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Good vitamins for immunity to adults: customer reviews

To the immune system has always been able to perform its functions, it must be maintained. There are whole complexes of vitamins that help to cope with this task. They are divided into vitamins separately for children and separately for adults. The article describes vitamin complexes and individual vitamins, which are necessary for adults. Comments of buyers and doctors are given.

Principles of the immune system

Immunity for man is vital. It provides protection of the body. And if the immune system works correctly, a person will feel more energized, stronger and less likely to get sick. Protective functions simply will not miss pathogens. In addition, strong immunity helps to cope with daily stress, changing weather conditions and heavy physical and mental stress.

Ultraviolet radiation, as well as chemicals, weaken the immune system. The situation is aggravated by harmful habits and age-related changes in the body, as well as chronic diseases. Therefore, in order to maintain health, it is necessary to take complexes of vitamins and minerals to strengthen immunity.

What exactly is necessary for an adult body?

One of the most important is vitamin A - retinol. It has the property of preventing the development of prostate and breast cancer. Therefore, neither men nor women can do without it. Also, retinol helps maintain visual acuity. He does not allow developing cataracts. Thanks to the presence in the body of vitamin A a person will not grow old prematurely.

And vitamin A is involved in the formation of antibodies. Therefore, if vitamin-mineral complex includes retinol, these are the best vitamins for adults immunity. Another of the properties of vitamin A - its ability to strengthen hair and nails, improve the color and condition of the skin.

B vitamins are also needed by adults for immunity. The activity of the bone marrow, for example, depends on folic acid. Without B-group vitamins, antibodies needed to fight cancer cells, bacteria and viruses will not be produced. In addition, these vitamins contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous system, so that a person can better cope with stress and remains calm in various stressful situations. These are very good vitamins for immunity to adults.

The list continues with ascorbic acid. Various viruses and bacteria can not penetrate into the body enriched with vitamin C. Ascorbic acid increases the activity of phagocytes, and they neutralize pathogens. In addition, vitamin C promotes the synthesis of antibodies.

Two more useful vitamins

Tocopherol and vitamin P are also very good vitamins for adult immunity. Vitamin E is an antioxidant. Due to its presence in the body, the skin dries less, and wrinkles develop less often. Therefore, women who want to look younger, necessarily need vitamin-mineral complexes containing tocopherol. Thanks to vitamin E, wounds on the skin heal faster, eliminate inflammation and thrombi.

Vitamin P is necessary for the body to strengthen protection against inflammation and radiation, to prevent the formation of tumors. Thanks to him, immunity receives flavonoid substances and becomes stronger.

What makes vitamins work?

In order for vitamins to be as effective as possible, it is important to use them in combination with micro- and macro elements. This is the only way to strengthen the body's resistance to stress, bacteria and viruses, as well as free radicals.

Enzymes, which contain selenium or zinc, reveal the potential of antioxidants and enhance their effect. Zinc is especially important for men. He is responsible for maintaining sexual activity. In addition, being a constituent of many hormones, zinc in combination with vitamins supports the reproductive system of both women and men.

Drugs that improve immunity

To the body received the necessary vitamins and minerals, you need to eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle. Also, thanks to the efforts of pharmacists, there are many vitamin-mineral complexes that are also worth taking to maintain and strengthen immunity.

Among such complexes are vitamins "AlphaVit", "Multi-tabs Immuno Plus", "Duovit", "Centrum", "Vitrum", "Gerimax", "Spirulina". And take these good vitamins for immunity to adults. Reviews of all listed complexes are mostly positive. Those who took them say that if you follow the instructions and the indicated dosage, the result is always happy.

Vitamins "AlphaVit"

Vitamin complex "AlphaVit" is recommended for taking during epidemics and colds. The composition includes lipoic and succinic acids, 10 minerals, including zinc and selenium, and 13 vitamins. Thanks to this, the drug not only strengthens the immune system and increases the body's resistance to the penetration of bacteria and viruses, but also contributes to the speedy recovery of an already ill person.

This complex of vitamins for adult immunity reviews has been enthusiastic. Especially men and women who take it, pleases that it almost does not cause allergic reactions. Vitamin prophylaxis, which is provided by the drug AlphaVit, is 30-50% more effective than other complexes. This is explained by the fact that during its development the scientific recommendations regarding the separate and joint intake of useful substances were taken into account.

