
Halotherapy - what is it? Halotherapy: indications and contraindications

For health promotion, for preventive purposes, as well as for the treatment of certain diseases, experienced doctors often recommend that their patients undergo a procedure called "halotherapy." What is it, try to understand this article.

What is halotherapy?

Halotherapy is a method of treatment that does not involve the use of medicines, but is based on the use of an artificially created microclimate, similar in its basic parameters to the conditions of salt speleological clinics located underground. Today this method of therapy is successfully used practically all over the world not only for the treatment of various ailments, but also for preventive purposes.

A short excursion into the history

From ancient times, salt caves have enjoyed immense popularity. Still living in the Middle Ages, monks visited them to cure diseases of the respiratory system. Thus, a new direction appeared in medicine and gradually developed, known today as "speleotherapy". In European countries, it was only learned about him in the 19th century, when one very famous Polish therapist, whose name - Felix Bochkovsky, guided by his own observations, concluded that miners working in salt mines never suffer from asthma. A little later, in 1959, in the mine "Velichko" was opened the world's first hydrochloric hospital. A year later, a whole independent speleotherapy department began functioning. At first the reports of the doctors caused only grins and mistrust of the officials, but the cured became more and more, and it was already impossible to challenge the obvious fact. With speleotherapy with ailments, very small particles of salt, known as aerosol salt, are struggling.

Since the number of people wishing to test the effect of the "miraculous" air continuously grew, the salt clinics simply stopped coping with the ever-increasing flow of patients. In order to resolve the situation in some way, the specialists decided to create similar caves, which, however, would differ in the nature of the microclimate. It was planned to create artificial caves in the constructed caves. Thus, in 1984 the first halochamber was constructed in the USSR, which marked the beginning of a fundamentally new direction in modern medicine called "halotherapy." What is it, it became known everywhere and did not require additional explanations.

Mechanism of action of halotherapy

First of all, it should be noted that the salt rooms are designed to recreate the microclimate prevailing in the speleological clinics located underground. The walls of the premises are covered with special salt materials, which, interacting with salt aerosol, ensure the maintenance of the necessary temperature and hypobacterial parameters, as well as the corresponding humidity level. Due to this, the immune system does not get excessive load, histamine in the blood comes back to normal, the system of external respiration starts functioning normally. The noise insulation of the room prevents the penetration of foreign sounds into it. During the sessions, calm, soothing music is included, which contributes to the relaxation of the entire body. The air in the salt rooms is 10 times cleaner than the street. This is due to the crystal rock salt, which is a natural ionizer. Negatively charged ions in the air help to improve overall health and are used to treat a huge number of diseases.

What to choose: halotherapy or speleotherapy?

To date, an increasing number of people familiar with the methods of treatment in natural salt mines are interested in the advantages that, in turn, halotherapy has. What is this and is this direction in medicine really an excellent alternative to speleotherapy? Judge for yourself:

  1. Significantly reduced age restrictions.
  2. In order to undergo treatment with the help of halotherapy, you do not need to leave the country to the places of salt mines.
  3. Significant time savings, since a one-hour halotherapy session equals an average of 6 hours in a salt hospital.
  4. The cost of treatment is an order of magnitude lower.

At the same time, it should be noted that from the point of view of the efficiency of the halochamber, they are in no way inferior to natural salt caves.

In what cases is it recommended to undergo a course of halotherapy?

Every sane person is interested in the question of whether his health can be harmed by halotherapy. Indications and contraindications, of course, exist, as for any other medical procedure. Let us first consider the main indications for the use of this non-drug treatment method. These include:

  • Prevention of various colds: ARVI, acute respiratory infections, pneumonia, bronchitis of different severity;
  • Treatment of chronic sinusitis, frontal and chronic inflammatory processes;
  • Strengthening of immunity;
  • Predisposition to the manifestation of allergic reactions to food and medicine;
  • Treatment of skin diseases: psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, acne, as well as purulent manifestations in various areas of the skin;
  • Treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system and neurotic states;
  • Withdrawal of psychoemotional stress, etc.

People who want to improve their health, it is worth seriously thinking about how to try this method of treatment, like halotherapy. Indications for using this method were presented above. However, for the sake of justice, it should be noted that this is not a complete list, and for additional and more detailed information, you can at any time seek help from a specialist.

In what cases is halotherapy contraindicated?

Unfortunately, many people consider it quite harmless to have such a procedure as halotherapy. Indications and contraindications to its use are often ignored. Human carelessness, however, is fraught with consequences, and good intentions can lead in the end to a lamentable result. In order not to be in an unpleasant situation, one should take into account the fact that not everyone benefits from halotherapy. Contraindications can not be ignored, and if the doctor does not recommend the use of this method of treatment, it is better to listen and not risk your health in vain.

