
First aid for wound and bleeding

Each of us had to deal with wounds in our lives. From the earliest childhood, babies knock knees, and in adulthood we often have to face injuries - some akin to the knees knocked down, while others are much more serious.

The subject of our article will be wounds, types of wounds, first aid, which should be provided immediately. We will also talk about how to act when bleeding starts, because all these rules must be known to every person.

The wound and its types

First a few words about what a wound is. In medicine, it is considered as a damage, with a violation of the integrity of the skin, mucous membranes and possible damage to deep tissues. In this case there is pain, bleeding and divergence of the edges of the wound.

These injuries can be caused accidentally or surgically. In addition, by nature they can be penetrating, which is very dangerous, or non-penetrating, that is, superficial.

Depending on how the wound was inflicted and what kind of object, they are divided into:

  • Chipped;
  • Cut;
  • Chopped;
  • Bruised;
  • Torn;
  • Bitten;

  • Scalped;
  • Firearms.

But no matter what kind of damage these are, the wrong first aid for a wound can provoke the development of a wound infection. Especially dangerous damage to the deep layers of tissues and internal organs. Therefore, the provision of first aid for wounds should be carried out with the obligatory observance of certain rules. This will help avoid complications.

General rules for first aid

First aid for a wound should be given immediately. The faster the damage is treated with an antiseptic, the fewer microorganisms it will contain, which will promote faster healing. So:

  1. The very first rule in the treatment of a wound: hands must be clean and treated with an antiseptic in the person who provides first aid.
  2. If there is bleeding, first of all it is necessary to stop it. We'll talk about this a little later.
  3. If there are foreign objects in the wound, they must be removed by a doctor. For this you will have to visit the nearest hospital.
  4. For treatment, it is best to use an antiseptic that does not contain alcohol, so that it does not cause additional irritation or burns. An excellent option is hydrogen peroxide.
  5. Means containing alcohol, it is necessary to treat the area around the wound. To do this, you can use an alcohol solution of iodine or a solution of brilliant green.
  6. The wound should be closed with a sterile swab after treatment. It can be an antiseptic treated tissue or a sterile bandage.
  7. If the wound is caused by a bite of an animal, especially a poisonous or sick person, you should immediately consult a doctor.

First aid for a wound has some peculiarities, depending on the type of damage.

Bruises, cuts and puncture wounds

First aid for cuts, bruises and chopped wounds is to stop bleeding.

With stab wounds, a small patch of skin is damaged, but penetration can be quite deep. Therefore, the risk of infection is very high. If the cause is a rusty nail or a sharp, dirty object, of course, after treatment with an antiseptic and applying a bandage, you should see the doctor.

Wounds, received with bruises, should be examined by a doctor, you may have to remove damaged tissue sites.

A chopped wound, of course, will have a divergence of the edges. It is also better to contact a doctor with her. Since it may be necessary to remove the damaged tissue and close the wound with staples, seams, although there may be enough sticking plaster.

First aid for cut wounds is to stop bleeding and treatment. You need to go to a medical institution if you need emergency tetanus prophylaxis. As more often it is the damage received on personal plots, at earthworks.

Assistance with gunshot wounds

A gunshot injury is a very serious and dangerous kind of wound. First aid in wounds, timely rendered, can save a person's life. Therefore, it is very important to act properly in this situation.

Penetrating wound, as a rule, affects internal organs. Of course, there will be bleeding. The first action should be to stop it. Then it is necessary to close the wound and ensure complete rest, while delivering the victim to the hospital.

Do not remove the pieces of ammunition from the wound!

First aid for a bite wound

Bites of animals, insects and reptiles occur quite often. This is one of the most dangerous kinds of wounds, as in animals, for example, there is a very large number of microbes on the teeth and in the mouth. But the bites of venomous snakes and spiders are especially dangerous. In such cases, the main thing is to render first aid as soon as possible and deliver the victim to the medical institution.

If it is a bee sting, it is necessary to carefully remove the sting, then treat the bite site with an antiseptic. In this case, it is better to choose one that contains alcohol.

When bitten by a poisonous snake, it is necessary to cover the wound with a sterile dressing and immediately deliver the victim to the hospital. Doctors recommend putting ice on the bite site and bandaging the limb with a tourniquet so that the poison does not have the ability to quickly spread through the body.

No matter what kind of wound, it can bleed very badly. In this case, it is necessary to stop the bleeding, before further assistance. Let's talk about this later.

First aid for bleeding

Bleeding, as a rule, takes place with any damage to the tissues of our body. This is the process of the outpouring of blood from a torn vessel. It can be capillary, venous or arterial.

Deep wounds can cause arterial bleeding, and it is the most dangerous.

The first help in this case is the application of a harness or twist. It is superimposed above the wound, so as to squeeze the bleeding vessel. Finiteness should be raised and several turns made. Bleeding should stop.

It is necessary to specify the time of application of the tourniquet and to loosen it every 20 minutes until the circulation is restored. The tourniquet can be applied no more than 1.5 hours in the warm season or 1 hour in winter. During this time, the victim must be sent to the hospital.

Venous bleeding occurs when the walls of the veins are damaged, it can be stopped by lifting the limb and bending it as much as possible in the joint. Enough will be a sterile, pressing bandage. The tourniquet should not be used for venous bleeding.

Bleeding capillary can be stopped in the same way by imposing a sterile, pressing bandage. Sometimes it is enough to treat the wound and use an adhesive plaster.

How to provide first aid to a child

Children quite often knock down their knees and manage to injure themselves with something. Therefore, let's consider how the first aid to the child is:

  1. Fine scratches and scratches can be washed with running boiled water and laundry soap.
  2. If the abrasion is deep, we wash it with "Hydrogen Peroxide" 3%.
  3. It is necessary to treat the area around the wound with a zebrafish or iodine.
  4. Deep damage after treatment is better covered with a sterile bandage or bactericidal plaster.
  5. If the wound is not deep and does not bleed, you can not apply a bandage. She will be able to "breathe" and will sooner heal.

If bleeding does not stop, it is necessary to apply a tourniquet and consult a doctor.

What can not be done with a wound

There are several prohibitions when the first medical help is provided for wounds:

  1. Do not put antiseptics containing alcohol in the wound. Such as iodine, a solution of brilliant green, cologne, vodka or a solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. Do not wash the wound with water, cover with powders or apply ointment.
  3. It is not recommended to apply cotton on the wound, it can cause the spread of the infection.
  4. Do not advise doctors and independently extract from it foreign objects.

When to hurry to the doctor

Any wound can not be left without attention, so you should definitely contact a specialist if:

  • Bitten by a dog or other animal, especially poisonous;
  • In the wound there is a foreign body;
  • A long time can not stop bleeding;
  • The wound is very deep and does not heal for a long time;
  • The injured place began to fester;
  • The general condition worsened, the body temperature increased;
  • If the wound is on the head or in the mouth.

Be attentive to your health. If you have received tissue damage, first aid should be given as soon as possible. Treatment of the wound will promote its rapid healing. Timely treatment to a doctor, in case of serious injury, will preserve health.

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