
7 polyclinic in Voronezh. Voronezh, student's polyclinic

The relevance of medical institutions in Russia is very high. Almost every second resident of the country has health problems. As they say: "There are no healthy people". Despite this, one should hope for the best and apply to the responsible medical institutions of the country. They include and 7 clinic in Voronezh.

The best clinic in Voronezh

There are many medical institutions in the city. But far from each of them can boast of a great work experience, reputation and broad-profile activity. When choosing a medical institution for the treatment of diseases of different origin, pay attention to the reviews. Many residents claim that the regional polyclinic (Voronezh) is a place to turn to.

What is this medical institution?

Today the medical center belongs to large outpatient clinics in Russia. In Voronezh this institution has no equal. The complex includes 13 institutions that, based on their own experience, provide any therapeutic services. The staff of this medical institution consists of more than 400 doctors and 700 medical workers. Such a huge staff ensures proper treatment and prevention of any diseases. Every employee of a medical institution has a qualification. Annually polyclinic is recognized as the best institution in the city. Not surprisingly, many years of work can not but give positive results.

To the roots

Surprisingly, the clinic has been operating since 1943. For more than 70 years, a team of doctors, replenished with new specialists, has saved hundreds and thousands of lives. 7 policlinic Voronezh initially occupied only 2 rooms, which were allocated for medical needs. Over time, the territorial affiliation of the clinic was expanded and supplemented, allowing to make the treatment process as comfortable as possible. Since 1943, on a continuous basis, new technologies, devices and methods of treatment have been introduced. The clinic does not stand still. The conditions of work in it allow to constantly improve both to doctors and patients. Today the railway polyclinic (Voronezh) offers a wide range of services.

Clinic operation mode

The main work time is: from 08:00 to 20:00, from Monday to Friday. Saturday and Sunday are characterized by a shorter working time (from 08:00 to 14:00). On Sunday the clinic works in the "doctor on duty" mode. The hospital has an electronic registry where you can make an appointment with the doctor online.

Address and phone numbers

The clinic (main department) is located at the following address - ul. Writer Marshak, 1. Getting to the destination is not difficult. 7 polyclinic (Voronezh) phone for recording has this: +7 (473) 278-84-36. Having agreed in advance on the day and time of the visit, you will correctly dispose of your free time. If you want to make an appointment with the chief doctor of the clinic, you need to find out the availability of free time for this event. Alexey Vladimirovich Razvorotnev receives patients every Monday from 16:00. The conclusion of the head physician will allow not to doubt the diagnosis. But you need to take into account that the record to it is conducted in advance, so you need to have extra time.


On the site of the clinic you can leave your appeal to the doctor. There is a special electronic form that will allow you to quickly write a message and get an answer. 7 Polyclinic Voronezh proposes to establish contact with the specialists of the clinic. The form on the Internet assumes to enter the electronic address for reception of the answer, phone number and the reference. Having a medical question, you can ask it and expect a sensible answer. Everything was done to ensure that interaction with the hospital was as productive as possible.

What services does the clinic provide?

Within the framework of the "Program of State Guarantees", free medical care is provided, which includes the following services:

  • First aid;
  • Treatment of the most common ailments (trauma, dislocation, colds);
  • Preventive vaccinations;
  • Examination of pregnant women, children;
  • Treatment of diseases requiring special diagnostic techniques.

The polyclinic renders services on a price, as well as other paid out-patient clinics. Voronezh can boast of having many such establishments. The cost of services can be found on the official website of these medical institutions. Similar services renowned Voronezh student polyclinic also offers. Depending on the place of residence, you can choose the right medical institution, which will be closer.

Normative documents

The activity of the medical center is based primarily on regulatory documents in force in the territory of the Russian Federation. On the company's website you can get acquainted with all these official papers in detail. In addition, you can see the list of medicines, their description and application. The clinic does everything possible for the productive treatment of each patient.

Cost of paid services

7 clinic in Voronezh has a price list for the provision of paid services. The prices for the most popular ones are as follows: ultrasound of the heart - 974 rubles, fluorography - 100 rubles, mammography - 344 rubles, blood sampling from the finger - 34 rubles, venous blood - 130 rubles. Consultations of doctors will cost more: 169 rubles. There is a reception at the cardiologist, rheumatologist, urologist, ophthalmologist, orthopedist, neurologist, allergist and other specialized specialists. The most expensive services are provided by an infectious diseases specialist - 230 rubles, the therapist - 189. The cheapest method for a therapist is 126 rubles. A similar range of services is provided by the polyclinic at Lomonosov (Voronezh). For more detailed acquaintance with the prices it is recommended to visit the official site of the clinic.

Patients with children

For patients with babies all conditions are created. Treatment of childhood diseases is quite difficult. Qualified pediatricians at the stage of education will be able to cure any ailment and quickly solve the problem. There are special rooms for children, so visiting a doctor for them is not such a terrible event.

7 polyclinic (Voronezh): reviews

About any medical institution on the Internet you can find a lot of statements. Relatively 7 polyclinics are mostly positive reviews. Many patients give an example when the registrar manages to get through not the first time. But the explanation for this is simple - a large influx of patients. However, this is not a problem if you want to get on a doctor's appointment. You can always use the electronic form of recording.

Many patients emphasize that visiting the clinic leaves only positive impressions. Medical personnel treat everyone with understanding, therefore, every problem will be given due attention. There is no hurry. All questions are clarified on the spot. Any medical services are at a decent level. Duty doctors will always help in solving an emergency. Emergency care is of high quality and professional.


Like any other medical institution in the country, 7 polyclinics tries to improve the quality of the services provided. The polyclinic plans to expand their range, provide more assistance to those in need, and increase the list of free medical care. All services that are provided within the polyclinic have a high level of quality. Each patient is under the careful care of doctors.

The medical staff constantly improves their qualifications, replenishes with doctors and candidates of medical sciences. Such a trend to development allows attracting more clients who respond positively to the clinic. Anyone who is confronted with the provision of services in the clinic, will return there again in case of health problems. In the plans of the staff - the continued modernization of its equipment. In addition, they will finish building and acquire large technological capabilities. In the future, the polyclinic will compete with the best medical institutions not only in Russia, but in the world as a whole. Such an application for the future must necessarily be crowned with success.

To avoid the queue

In order to avoid multiple queues, you need to act correctly. At the services of patients there is an electronic registry. What it is? This is a very simple and convenient form, where you do not have to dial and listen to short jaws. Everything works and is easy. You just need to fill out the form on the Internet and choose a doctor, ask for an appointment. The form assumes the filling of the field. In it you indicate to which doctor you want to enroll. Write and the desired time of visit. The electronic form has so many advantages. You do not need to wait until the phone line is freed and you will be queued up. Everything is much simpler and much faster.

These methods are resorted to by medical institutions that value the time of their patients. If you want to get the most comfortable medical services, you just need to visit the polyclinic's website and fill out the required form. Thus, the time of the clinic and patient is significantly saved. Visit the electronic registry can be using a computer, tablet, laptop and even a smartphone. Mobile users will appreciate such a positive opportunity.

Considering all the above listed advantages of the clinic, it can be chosen to treat any health problems. Residents of Voronezh have the opportunity to visit this institution on a daily basis. Guests of the city can also visit the clinic without hindrance. The medical staff has always been renowned for the quality of services, so each patient can rely on qualified help.

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