set includes:

  • "Curiosine" based on zinc, drying the skin;
  • "Baziron", called "concentrated peroxide";
  • Line "Exfoliak Aknomega" for youthful acne;
  • Antibiotics - Dalatsin, Futsidin, Bactroban, Zinerit.

All drugs should be prescribed by a doctor, since each of them is effective for different cases of the same disease. Sometimes complex treatment is required, so in the prescription there can be several names of drugs that need to be applied to the skin every other day or alternate in the morning and evening.

If there are no comedones

Patients often wonder what is better - "Differin" or "Skinoren"? Doctors are advised to undergo a checkup to find the appropriate drug. Practitioners of cosmeticians claim that "Differin" is good for getting rid of comedones (black dots), but it is ineffective in acne, which is accompanied by an inflammatory process. If there are problems with sebaceous glands that are clogged with comedones, then they create a favorable environment for the emergence and development of bacteria. Therefore, dermatologists appoint in the morning hours a cream or gel with an antibiotic ("Dalatsin", "Futsidin" or others), and in the evening it is recommended to treat the affected areas with "Differinom". In addition, this therapeutic cosmetics is not allowed to be used as a make-up base. If the gel or cream "Skinoren", analogues of which are also included in this list, can be used as a basic moisturizer for a delicate day-long makeup, then "Differin", "Baziron", "Zinerit" and other medications for this purpose are not suitable.

Skinoren or Baziron?

"Baziron" is a curative drug for acne and acne, which is released in the form of a gel with a concentration of the main substance from 2.5 to 10%. The most recommended dermatologists medication can be called a five percent "Baziron AS". It not only manifests antimicrobial activity and helps to reduce the secretion of the secretion of sebaceous glands, but also normalizes the processes of keratinization of cells, enhances oxygen saturation of the facial skin. "Baziron" sufficiently dry the skin, but effectively fights with inflammation. For those who accidentally succumbed to the temptation and squeezed comedones, Baziron would be better suited. For permanent care with minor acne problems, you can use Skinoren. "Skinoren" or "Baziron" - which is better? When choosing, consider the ability of the second to overdry the skin. This medicine has akin to hydrogen peroxide, only more powerful.

"Effezel" from acne and acne

Comments of practicing cosmetologists can tell about a new drug that combined "in one bottle" properties of "Differin" and "Baziron". He is considered the most effective of the whole arsenal of means to combat acne. Benzoyl peroxide and adapalene differently affect the human skin, but harmoniously complement each other. Unlike the "Differin" and "Baziron", the first result of treatment which could be seen only a month later, the Effezel gel after the first use significantly cleanses the skin, eliminates inflammation and comedones.

And about "Zinerite"

The combination of erythromycin and zinc in this preparation can reduce inflammation, have an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and comedonolytic effect. In addition, zinc has astringent properties, it helps to dry the skin, reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands. What to choose for treatment - "Zinerit" or "Skinoren"? What's better Will cope with acne? With inflammation, it is better to fight with the help of "Zinerit", according to cosmetologists. And with comedones in complex treatment of acne, "Differin" fights well. If you apply "Zinerit" to the affected areas in the mornings, and "Differin" treat them at night, you can cure even the most neglected cases. "Skinoren" is much better at helping the problem skin in the early stages of the disease.


Means for the treatment of acne with antibiotics or acids - medical, not cosmetic preparations! Apply them under make-up is not recommended! The only exception can be "Skinoren" or its analogues in the form of cream and gel, which can be used for acute need. But healing acne better without applying cosmetics!

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