Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

Family problems: what does a drunken husband dream about?

Excessive addiction to alcohol now no one will outrage - it began to be perceived as something self-evident, as an integral and therefore comprehensible part of a difficult modern life.

The problem of the family is the problem of society

However, if at the level of society this problem does not worry anyone too much, then at the level of the family everything is completely different. Alcoholism violates the microclimate in the family, corrupts children and visibly strains the family budget. Some ladies are so afraid of the appearance of such a problem in their cell of society that their drunken husbands come to them even in a dream. Having woken up in a cold sweat, the spouse will immediately begin to check whether there is no alcoholic vapors sweetly sniffing near her beloved husband. Not finding anything suspicious, she offendedly leans back on the pillow and decides to introduce a dry law into the family from the very morning . So what does a drunken husband really dream about, and is it worth it to experience an unhappy wife?

The green serpent stings both in a dream and in reality

And experience, as practice shows, still worth it. Such a dream is often a bad omen, but not always associated with alcohol problems. What a drunken husband dreams about may turn out to be his drinking in real life, and even betrayal. The serene sleeping face of her husband may seem innocent and completely innocuous, but in fact he could be overtaken by unforeseen difficulties at work, which he forgot to tell his wife. Restless sleep, drunk husband - all prerequisites for another scandal! Sometimes after such a nightmare in families there are quarrels provoked either by some trifle or a similar problem. It's almost impossible to say exactly what a drunken husband dreams about, but this dream rarely foretells something good. Seeing such a nightmare, the little wife can expect financial problems or suspect the serious state of mind of his faithful. It is not necessary to hurry up with the conclusions, but even just to turn this dream to attention is still necessary.

The main thing is not to look for the hidden meaning where it does not exist

It may seem that drinking alcohol does not always lead to disastrous results. Sometimes, after all, on fun-filled drunks, people find useful acquaintances, about which one can say "I drank with him," and therefore, of course, expect any help from them. There is an opinion that such events only bring people closer, for a record short period of time, their relatives spiritually, ideologically, and anyhow at all, making almost the most bosom comrades. Here and in a dream there can be such exceptions. What a drunken husband dreams about can only mean the proximity of some festive feast, of which the woman constantly thinks. These thoughts can be caused by her excitement about choosing a suitable dress, which she talks about so often that she is even in her sleep, for a company with a tipsy husband. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the situation in which you saw such a dream. A drunken husband who funnyly dances in your night dreams a unique dance floor, does not foretell anything but fun.

Dreams come from childhood

Sometimes this dream is caused only by the fact that the wife is very afraid of such an incident, and therefore often thinks about it and projects it into her dreams. Perhaps this woman had a similar problem with her father or grandfather, and this led to very undesirable consequences. Oppressed by these memories, his wife can see a drunken husband in a dream and then walk for days on end not her own, waiting for a repetition of the troubles already experienced. Women who have such a problem should just talk to their husbands heart to heart and share their experiences. Seeking to reassure his own wife, the husband will most likely cancel the nightly beer for football and replace it with something more, more useful. The main thing in any relationship is not to keep the experience in yourself and always be ready for dialogue. Then the drunken husbands will not be dreamed, and the couple will live a happy life together.

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