Homeliness, Gardening
Flowers of the same year: names, planting, cultivation
From the earliest spring and to the first frosts, we are pleased with the beauty of unpretentious flowers-one-year-olds. Their main advantage for gardeners is the ability to make new compositions every season, transforming the garden or country house in accordance with their mood and taste.
Picking annuals that have different periods of flowering, you can decorate a flower bed or lawn, which will delight the riot of colors all season. To give flowers, one-year-old flowers are most often grown in seedlings, forming unusual and bright group plantings.
Classification of annual flowers
When creating a flower garden, it is important to select and plant plants correctly. To facilitate this process, we will introduce you to popular garden flowers-one-year. The names, photos, the time of their flowering - all this will be in our review.
Dwarf plants (up to 25 cm in height):
- Petunia (June-September);
- Lobelia (June-October);
- Marigolds (July-September);
- Fragrant tobacco (June - September);
- Angeratum (June - September);
- Gazania (July-September).
Low-growing species (up to 35 cm):
- Nasturtium (July-September);
- Verbena (July-September);
- Zinnia (June-September);
- Calendula (June - September);
- Astra (July-October);
- Eshsholtsiya (June-September).
Middle-sized varieties:
- Matthiol (July-September);
- Snapdragon (June-September).
Tall plants (80 cm and above):
- Delphinium (June-August);
- Dahlias (July-October);
- Stock-rose (July-September).
Plants curly:
- Morning glory (June-October);
- Convolvulus (July-September).
Some of the above species of annuals differ in height, depending on the variety (for example, the aster is low, medium and high).
Organization of flower gardens
Now it is difficult to surprise someone with a traditional flowerbed on which flowers grow. Today, popularity is gaining a variety in the device, the way of growing and the shape of flower beds, which without exaggeration can be called a work of art. Owners of private plots and dachas sometimes create real masterpieces from these plants.
Amateur floriculture does not require complex special training, physical expenses, on the contrary, it inspires and soothes. Equally important is the fact that you will not need serious financial expenses to begin with. At the initial stage, you only need a piece of land, seeds and, of course, the desire to grow beautiful flowers-one-year. But this is only at the beginning of the most interesting path. Such hobby, as a flower growing, captures, and soon flowerbeds becomes insufficient, and skilled flower growers invent the most various kinds of flower beds.
And we will begin a small survey from the traditional flower bed, which is considered the usual and one of the most common types of flower garden design. This is a small piece of land, which is given the right shape, and along the perimeter is limited by a low border or fence. Unpretentious flowers-one-year-olds feel great on such an islet - they adapt quite quickly and show resistance to local climatic conditions.
However, the selection of varieties and planting have some features. The fact is that the flowers on the flowerbed are planted in the form of a repeating pattern or pattern, taking into account the combination of the color palette (shades either contrast or harmonize). The effectiveness of such planting is not achieved due to individual flowers, but due to group compositions.
This is a section of regular rectangular shape with a width of up to one and a half meters and a length that is several times greater than the width. Usually, such flower gardens are created in parallel to garden paths. They planted unpretentious and beautiful flowers, one-year-olds of the same height. In addition, the plant can be planted with one variety.
If you want to plant plants of different heights, then higher plants are planted along the central axis of the site. Given the simplicity of arrangement of such a flower garden and the lack of financial costs, this kind is preferred by summer residents.
A new and more modern design of the flower garden, which came to us from England. Represents a stretched section. The peculiarity of the mixboarder is the possibility of combining different colors-one-year-olds, grassy and woody plants in a limited area. They are located in free groups.
Experienced growers consider the top of the selection of plants a periodic replacement of the center of the composition after the flowering of some and the flowering of other specimens. As a rule, mixborders are arranged between the track of the site and the hedge. Curly annual flowers and higher specimens are planted closer to the fence.
Flower containers
This type of design is not as widespread as landscape designers would have liked. Creation of original compositions from flowers-one-year-olds, photos of which can be seen in the magazines on floriculture, is considered a promising method of registration of plots. It allows you to create magnificent flower compositions that perfectly complement each other, combine them for the flowering period, the texture of the inflorescences and the height.
But it is especially important that the containers can be moved periodically, thus changing the composition - this is a kind of mobile flower garden. To create original contrasts, we recommend combining flowers of the same year with ornamental-deciduous plants. A decisive role in this case is the color of the composition.
And now let's imagine the popular annuals, which are very easy to grow on the site, even without the experience in floriculture.
Fragrant tobacco
This plant, which came to us from America, is an indisputable adornment of summer flower beds. These flowers are one-year-olds widely used due to different colors and spicy persistent aroma. Sweet tobacco is thermophilic. Seedlings of flowers-one-year-olds of this species are planted in the ground in May, when night frosts are completely excluded.
Depending on the variety, the plant can reach a height of thirty to eighty centimeters. The main advantage of these flowers can be fully appreciated late at night, when flowering buds open, and the air is filled with an amazing aroma.
A very popular plant, which is a curling liana up to four meters long. Fans of ornamental plants most often use two varieties: convolvulus tri-color or convolvulus Moorish. Both forms are semi-shrubs with creeping shoots, the length of which does not exceed fifty centimeters.
Color of flowers is varied, but more often there are blue and violet shades. The plant effectively looks in the rabatkah, mixborders or pendant pots.
