Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

Dreams awoke: the interpretation and meaning of sleep

In the overwhelming majority of people, death is associated with the disappearance of all reality. It is not surprising that after a vision in which someone's death occurs, an unpleasant residue remains. Many people decide to look in a few dream books to find out what to expect, once a dream has occurred. And this is correct, as interpreters can tell a lot of interesting things.

According to Miller

If a person dreams of the death of a loved one, then soon he will have to undergo some difficult test. Or survive the loss.

Was the voice of the deceased friend in the vision sounding in the vision? This is for bad news. This vision is usually interpreted as a warning. If the one who is not alive, came to a person in a dream in good health, then, most likely, he is wrongly organizing his life. He should take a more responsible approach to solving problems and important issues, since many of them can be fateful. The deceased came to the dreamer with the purpose of asking something? Not the best vision. It is believed that so sleep warns about the onset of depression and despondency in all areas.

But if a lady with a scythe came to a dreamer, then one must prepare for the onset of a new stage in life. The cardinal changes are coming, implying a change in the sphere of activity, work, place of residence or circle of communication.

Death of loved ones

This is certainly what you do not even want the enemy to do. But, looking into the modern dream book, you can calm yourself down.

Dream of my mother? It is believed that such a vision portends an extraordinary success in business. Begins a white band in life, so you can take on the embodiment of any, even the most daring ideas in reality. Also a good sign is the death of a sister or brother in a dream. It portends wealth, profit and material well-being for years to come.

But what if you dreamed of the death of a child? This is a very disturbing vision. But it promises only unplanned money spending and minor unpleasant troubles. If the death of my father is imminent, it is worthwhile to be on the alert. This vision is a harbinger of troubles in work and in important matters. Their dreamer can not be avoided if he is inattentive or irresponsible.

In a vision, Death came for a grandfather or grandmother? Most likely, a person needs a wise advice. If in fact it is something that excites him, it is better to discuss the problem with someone who has sufficient life experience and is trustworthy.

Friends and acquaintances

The death of close comrades in a vision causes us all only anxiety, as in the case when a relative of a relative suddenly dreamed. As a rule, interpretations are not very positive.

A girlfriend in a dream warns a person about his dangerous situation, in which he is, without knowing it himself. The trouble may come very soon, but if he carefully thinks about every act, then he will manage to get out of it.

And what to think of the girl who dreamed of the death of her boyfriend? This vision either embodies her fear of losing her lover, or heralds a disappointment in heart affairs.

Death, which came for an old acquaintance, portends immersion in the memories of the past. Perhaps, something will remind a person about previously lived days. But it is better not to plunge headlong into thoughts about the past. It is recommended to think more about the future. And still it does not hurt to look around. Perhaps someone from a close dreamer needs compassion, support and help. But if in a vision, Death has come for colleagues or a boss, you can rejoice. This vision presages rapid career growth and success in work.

What will Vanga tell?

The dream book of the great prophetess gives a very positive interpretation of the vision in which a person had a dream of his own death. It is believed that it portends to him a long and happy life with his second half.

But if a person sees the death of a patient, then it's worth to be prepared for the worst. Soon he will face a monstrous injustice, with which he can not do anything.

The apparent clinical death is a harbinger of another event. It is believed that a person for a long time will have to be unaware of the plans and plans of his acquaintances, among whom will be those whom he trusts. But they will implement the plan. And the result will unpleasantly surprise the dreamer, and maybe even hurt him.

Magic Dream Book

This interpreter can also tell a lot of interesting things. It is believed that a person dreams of seeing with his death only if he himself studies his feelings about this. Perhaps a dreamer has a certain interest in the idea of the disappearance of all reality. He withdraws from the challenge that each of us gives to life itself. Or, perhaps, the dreamer managed to pass from the knowledge of habitual values to his spiritual essence.

However, often his own death, dreamed in a dream, personifies a person's subconscious attempts to explore the attitude of other people to him.

The Dream of Nostradamus

This interpreter can also tell something interesting. If a person dreams of Death, who came for him, then, most likely, he will live for a very long time.

