LawState and Law

Let's consider such kind of the tax, as NDFL. What is this? How to fill out the form?

Answering the questions: "Personal income tax - what is it? Who can it apply to?", We can note the following. Tax residents are all individuals who are in the country for more than six months. It is for this category of citizens that the beginning of the new year is not only fun holidays, but also a period when it is necessary to sum up for the past. It is necessary to calculate all the revenues received for the past time and to reflect them in the declaration. Many entrepreneurs, asking what is personal income tax, can not figure out which type of document they need to fill out.

What kind of declaration should be filled in to individuals?

Currently, citizens who are engaged in the territory of our country by a certain entrepreneurial activity, in accordance with the law are required to take the form of 3-NDFL. Such a requirement is relevant for the majority of residents of the Russian Federation who have received any income. This applies to individuals who receive remuneration in the workplace, including additional sources of funding.

What data should the declaration of 3-NDFL contain?

A person who asks: "Personal Income Tax - what is it?", Clearly does not know what information should be indicated in the form when you submit this document. Such data today can be found on some Internet resources, telling how to fill out a particular declaration. Every citizen should remember that it is mandatory to fill the 3-NDFL correctly. For this, it is necessary to indicate the amounts of income received during the period of activity. Then it will be necessary to calculate the amount of tax that should be paid for the reporting year to the city or regional budget. Also, a citizen should pay attention to the figures that the state is obliged to reimburse to the entrepreneur.

How to reduce your taxable annual income

To receive the full information on all reports (and including: personal income tax - what is it), if necessary, it is possible in the tax authorities themselves. They will advise the citizen how to properly fill out a specific declaration, indicate the main types of payments, and also explain the possibility of using legal deductions, which, in fact, will help reduce the taxable annual income of a citizen. Specialists will remind that legislators have specified a strict time frame in which to submit a tax return in the form of 3-NDFL.

To the taxpayer on the question: "Personal Income Tax - what is it?", You can answer so that this is the main document for reporting on revenues for a certain period. The declaration should be completed in full compliance with the existing requirements, which are prescribed in the legislation. For example, in order for a document to be verified and accepted, the relevant columns include exact information about the taxpayer himself, that is his name , address of permanent residence, taxpayer identification number, and passport data. Correctly calculated amounts in the declaration should be indicated in the appropriate boxes. If everything is done on the model, the tax inspection workers should not have any questions, and the taxpayer can safely work without fear of any penalties and summons to the court.

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