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"Goy you, Rus, my dear." Analysis of the poem S.А. Yesenin

Sergei Esenin - one of the most famous and favorite poets of the early XX century, who dedicated a huge number of his lyrical works of Russia, its people, nature and way of life. He happened to visit different countries, where everything was much better equipped, but he always missed his untouched homeland and certainly returned back. For him, Rus has always been the embodiment of the vast expanses of fields and forests, dusty bumpy roads and peasant villages with squat huts.

"Goy you, Rus, my dear." Analysis of Yesenin's poem

The poet Yesenin can not be considered an idealist, he saw that there were many shortcomings in his country, but nevertheless forgave her for her imperfection, the tyranny and shortsightedness of the landowners, the constant drunkenness of the people and the faith, built up in absolute faith in a just and good king. He described this love in his famous work "Go, you, Russia, my dear," analyzing which, one can confidently say that he was unshakably in love with his homeland as it was. Having the opportunity to live abroad, he preferred to return to die only in Russia.

In 1914 the poet already lived in Moscow, and by that time he was quite famous. It was at this time in his head were born the beautiful lines of the poem "Go, you, Russia, my dear." Analyzing the life of Yesenin, it may seem that the big cities brought him a terrible yearning for the past when he was a simple Ryazan boy from ordinary peasants, free and unusually happy.

Holy temple

In his dreams and thoughts, he always wandered through the endless green meadows, breathing in fresh air with complete delight. His entire homeland was associated with a large, bright and clean temple that can heal the soul of a troubled wanderer and return it to true spiritual values. Yesenin identified himself with the "zaozhim bogomolets", who returned to his land to bow deeply to her and, having made such a simple, traditional for the Russian people rite, again go to foreign lands.

He sees pre-revolutionary Russia as a single temple, this is emphasized by the words "huts - in the images of the image." And then the poet can not but pass by her poverty and the primitive way of life: "Poplars are faintly singing at the low end of the village."


In a sincere love for the native land Yesenin always and everywhere admits. "Goy, Rus, my dear" - so he refers to it in his poem, for him it is like a close person. This work was included in the first collection of poems Esenina, which was called "Radunitsa." In this poem there is one characteristic feature of Yesenin's early poetry - sometimes not quite understandable words for the urban reader, such as "coroges", a lot of religious symbols, for example "holy saint", "paradise", "meek Savior", "in images of images". The reader is immediately immersed in an atmosphere of kindness, bright joy and purity that visits a person after a festive divine service. The poet strengthens the artistic perception of images with a syllable of words, creating the illusion of a bell-ringing.

Homage to the Motherland

The work "Goy you, Rus, my dear" is analyzed very easily, the poet is very sensitive and beautifully pours out his whole soul in him, and this is thanks to his enormous poetic talent. Yesenin is a subtle nature, he creates a delightful state of mind and notes that he would never exchange the aroma of honey and apples that always accompanies the summer Savior, and a merry girlish laughter, compared with the ringing of earrings.

The poet, feeling and realizing that serious social problems are ripening in his modern society , seems to envy the peasants, who, it seems to him, lead a more correct and reasonable life than even his own. And this is all because they know how to rejoice even the smallest and, most importantly, honor the traditions of their ancestors. Their wealth is a fertile land, green forests and meadows, blue rivers and lakes that delight the poet with their pristine beauty. Yesenin's poems were always filled with this ecstasy.


It was such folk peasant lyricism that included the work "Goy you, Rus, my dear". The analysis of the poem reveals all the thoughts of the poet, who sincerely believes that if there is a paradise in the world, he certainly is in the Russian countryside, to which civilization has not yet reached, and so she managed to preserve her pristine purity and attractiveness. These reflections confirm his words "do not have paradise, give my homeland", by which he ends his poem, thus summing up a certain result.

Now it is for certain that it was clear what Sergei Esenin wanted to say in his poem "Go, you, Russia, my dear." The analysis once again tells us that he is very happy to feel part of his homeland and his people. And this awareness for him is more important than all the treasures and riches of the world, because they will never replace his love for the native land, which he absorbed with mother's milk and which protected him all his life.

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