Did someone in the family or relatives die in the vision? A good sign, because he is waiting for a happy and prosperous future. The main thing is that a person does not die with torment and suffering. Because such a vision presages a dreamer to meet someone very cruel who will not go through without sad consequences.

Clinical death, again, portends a bad event that will permanently knock a person out of the usual rut. For a long time he will have to restore his spiritual balance and try to restore the old way of life. But before that, the person will be absolutely indifferent to what is happening around him.

The symbolic dream book

If you had a dream, then this interpreter should also look. It is believed that death represents a person's rebirth. It is recommended to ask yourself a few questions. What or who makes a dreamer to be reborn? Why does this happen and how does he relate to this turn of events? Is he afraid of reincarnation or, on the contrary, waiting? And in the end what emotions caused the dream itself?

If the death of a person who is not very close was dreamed, you need to relate the vision to your attitude towards him. It is possible that the protagonist of the vision personifies a certain aspect of the personality of the dreamer, from which he seeks to get rid of.

If the deceased person is someone close in a dream, then relations with him will soon change. In this case, death symbolizes not only the act of destruction, but also the creation of something new. Perhaps, the relationship will come to a new level.

Psychoanalytic dream book

If in a vision a person saw and felt his death, but did not feel fear at the same time, then in real life he realizes all the negative emotions he feels. It is possible that for a long time he is pursued by some kind of fear, because of which he can not enjoy his life, but only hates himself for testing this feeling. And the vision of one's own death is a definite signal that it is time for a person to get rid of fear and negativity, because these are unproductive, destructive feelings.

If the image of Death itself was imagined, then, the internal battle of the dreamer with himself will soon cease. In life, there will be favorable changes. Relations with other people will improve, physical and mental health will recover, and things will go well.

But in the event that at the approach of death in a dream a person experienced a wild, even animal fear, one should seriously take on himself and his own life. Negative emotions swallow him swiftly. And if you do not start acting, the consequences can be deplorable.

The rescue

It happens that a man dreamed of a Death with a scythe that came after him, but he managed to escape from it. This is a good sign, meaning that in real life the dreamer will be able to prevent difficulties and successfully solve sudden problems.

He got into an accident in a dream, but survived by a miracle? So, in his relations with relatives and relatives there will be harmony, and with the second half a new romantic stage will begin.

If the dreamer has survived in some other emergency situation, then in a short time it will really be overtaken by some serious danger. With a hard trial it will be possible to cope. But only in the event that you can use all your courage and inner strength.

But this is not all that is worth knowing about, if such a dream had a dream. Death can also overtake a person. But many people remember that later, according to the plot of the vision, they were able to rise again. It is believed that such a turn foreshadows the beginning of a new life stage. There comes an ideal moment for parting with the past, and it is not worth it to miss.

Death of a life partner

If a woman dreams of her husband's death, then it's worth looking into a family dream book. It is believed that this vision portends changes in his life. And now, at the moment, he is clearly missing something. Perhaps he is in search of something new. Moreover, as far as personal relations are concerned. And his wife is better to give him variety, family comfort and harmony. Otherwise, a man who has not received the desired, may have a close relationship on the side. Because of this, later problems will not be avoided.

Another dream book recommends "patching" the cracks in relations, resolving long-suspended conflicts in the air and discussing unspoken grievances.

Did the man dream of his wife's death? So she will live happily ever after. Minor troubles, worrying the spouse, will disappear by themselves, the difficulties will be left behind, and all the important problems will be solved in the moment. But a man such a vision portends betrayal of a man for whom he had previously done many good and good deeds.

Other interpretations

There is still an infinite number of explanations for the vision in which Death itself figured. It can portend disappointment, approaching sadness or misfortune, bad news about close friends or relatives. Interpretation depends on the details. If a person, for example, saw a friend dying in agony and agony in a dream, then, in reality, unworthy thoughts overwhelm him. Or he does something that does not paint him. But the death of the enemy, in turn, is a harbinger of happiness.

In general, there are really many interpretations. As well as dream books. Therefore, if you want to give your vision an accurate definition, you need not only take into account the details, but also access several sources at once. So the probability to understand the meaning of sleep increases at times.

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