
Clinical symptoms and treatment of chronic sinusitis

Today we are interested in a disease like sinusitis and its treatment. The pathology itself is the presence of an inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses. There are only two maxillary sinuses. They are also called maxillary sinus or maxillary sinus. Hence the name of the disease is "Sinusitis". According to the nature of the current pathology is divided into acute and chronic. It is also accompanied by a chronic cold, headaches, loss of smell.

Before the treatment of chronic sinusitis, consult with a doctor. Often patients complain only of shortness of breath. In other cases, there is abundant nasal discharge of mucopurulent, and in periods of exacerbation and purulent nature. Symptoms can be expressed in a sense of gravity, pressure in the area of inflammation. Sometimes such manifestations are accompanied by pain in the area of the maxillary sinuses, which give to the temporal region and the region of the superciliary arches.

Effective treatment of sinusitis largely depends on correct, effective diagnosis. Chronic pathology of the maxillary sinuses recalls the trigeminal neuralgia according to clinical symptoms. The causes of the chronic course of this disease can be acute inflammations that have developed repeatedly. The process becomes chronic because of the anatomical features of the maxillary sinus and / or due to pathological changes in the nasal cavity. More recently, allergic sinusitis has also been noted.

Treatment of chronic sinusitis involves the presence of information about the diseases of the respiratory tract, preceding the emergence of chronic pathology. This is about ARVI, as well as other sinusitis. The patient is asked in detail for the presence of pain in the maxillary region, visits to the dentist, exacerbations of pathology and their frequency. Perhaps earlier there was an operative intervention.

Treatment of chronic sinusitis before the results of microbiological studies are obtained begins with the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics. It can be preparations "Cefazolinum" and "Amoxicillin", combined with acid klavulanovoj. After the results of inoculation are obtained, the administration of antibiotics of directed action follows. In the absence of a nasal discharge and / or inability to receive it, therapy continues with a previously prescribed medication.

Anti-inflammatory therapy may include a drug such as Fenspiride. Antihistamine treatment is carried out with ebastin, chlorapyramine, mebhydroline and other medicines.

In other words, the treatment of chronic sinusitis, as in the acute course of the disease, is carried out pharmacotherapeutic methods. This method is chosen individually by a doctor during a consultation. With severe pain and / or profuse pus, the sinuses are washed without a puncture. The effect of drug therapy can be enhanced by laser therapy. This implies the elimination of the effects of the inflammatory process. In certain cases, treatment is combined with acupuncture.

Treatment of chronic sinusitis is usually performed on an outpatient basis. There is a need to ensure a good outflow of the contents of the maxillary sinus, which has been affected. If complications occur or the course of the pathology takes a severe course, the patient is hospitalized. Chronic sinusitis during an exacerbation, like acute sinusitis, is treated with the appointment of antipyretics, antibiotics, sulfonamides, vitamins. Treatment of chronic sinusitis with its allergic origin is carried out by means of nonspecific and specific hyposensitization. The means of nonspecific hyposensitization are, for example, calcium chloride, antihistamines, and specific - allergens in small doses, vaccines, autovaccines.

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