Food and drinkCoffee

A few words about how to properly brew coffee

It is known that people who drink coffee, in life feel more confident than others, and certainly know how to properly brew coffee. There are many ways, even more nuances. Therefore, we simply generalize things known to all.

How to grind and store grain.

Grinding grain is best just before brewing and in the volume that will be fully used.

If you prefer to buy and cook ground coffee, it is important to ensure its proper storage. The rule is simple - coffee should not lose its flavor, because it is placed it is isolated from other substances and in well-sealed dishes.

Buy grain better in a vacuum package, in this case, their properties are preserved for as long as possible. The contents of the open pack are poured into glass containers with a well-ground lid. The storage place in the house must be dry, away from the stove and the water supply. Neighborhood with strongly smelling substances (spices, for example) is not welcomed.

Now about the quality of grinding. It all depends on how the coffee will be brewed. If it is brewed in dzhezve (turk), saucepan or coffee pot, the grind must be the thinnest. Then the contact area of water and grains becomes maximum and we get a really fragrant drink.

If we make coffee in the coffee machine, the grinding should be medium. Otherwise, the grains dusted into dust will lump together and will prevent the passage of liquid through the filter.

On the ratio of grains and water.

Naturally, there is no unanimity. Someone loves coffee stronger, someone weaker. A kind of averaged proportion: one - two spoons of ground grains on a coffee cup. Water is used only filtered. And it should be borne in mind that in large volumes of coffee is not brewed, not that it is a drink.

How to brew coffee properly in Jezve (Turk).

Briefly describe one of the most common ways.

Türk (jack) is heated, for example, rinsed with boiling water. Then ground milled grains are poured into it and filled with hot water. The liquid level should be just below the jazzy waistline. It is desirable that coffee on the surface of the water was not. Now dzhezin put on a small fire and watch its contents.

On the surface of the mixture appears foam, which strives to "escape" from the Turks. This occurs before the water boils, which should not be allowed (boiled coffee is considered dead). As soon as the foam begins to move to the exit, the jets are removed from the fire. A little waiting for the foam to settle. Some consider it necessary to add a couple of drops of cold boiled water to the jet , believing that this accelerates the subsidence. Ready drink carefully poured into pre-prepared cups.

No less common and another way of cooking, which its adherents consider the only correct answer to the question "how to make coffee with foam."

In jezv pour cold water and bring it to a boil. Remove the Turk from the fire and fill it with coffee, stirring intensively until a thick foam forms. Then they wait for her (foam) to settle and put the jesse on fire again.

After a short while the foam will again start to rise actively, and then the Turk is removed from the fire and waited until the "inner storm" calms down and the coffee foam settles. The formed foam absorbs the taste and smell of grains and does not give the flavor of the drink "lost." This procedure is repeated several times (from 3 to 7). Then the coffee is poured into cups.

How to properly brew coffee in a coffee machine, or information for those who do not like to "catch" foam.

Today coffee machines, special devices for making coffee at home, are widely used. They are very convenient, have different performance, suitable for use in a cafe, office or home. If you prefer an automated process of making coffee, it makes sense to think about buying such a machine.

When choosing which unit to purchase, pay attention to the manufacturer (Katai, you know ...), and the availability of replacement filters. In advance, consider what options you need. For example, if any member of your family loves cappuccino, make sure that your machine can cook it.

Actually, from the moment of purchase of a coffee machine about the preparation of this drink, you do not have to worry anymore. Remains only to choose a brand of grains and follow the instructions.

So, we will summarize. How to properly cook coffee, everyone decides for himself. In the end, one of the ways will be liked more than others and will be fixed. Or you can cook it in different ways, depending on the circumstances and mood. The main thing is to enjoy both the drink and the atmosphere created around its preparation.

And, in conclusion, let us recall Galsworthy, who once remarked laconically: "There are things that are worth keeping loyalty to them. For example, coffee. "

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