
What is an algorithm with branching? Examples and definition of branching algorithms

Any intellect in the animal world uses certain preferences algorithms, which express personal "want." It can be said that potentially artificial intellects will also use something similar. In the meantime, the implementation of human perception of the world is most closely approached thanks to algorithms with branching. And they will be discussed in this article with an explanation of their logic and features.

What is an algorithm with branching in programming?

Before proceeding to the main topic, it is necessary to make a short digression into the theory. An algorithm is a clear sequence of actions, which is aimed at achieving a specific goal or solving the task. They are divided into three types:

  1. Linear.
  2. With branching.
  3. Cyclic.

We are interested in the algorithm with branching, therefore only it will be described. This command offers a choice of a procedure or function, and if you meet certain conditions that are present, a choice is made. The structure of such an algorithm is called ramified. It provides a choice between several alternatives. Each of the paths (in most cases) leads to a common point in the program code. An important branch is also when it is necessary to skip a certain action. It is also used when the user is given a choice, and this choice should be remembered for further work. In general, these algorithms with branches are useful and easy. 6 class theoretically can even understand and implement the knowledge gained in practice. If there are questions, read the article, most likely, after the completion of this process they will not remain.

Using algorithms with branching

It so happened that the emergence of situations where everything can be done without a choice is negligible, so it is necessary to consider what options can potentially arise. So, drawing a parallel with life, you can give a classic example of the weather: if the street is hot, then you must wear a T-shirt and shorts if it's snowing - a jacket. There are also more complex elections, on which the further life of a person (or the work of the program) may depend. Algorithms vary in complexity and in detailing the description of steps. So, to create a guide for yourself you can use a simple limited description (what and how it should work). But with a computer, this trick will not work. Here you need a step-by-step solution to each task. The algorithm includes branching, which, in turn, can continue almost indefinitely. Although in practice editing such written code is problematic. For you to have an idea, we suggest you familiarize yourself with such forms:

  1. Simple. If you want to be healthy, you need to play sports.
  2. Complex. Is there a desire to be healthy? If yes, then go in for sports. If not, lie on the couch and watch TV.
  3. Complex form with incomplete branching. It is necessary to go out into the street. Is it raining? If not, you can immediately go out. If it is, take an umbrella. And only then go out into the street.

Creating algorithms in general

Here you create an algorithm with branching, by which the program will be executed. If there is a desire to represent the choice schematically, then a rhombus will fit. The top is the signal transmission, and the other three parties are sending out the answers. In this case, it is not necessary to use them all: two are enough. The rhombus, incidentally, is a branch operator, which is used to refer to this action. But we ran a little forward. Where does any work begin? From the receipt of data! When constructing the algorithm, do not forget to specify the data with which the work is being done. There must always be a logical conclusion. After all, the algorithm, which knows where it breaks, can cause the "eternal" use of the processor, and the game simply hangs. Which, of course, will cause a negative reaction.

What is necessary to create a scheme and practical implementation of the algorithm?

Before embarking on the drawing of a scheme, it is necessary to learn well what is responsible for ensuring that there are no logical errors in the future. It is also necessary to learn all the nuances of implementing algorithms with branching in those programming languages where the program is planned to be written. That in the future there were no problems, it is necessary to sharpen the skill on "pure sheets". After all, if you understand how and what works, then the implementation in most cases will not be a problem. If problems do arise, try creating the algorithm with minimal running steps to identify the problem.

Features when creating

Potential branching can be infinite. Therefore, when you create them, you can not limit yourself to the number of conditions (although in the long run, the more they are, the more difficult it is to navigate). Also a little about full and incomplete branching. What is the first is probably understandable. And in which cases is the incomplete used and how do you determine that it is necessary? If there is a need to perform additional actions, in connection with the peculiarity of the program construction, and at the same time there is a simple continuation option, or it was necessary to shove the lines of code where they are not provided, then this is the case. And the construction scheme will be incomplete, but fully fulfilling its functional.


Let us, in order to acquire the acquired knowledge better, we will deal with all the said information by the example of a simple program. After all, although the algorithm with branching is easy, the examples will allow you to better understand what and how. Suppose you are writing a simple toy in which a person-controlled character must escape from computer characters. If there is a contact between them, then after a short period of time, some action takes place (the hero starts to run slower or even loses). What and how to do it - the choice is yours. But all the same it is necessary to take into account the whole aspect of all possible actions that are opened before the programmer for the realization of the conceived. So, you can take away the "life" from the character or make it so that a certain effect like slowdown is imposed on the hero-controlled hero, and it was effective while the cycle is running, which in turn works in a certain time interval. The final choice is yours.


So, in the end it is necessary to take stock of everything that was said above. Learn the components of programming, including algorithms with branching, is not difficult, if well to try. You need to learn everything you need to work with. Also, for a better effect, the practical realization of the acquired knowledge will be useful. You can start with something simple, working on the algorithm on paper or in an electronic file, gradually transferring it to the development environment.

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