Among the main limitations are:

  • Individual intolerance to the saline aerosol;
  • Tuberculosis in the active stage;
  • Any malignant neoplasm;
  • Complications after some diseases, manifested in the form of suppuration;
  • All kinds of bleeding, regardless of their location;
  • pregnancy;
  • Some venereal diseases;
  • Various mental illnesses.

Contraindications also apply to people who are addicted to alcohol and narcotic drugs.

Use of halotherapy in pediatrics

Any pediatrician or children's pulmonologist will confirm that children are much more likely to catch cold due to their age. All would be nothing, but only, it would seem, the usual cold sometimes turns into a chronic form of bronchopulmonary pathology, and once a healthy child can suddenly become an invalid. The life of a huge number of children would lose its colorfulness, if today medical methods of treating bronchial diseases were not being improved. However, to achieve full success, there is still a long way to go. This is due to the fact that currently existing drugs are not always as effective as they would like.

That is why there is an urgent need to search for and improve new non-medicament methods of treatment. One such method is halotherapy. Every parent should know what it is, because prolonged treatment of a child with drugs significantly weakens his immunity.
Due to the high effectiveness of this method of treatment and prevention of various diseases, the absence of any serious side effects, as well as the ability to dose sodium chloride and throughout the procedure to monitor the child's condition continuously, halotherapy has been approved by a huge number of pediatricians of the highest qualification. It is increasingly prescribed to children and adolescents who are often ill with ARVI, pollinosis, suffering from ENT pathologies, etc. Halotherapy for children is actively used by medical and preventive and sanitation facilities located throughout Russia.

The use of halotherapy in dermatology and cosmetology

Despite the fact that currently the market of cosmetic services offers a huge range of products designed to maintain youth and beauty, yet an impressive number of women continue to rely solely on nature. For safety reasons for health and the absence of side effects, they are increasingly stopping their choice on what is known to us as halotherapy. Indications for use relate not only to the treatment of a particular kind of disease. The procedure can also be actively used in cosmetology and dermatology. Due to the specific formation process, a dry highly dispersed aerosol possesses a certain charge and a high surface energy. As a result, it is able to penetrate deep layers of the skin, thereby increasing its immune function, as well as providing an anti-inflammatory, bacteriostatic and rejuvenating effect. Microcrystals restore skin pH, promote intensification of regeneration processes, improve hair condition and activate their growth.

Halotherapy at home - a myth or reality?

Because of their employment, not everyone can afford to visit the halochamber for a long time. One halotherapy session lasts 30-45 minutes, and at least 10 procedures are needed to complete the full course. Therefore, some people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to conduct a procedure at home, during their free time, and whether this will give the desired result. It is difficult to answer unequivocally, because, although the procedure can be carried out within the walls of the house, the efficiency from its application will be an order of magnitude lower.

So, in order to increase immunity and regularly carry out the prevention of respiratory diseases without visiting specialized institutions, one should only buy one of the many salt lamps offered on the market today . They are made from salt crystals, and inside they put a light bulb that, after switching on the device, heats the stone, so that the air is saturated with ions of salt.

Of course, you can equip houses even with a speleo-chamber, but not everyone will be able to afford it. Moreover, in addition to significant costs, it will take an impressive amount of space and help highly qualified specialists.

Is it possible to undergo a course of halotherapy in Moscow?

The inhabitants of the capital are increasingly tempted to try on their own amazing effect, which is famous for halotherapy. Moscow is a metropolis where almost any whim can be satisfied, and treatment in salt rooms is no exception. So, the network of salt caves "Galo Plus" offers its services, which deserved very good feedback from visitors. Practice has shown that once visiting a session, a person is no longer able to deny himself the pleasure of regularly visiting salt rooms. And this is not surprising, because you can not buy health, and the disease is better prevented, than later to treat. To prevent many diseases, halotherapy is ideal. The price of one session varies from 350 to 500 rubles, and the effect is simply stunning. Plus, everything can be visited by the whole family, without age restrictions.

Halotherapy: reviews of doctors and patients

Everyone has the right to decide what is best for him. The same applies to the procedure, which is known to the public as halotherapy. Reviews about it are mostly positive, and only a few express their negative opinion. However, it would be reasonable to note that this negative is mainly expressed by those patients who decided to go to the session, ignoring the existing contraindications. Naturally, under such circumstances, the procedure will not only not have a positive effect on the overall health, but can even harm it. Doctors, as well as an overwhelming number of patients, argue that halotherapy is an excellent method of non-medicinal control of certain diseases and is just a good way to relieve fatigue, stress and prolonged depression.

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