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Aquarium fishes of a scalar - reproduction in house conditions

From the tranquil rivers of the Amazon basin, such ornamental fishes as the scalars have moved into their home aquariums. In the popularity of "angelfish fish" (the western name of the scalar) has its own reason. The fact that they are unusually beautiful, no one doubts. In addition, the scalars are "good neighbors" - they perfectly coexist in an aquarium with other fish. And they live a lot - an average of 10 years, although some copies survive to twenty.

Therefore, many fans of aquarium fish contain and breed scalars, the reproduction of which, however, is not the simplest thing. This is done by experienced aquarists. Approximately at the age of 10 months, the scalars come to puberty. And they, breaking into monogamous couples, are preparing for the extension of the family. The female lays calves on stones, leaves of plants, parts of aquarium equipment, and the male fertilizes it.

You should know that the scalars, the reproduction of which occurs at home, are by no means "caring parents." They very often, after laying eggs, then they simply eat it. Therefore, the appearance of the offspring of these fish is completely dependent on their host. And you can not let this process go by itself.

Prepare future "parents" for reproduction should be from the young age. And one of the main factors affecting their reproductive abilities is the quality of food. Scalas, the reproduction of which takes place in captivity, must be fed with live food from an early age. Therefore, they must first be fed with microarrays, and only then give the bloodworm, daphnia, nauplii artemia, larvae of mosquitoes, tubule and cyclops. Scalarians, who ate live food, will be much larger and more prolific than those who were fed dry food. And they can begin to spawn at the age of six months.

In addition, the scalars, the reproduction of which occurs in the aquarium, should be contained in clean water. Its temperature should be 28 degrees. In a common aquarium these fish find a couple and lay their eggs. Then it must be collected and moved to another location. After all, in the general aquarium, if they do not eat mollusks and fish, the microorganisms will destroy precisely. Therefore, for incubators an incubator is made. It is a small aquarium with a capacity of 15-20 liters. Also, it should have a plastic mesh that serves as a shovel, a heater, a sprayer with an air hose, a compressor, a glass tube and a methylene thread. Water for the incubator is also prepared specially.

After fertilization, the caviar is collected and, together with the substrate in the grid, is placed in the incubator. In this case, air must pass through the plane of the calf. If some of the eggs die (it whitens at the same time), then it must be removed with a glass tube. With proper maintenance, the fry will hatch out of the eggs in a day. And in about 60 hours they will be able to swim on their own. And then you can begin to feed them - first infusoria, and then already microarrays and Nauplias artemia.

And from the reservoirs of Thailand and Cambodia in many aquariums, another aquarium fish - a cockerel has migrated. It is also called fighting fish for pugnacious character. In Asia, even fish fights are organized between male males. Therefore, in an aquarium more than one pair of fighting fish should not be kept. To other fishes, the males are not aggressive.

These inhabitants of the aquarium have one special organ that other aquarium fish do not have . The cockerel with its help can breathe atmospheric oxygen. Therefore, he can safely live in water, which has a minimum of its quantity. True, to the temperature of the water they are very demanding. It should be within 22-24 degrees, otherwise the males will get sick. Gourmets fighting fish also do not belong. But before spawning it is desirable to give them live food.

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