
Brewer's yeast - reviews about the drug and its varieties

The first mention of the use of brewer's yeast found in the ancient Egyptian papyrus Eber, which painted a few thousand years before our era. It is known that Nefertiti and Cleopatra used beer to improve their beauty. For many centuries people used beer, which contained many useful microelements and enzymes, because it was not filtered. Today, you can hardly find such a beer. And there are no brewer's yeast in what is sold.
Brewer's yeast (reviews on this active additive are on many forums) are yeast unicellular mushrooms of the genus Sacharomycetes. They are usually a liquid mass. For sale in the form of a biological additive they are dried, which destroys their cell membranes, and they are more easily absorbed by the body.

People who use this product write about beer yeast reviews that it is a storehouse of nutrients and minerals. Powder of 40% consists of substances that are vitally important for our body: amino acids and proteins. Those who sit on different diets, do not eat meat, this supplement will be of great service, making up for the lack of proteins.

Brewer's yeast helps the body produce insulin. They contain a large number of B vitamins, a lot of vitamin D, minerals and trace elements: sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, zinc, selenium, copper. These substances not only help to maintain physical and mental health, but also prolong youth and support the unfading beauty. The composition of brewer's yeast found traces of biotin, niacin, pantothenic acid. The rate of regeneration of the skin is significantly increased, as is the acceleration of the overall metabolism. This is also promoted by the most valuable amino acids, which contain brewer's yeast. The feedback of people who used them externally is also the most enthusiastic.

What is especially important for people of age, brewer's yeast reduces the level of cholesterol, "eating" cholesterol plaques, increases efficiency, strengthens the immune system and the nervous system. The intestinal microflora is normalized , the body acquires resistance to stress, reacts quietly to negative external influences.

And yet, despite the fact that they give feedback on the addition of brewer's yeast, it is impossible to answer unequivocally the question whether they are all shown. It is not recommended to eat them for people with kidney failure, for those who suffer from gout.

Brewer's yeast is taken not only as a food supplement. In its raw form, they are actively used for baths and cooking masks, which improve blood circulation and all metabolic processes, help get rid of old and unnecessary keratinized cells.

In addition to the usual widely used also brewer's yeast with sulfur. The reviews point out the high effectiveness of this combination in the treatment of skin with pimples and acne, which often affects adolescents. Cell regeneration occurs even faster, the skin recovers and becomes clean and fresh. Sulfur is present in our body in virtually all tissues. Sulfur atoms are part of the molecules of irreplaceable amino acids (cystine, cysteine, methionine), hormones (insulin, calcitonin), vitamins (biotin, thiamine), taurine and other compounds.

Another subspecies of the drug - brewer's yeast with zinc - reviews about this supplement come mainly from older people, or parents of children. Zinc is primarily needed for the formation of bone tissue, which is extremely important for a child's fast-growing organism, as well as for the fragile bones of older people. It also supports the liver, protecting it from chemical damage. Taste and smell also worsen with a lack of zinc in the body.

Whatever drug is given preference, the results should be expected not earlier than in a few weeks. Brewer's yeast is slow, but true.

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