Preparations "Vitrum" and "Centrum"

Preparations "Vitrum" and "Centrum" are also good vitamins for immunity to adults. Reviews about them are wonderful. These drugs contain a number of vitamins and minerals. Vitamins "Centrum" almost fill the daily need of an adult. They are recommended for taking prophylaxis for hypovitaminosis and strengthening immunity. Both men and women take it with pleasure. You can often hear that the reception of vitamins "Centrum" had a positive impact on the general health and helped not to get sick during the epidemic.

Vitamins Vitrum are very similar in composition to Centrum. Similar and similar recommendations for use. Buyers, judging by the reviews, not always happy with the price, because it can range from 560 to 1500 rubles. You can hear complaints that there are vitamins and cheaper. However, there are many more who praise the drug and convince that it does not have any drawbacks.

Vitamins for weight loss

Particularly attracting the attention of men and women are vitamin complexes that contribute to weight loss. Among such drugs, the "Gerimax" complex is distinguished. In addition to 10 vitamins and 7 minerals, it also contains green tea extract, which helps in the fight against obesity.

In general, for health, you must constantly take vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, E, D3, pantothenic, folic and nicotinic acid, magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, zinc. This is by right the best vitamins for immunity to adults. Reviews also have information that in the matter of losing weight without them is indispensable. It is still important to take medications containing Omega-3.

Inexpensive vitamins for adults

When the question is about health, people usually do not spare money. However, in medicines, the rule does not always work: if expensive, then qualitative. Often along with very expensive medicines there are quite worthy analogs at fairly affordable prices. The same applies to vitamin complexes. Not necessarily large sums of money should be worth good vitamins for immunity to adults. Inexpensive drugs are also available. For example, vitamins "Complly for women." Their cost is only 130-250 rubles.

The drug "Complivit" is suitable for women over 45 years. These are good vitamins for immunity to adults. Reviews of women show that the effect is especially noticeable in those who work hard at work or at home. Regular intake of tablets allows you to have strong health and stay beautiful with a tight schedule.

There are other inexpensive good vitamins for immunity to adults, doctors' opinions about which encourage many to take them without a doubt. These complexes are "Duovit for men" and "Duovit for women" for 300-400 rubles, as well as vitamins "Alphabet" at a price of 250 rubles to 500. The drugs are designed to strengthen the immune system and support the body of adults in stressful situations. Vitamins "Duovit" doctors are advised to take also with dehydration, prolonged intake of antibiotics, with large blood loss and during chemotherapy courses.

Vitamins with herpes zoster

The herpes virus, getting into the human body, remains there forever. However, it manifests itself because of the weakening of immunity. Therefore, people who are carriers of the virus should take drugs that strengthen the protective functions of the body. Then the possibility of herpes zoster will be minimized. If the rashes on the skin are already there, the more it is to take vitamins.

Strengthening of immunity is especially promoted by ascorbic acid, tocopherol and vitamins of group B. Therefore it is necessary to choose preparations which contain vitamin C, E and vitamins B9 and B12. These are the best vitamins for immunity to adults with herpes zoster. The reviews confirm the effectiveness of complexes with such a composition.

Especially the patients praise the vitamins Undevit, Complivit, Multi-tabs, Supradin, Vitrum. With daily intake of them, the itching decreases and the wounds heal. Herpes zoster disappears and then for a long time does not make itself felt.

Vitamin and mineral complexes for the elderly

It's no secret that as the body ages, the body loses its strength and vigor, the organs begin to malfunction, the skin loses its elasticity. In order for this process not to be so tangible and noticeable, the best vitamins for immunity are also needed for adults.

The reviews show that it is important to drink complexes that contain antioxidant vitamins: carotenoids, tocopherol, riboflavin, ascorbic acid, cyanocobalamin. Also, the elderly organism needs biotin, fish oil, vitamin D, folic acid, iodine, magnesium and iron. If you regularly take good vitamins for immunity to adults, feedback about which is positive and cause confidence, the physiological needs of the elderly in minerals and vitamins will be replenished.

For the elderly, a whole range of vitamin preparations has been created. This is Vitus Intellect, KorVitus, SustaVitus and Antioxidant Complex (AOK) + selenium. According to reviews, the greatest effect is achieved by using them throughout the year with small two-week breaks once a month. It is especially worth taking vitamin complexes from October to April.

Of course, it is possible to carefully monitor the diet and to try to consume vitamins enriched with foods, organic vegetables and fruits, and lead a healthy lifestyle to maintain and strengthen immunity. However, even the best food and the most correct daily routine will not be able to fully satisfy the needs of the body in vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it is important to take vitamin complexes, based on the needs and age of adults.

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