Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

Dream Interpretation: What is the dream of an apple?

What an apple dreams about, as a rule, portends very good events. However, for correct interpretation, it is necessary to take into account all the details of the dream. Interpretation largely depends on the condition, quality and degree of maturity of the fetus.

Sonnik Tsvetkova

This dream portends a disease. There are apples - to be disappointed in something. Gather them - to temptation and seduction.

Dream Interview Denise Lynn

Typically, the apple symbolizes the restoration of the potential, the rise of vitality and good health. It can also portend temptation.

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If a person dreams of an apple, an important discovery awaits him in the future.

A dream interpretation of Zadeki: what does an apple dream about?

This dream portends success in all matters and endeavors.

Assyrian Dream Book

When a dreamer eats an apple in a dream, then in reality he will get everything his soul seeks.

Roma Dream Book

The fact that green apples are dreamed foretells inconstancy in the affairs of friendship. Ripe red fruits speak of friendly relations, which you can rely on. Baked apples or apple pie in a dream tell a person that his great expectations will end in disappointment.

English dream book: why does an apple dream ?

This dream is a very good omen. It foreshadows happiness, a long life, good luck in matters of career and love. Many apples in the dream promise mothers. The dream says that their children will grow up unordinary and rich people.

Sonnik Miller

For most people, apples promise very good events. If the red fruit that hangs among the green foliage on the trees is dreamed, then this is a very good sign. When a person in a dream eats rotten or rotten apples - this is an evil omen. Ripe fruit in the trees - the advent of auspicious time for the fulfillment of the dreams of the dreamer. He should think well of his goals and boldly go forward. If apples hang too high, closer to the top of the tree - the sleeper should not take too high slats in his desires and dreams. Fruits that fall to the ground, warn the dreamer of flatterers and imaginary friends who can cause harm.

Lunar dream book: why does an apple dream ?

Interpretation of the dream depends on the state of the fruit. If apples are ripe, then a happy marriage awaits the sleeper. When they are immature - damage. Baked fruit is self-interest. Sweet and delicious apples - for fun and prosperity, and wine - to great joy. White fruit - to success, and red - to tears.

Sonny Grishina

Apple is a symbol of love relationships, temptations, as well as clarity and certainty. Tearing these fruits - to great luck and fulfillment of desires. Clean them - to the collapse of hopes and disappointments. There are sweet apples - a good sign, and sour - to grief and some kind of coercion.

Winters of Winter

The fact that big apples are dreamed (especially if they are ripe and strong) can be called a great success. To see them in the trees is to implement plans. Buying fruit and eating them is a very good sign. Can not reach out to the apples on the tree - to risk because of excessive ambitions. Cut a fruit - to some controversial situation, which will negatively affect business. Green apples say that success will necessarily be and the plans will come true, but you need to be patient. But if they taste sweet, luck will come to the sleeper sooner than he waits for her.

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