Health, Healthy Eating
Diet by blood group. 2 positive
Professionals believe that the "blood group" diet is a way not only for a beautiful, but healthy body. The basis of the diet is the theory of the physician James D'Adamo, who claims that all products are divided into harmful, neutral and useful for any group. The diet directly depends on the cellular structure, so the same products can bring one person weight gain, and the other helps to lose weight. Diet, developed by American nutritionists, eliminates this problem and ensures that the process of losing weight will have a beneficial effect on your health.
As you know, there are only 4 groups. 1 blood group was formed first of all. All people in antiquity ate mostly animal proteins (meat). Later people started farming and began to eat plants. So there was 2 group. Later, dairy products became available to people , in connection with this, the 3rd group was formed. The fourth group is the rarest, it is a mixture of all other groups. On these simple historical facts, a theory has been constructed, according to which for each group there is a set of products, which must be adhered to.
The diet for blood group 2 positive suggests the presence in the diet of a person a huge amount of food of plant origin. As a rule, these people are comfortable being vegetarians, this is a predisposition of the body. The diet for group 2 blood should be especially natural, specific. People with a blood type of this type are very weak immunity, a tender digestive tract, they are sensitive and weak. The most common diseases that they suffer are diabetes, oncology, liver disease, anemia.
The diet for the 2nd blood group involves vegetarianism. In the diet you need: soy, salads, vegetables, beans, cereals, as well as fruits, fish, sour-milk products. Drink green tea, red wine, coffee, as well as juices (except orange) and water. From meat only chicken and turkey meat are allowed in limited quantities. Weight reduction is promoted by oils, vegetables, pineapples, soy.
Diet for the blood group (2 positive) should not only be effective, but also balanced. You can not deprive the body of vitamins, calcium, zinc, iron. Use food supplements - ginseng, bifidumbacterin, echinacea, herbal teas.
Diet for the 2 blood group includes not only the restriction in milk and meat, but also the appropriate physical exercises. Yoga and tai chi will help you. Exercises not only contribute to weight loss, but also enhance health, improve mental state.
We all want to have a beautiful figure, a strong body and health. In all this we will help the diet for the blood group. 2 positive group has a predisposition to vegetarianism, as mentioned above. This means that problems with digestion, which occur often, are due to poor assimilation of meat. It is meat that worsens well-being and promotes active weight gain, slows metabolism. Vegetarianism also contributes to the influx of energy and the establishment of the digestive system, strengthen immunity.
Avoid sharp foods, as well as sour and salty foods. This is not only poorly absorbed by the body, but also negatively affects the figure. Prefer salted fish and ketchup garlic and carrots.
The diet for blood group 2 is positive and involves limiting dairy products. On the digestion and figure better affect sour milk, cottage cheese, as well as low-fat cheeses. The protein required for each of us is in eggs and soy products.
Restricting yourself to meat and milk, eating only natural food cooked for a couple, you not only improve your health, but also gain energy, strength and an excellent figure.
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