Flowers-annuals, photos of which you can see below, belong to the family of the cornflowers. This is a heat-loving liana, which grows to 2.5 meters. Magnificent appearance of the plant gives the funnel-shaped large inflorescences, painted in blue-violet tones. On the green background of the foliage, they look great.
Plant this plant with seeds in the soil or seedlings in the northern regions. Ipomea prefers brightly lit areas, protected from drafts. We need to think over the support for weaving.
Well, these flowers, one-year-olds, in our opinion, do not need special advertising. Petunia, undoubtedly, is one of the most frequently used plants, for decorating not only gardens, but also flower beds in city squares and parks. Flowers vary in color, can be simple and terry. The plant differs unpretentiousness and prolonged abundant flowering almost to frost.
On a permanent place planted with seedlings. It looks great in containers, mixborders and pendant pots. The disadvantage of many decorative species, including petunia, is the loss of parental qualities in harvested and sown seeds.
Often, these flowers are of the same age, gardeners and gardeners are called majors. The most common are two varieties: pomponous (lilliputian) and dahliform. This beautiful annual is quite compact, but some varieties have high branches. Inflorescences are a magnificent basket with a diameter of up to fifteen centimeters of different coloring.
Flowering ends with the first autumn frosts. Valued by flower growers for unpretentiousness in the care and attractive appearance. It is preferable to plant these plants with seedlings, although seeds can be used in the southern regions.
Semi-shrubby herbaceous plant with flowers of gentle blue or white color. Plant it should be in well-lit areas in the nutrient soil. The plant is thermophilic, therefore it is not recommended to sow the seeds directly in the soil: it is more expedient to grow by seedling method.
After planting, the plant does not require special care. Ageratum is used for planting in containers or mixborders.
Magnificent flowers-one-year-old: unpretentious, without seedlings, cultivated marigolds belong to the family of Compositae. Bushes are medium-sized, their height depends on climatic conditions and variety. The foliage is dark green, the flowers can be of different shades - from yellow to brown.
Seeds are sown in the ground after the end of spring nocturnal frosts and sharp drops in temperature. The first shoots appear after ten days. In early July, the plant is actively blooming. It easily tolerates a transplant, so you can plant too thick shoots.
Probably, you are interested in what kind of flowers-one-year-olds prefer professional florists? One of them is verbena, which, thanks to its amazing decorative qualities, is an exquisite addition to floral compositions. Inflorescences are of various forms: paniculate, carpal, corymbose with small flowers of different shades.
In addition to the open ground, it is possible to grow this plant in containers and pendant pots. Without problems, it suffers short-term cooling and drought, but very fond of sunlight.
These flowers come from America. They prefer good lighting and warmth. The height of a dense fleshy stem reaches fifty centimeters. Flowers have a round, regular shape and a pleasant delicate aroma. This plant should be planted with seedlings. It is sensitive to spring cooling and quite difficult to transfer. The soil is better not to fertilize, otherwise there will be more green than flowers.
This is a shrubby compact plant of medium height, with inflorescences, which are round baskets of orange, red and yellow. Seeds are sown directly into the soil, sprouts appear in a week. Calendula is unpretentious, grows both in open areas and in partial shade. In addition to decorative qualities, it is appreciated for its medicinal properties, which are successfully used in medicine in the form of various preparations.
Semishrub of medium height. It depends on the chosen variety. Inflorescences spicate are located on long stalks. Flowers can be yellow and white, pale yellow and pink, numerous shades of red. For more active branching, it is necessary to pinch the tips of the stems at the growth stage.
A low-growing plant, the radical leaves of which are saturated with a green hue. Inflorescences are single baskets in diameter up to ten centimeters, consisting of reed flowers. The flowers are red and orange, yellow, with dark spots at the base. It is used to create decorative compositions. Gazania is a heat-loving plant, which is planted on open flower gardens.
Very delicate flowers-one-year-old (the photo we posted in this article) belong to the family of bell-bellows. Hanging or creeping stems no higher than fifteen centimeters. Flowers are small, purple, white, red, but more often blue-blue shade.
The plant does not tolerate drafts and shaded areas, prefers loose and sandy soil with a high level of moisture, not very saturated with fertilizers. It is grown by seedling method in boxes or containers. In the open ground should be planted in early June.
Features of growing annuals
Although these plants are undemanding in care, each of them has its own characteristics, which should be taken into account. For example, the order of planting - some species can be sown by seeds in a permanent place, others need to grow seedlings. In this case, the seedlings can be grown from seeds themselves or bought in specialized stores.
If you want to grow one-year-olds from seeds, you need to understand that the success of growing depends on their quality (decorativeness, germination). The peculiarity of annual flowers is the exacting quality of soil and sunlight. In this regard, the flower garden must be created in well-lit areas on the leeward side.
Soil prepare a light - a mixture of chernozem with peat and sand. Usually it is prepared in late autumn, when the flowering period is over. Fertilizer is introduced in the spring during digging, or it can be done right before planting.
Care of the flower garden usually does not cause problems even in people who are inexperienced in floriculture. Watering is carried out in accordance with climatic conditions. In the arid and hot summer watering is carried out in the mornings (before sunrise) or in the evening. After the fall of abundant precipitation, the soil needs to be loosened, so that the crust does not form.
We must not forget that flowers, like other cultural plantations, are subject to various diseases and pest infestation, therefore, experts recommend periodically spraying the plant with special preparations for preventive purposes.
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