Food and drink, Coffee
What do experts in the field of healthy eating actually think about coffee?
It's a question old as the world: to drink coffee or not? For some, there is no question, they can not imagine the morning without a cup of an invigorating drink. Others believe that the drink is too acidic and only increases the level of stress. Many can not decide and it is not accidental: there is no unequivocal answer to questions about the benefits or harm. Meet the opinion of specialists in this regard.
Coffee can be a source of youth
Not so long ago it was found that eating two to three cups of this drink a day reduces the risk of death in men by ten percent, and in women by thirteen percent.
Do not make coffee with dessert
Do not turn the drink into a dessert, adding to it too many supplements. The taste should invigorate you, so do not add sugar, cream, syrups, whipped cream and chocolate crumbs, enjoy the drink in its immediate form. Experts note that some people do not even know what coffee taste. You can start by cutting your supplements twice, and then gradually reduce their amount further. If you do not like black coffee, add only a little coconut or almond milk.
Coffee is rich in antioxidants
There are many antioxidants in the drink that help fight diseases. However, do not drink more than three cups. After this amount of antioxidants are no longer so useful.
Coffee can improve your athletic performance
According to scientific data, a small amount of the drink can improve the results of athletes, especially in sports associated with endurance. You can drink it before training to get extra energy. So do even the Olympic champions.
Coffee can help fight disease
According to scientific data, an invigorating drink increases the level of metabolism and improves fat processing, reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's syndrome, and reduces the occurrence of liver diseases such as cirrhosis. Coffee can also protect against heart disease and bowel cancer, the drink prevents depression by stimulating certain areas of the brain.
Need to buy correctly
Not all species are the same. Buy only organic coffee that has not been treated with chemical compounds. From soluble coffee is better to refuse - it is full of chemical additives and preservatives. It's fast food in the world of coffee. Remember also that easily roasted coffee contains more antioxidants and caffeine than heavily roasted grains.
Pay attention to the method of brewing
The smaller the grinding, the higher the level of antioxidants. Cold brewing coffee contains less acids and caffeine than with hot brewing.
There are many acids in coffee
An invigorating drink is full of acids that can harm the acid-base balance of the digestive tract, especially if you get them on an empty stomach. Try to drink coffee with food or after it. This will help reduce the effects of acids and improve digestion.
In coffee, a lot of vitamins and minerals
The drink contains the most important minerals: magnesium, calcium, manganese, potassium, chromium, B vitamins.
Supplement the drink with protein
Try to use with a cup of morning drink something protein, this will reduce the level of cortisol production. This is important because cortisol reduces the ability of the body to process fat from stocks. In addition, it affects the level of tension and worsen sleep. Good protein options will be nuts, peanut butter, sunflower seeds, Greek yogurt or pudding with chia.
Serving size matters
Remember that caffeine at all acts differently. Someone feels great, and someone starts to worry and loses the ability to focus. Remember your own limitations, which can be determined genetically. Some are able to process caffeine faster. On a large man, the impact will be less than on a fragile woman.
Determine if you really need it
Just because you are used to starting the day with a cup of hot drink, this does not mean that it really is necessary. Try to take a break for several days and follow the reaction of your body. You should not have dependence, you should only have fun. If your body starts to depend on stimulation, you should take a break in using coffee - and do not be surprised that it will be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms.
A decaffeinated drink is not always better
If you want to give up caffeine, you should know that in this version of the drink there are more toxins - caffeine prevents reproduction of mold, causing their appearance. In addition, some beans can be chemically treated.
Accompany the drink with a glass of water
Too much caffeine can cause dehydration, so drink more water throughout the day. Each cup of coffee should have two glasses of water.
Coffee can affect your joints
There is no exact data on the relationship between caffeine and joint health. One way or another, one should know that caffeine enhances blood circulation in small vessels, which can improve circulation in the joints.
Coffee can affect sleep
The use of this drink affects your sleep through changes in the level of cortisol. If your body produces cortisol while you are sleeping, you will not be able to go into a deep sleep phase and you will feel tired even after a full night of rest.
Add a spice to the cup to reduce acidity
Adding spices reduces acidity. Acids can adversely affect the gastric membrane. Using ginger, cinnamon, vanilla, cardamom, turmeric, nutmeg or chicory, you not only get a pleasant scent, but also protect your health.
Coffee can affect the pancreas
The drink directly stimulates the pancreas. In the long term, this can disrupt the ability of the pancreas to recover and lead to a variety of unpleasant symptoms.
Coffee can worsen your mood
This drink can cause nervousness and irritability. According to experts, this effect is manifested with increased use - this means that the amount exceeds three cups a day.
Coffee can affect the intestines
This drink can irritate the intestines, especially when used on an empty stomach. Add milk to get rid of this effect.
Coffee can affect the absorption of minerals
Coffee can interfere with the absorption of important minerals, so it is so important to monitor your portions. Symptoms of impaired digestion of minerals will manifest, but you do not associate them with the drink.
Coffee can affect the health of the heart
Coffee can increase the level of homocysteine, which creates stress for the circulatory system. If you are afraid of heart health, limit the use of caffeine.
Coffee is not suitable for children
Caffeine can affect sleep, and sleep plays an important role in the ability to learn. Because of this, children should minimize the level of caffeine intake.
Your metabolism matters
People have genetic differences in how they metabolize caffeine in their bodies. Some have a slow metabolism, they feel the effects of the drink and nine hours after it is consumed. Others have energy, but after a couple of hours the effect is gone.
Coffee with butter is not that good
Coffee with butter is a popular trend, but do not replace it with breakfast. Eat protein, healthy fats and healthy carbohydrates.
Try products with the aroma of coffee
If you want to reduce the consumption of coffee, try products with flavor - there are protein bars and biscuits. This will help you to give up your habit.
Coffee can affect blood pressure
Coffee can adversely affect people with high blood pressure. It is better to drink tea.
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