Computers, Computer games
How to make a dye in "Maincraft" and how to use it
When you play in Maynkraft, you can come across objects that are painted in bright and attractive colors. Naturally, at the same time you can have quite a normal desire - to paint with your own hair something in the color you like. But not everyone knows how to do it. Many do not even realize that in this game you can get dyes and use them for their intended purpose. Therefore, it is worthwhile to consider in detail how to make a dye in "Maynkraft." Also, it is worth paying special attention to the types of dyes, since they too are different.
Dyes in the game
Everyone who has seen something bright in the game, asks about how to make the dye in the "Maincrafter", but not all find the answer to this question. And the solution lies on the surface, because most of them are done in the simplest way - by crafting a single object. That's only here and the question arises: what exactly is necessary to craft to get the dye? After all, it can then be used for a variety of purposes, for example, for painting wool, armor and other items. This will allow you to make life much brighter, and at the same time diversifies the gameplay. Therefore, it's time to learn how to make a dye in "Maincrafter".
Natural dyes
In total you can paint anything in more than twenty colors, but not all of them are simple. The fact is that in the game only thirteen shades can be obtained in nature, the rest must be obtained in more complicated ways. And how to make the dye in "Maynkraft" from what the game gives you? It's very simple - you only need a workbench, because the paint itself is made from specific resources. For example, you can get a red dye if you craft a poppy or a tulip, which you can easily find in the field. Yellow is easy to achieve from a dandelion or sunflower. You can find a table in which you will find all the natural resources that give you simple dyes, or you can not spoil your impressions and experiment. Perhaps, in addition to interesting colors, you will also get what you did not expect at all. However, it is important not to concentrate solely on the workbench, because by burning a cactus, for example, you get a green dye. "Maincraft" provides you with a huge number of opportunities, so use them all.
Composite Colors
As already mentioned earlier, in nature you can find materials only for the manufacture of thirteen natural dyes. But there are also nine components that simply can not be done. Seven of them are only slightly more complicated than the basic ones. For example, by mixing bone meal and green cactus you can get a lime dye. "Maincrafter", however, offers you two more unique colors that are hardest to make. If you followed the path of experiments and do not look at the table, it will be very difficult for you to find the right ingredients. After all, to make a lilac dye you will need to mix already two ready shades, purple and pink. What can I say about the light gray color, for which you need to add to the gray bone meal. That's so difficult to get knowledge of painting in the "Meincraft." How to make a blue dye is one question, but how to achieve more vivid and unusual colors - it's completely different.
How to paint an object
It starts with the fact that not all the items in the game can be painted, so you have to accept that some of your experiments will be unsuccessful. The most striking example of a thing that is constantly painted is wool. It is produced thanks to sheep, but often they are painted before they are sheared, for this purpose the dye is used directly on the sheep - and its wool acquires a new color. It should be noted that it will continue to be passed on to her children, and if you cross it with a different color rock, then you can get something extraordinary. If you need to paint the object, put it in the workbench together with the dye, and if its color can be changed, the process will be successful.
Painting of armor
Separately, we should consider the process of painting armor. It's important to know that you can only change the color of leather armor, so do not try to repaint others, such as metal or gold. Also note that this feature appeared only in one of the latest versions, so if your client has been downloaded for a long time and has not been updated since then, you will not have a chance to change the color of your armor. Well, it's worth noting that much more colors are available for painting armor than for crafting, so your imagination will have more space to work with. In addition, this fact gives hope that in the future versions of the game the amount of dyes will increase noticeably, and you will be able to decorate your house more decoratively, as well as neighborhoods, painting walls, fences and even sheep in different colors.
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