
What to rinse your mouth with stomatitis in the home?

Stomatitis is a disease that affects the oral mucosa. Suffer them as children, and adults. But before you decide for yourself what you will be treated, it is very important to see a doctor. On the one hand, this disease is not too serious and dangerous, but without adequate treatment you can easily go into a neglected form.


Mums and grandmothers know perfectly well what the manifestations of stomatitis look like, as they were observed by their children. The mucous membrane turns red and swells, and from the inside, in the mouth, white sores appear. Complaints can be associated with a general malaise. Eating is accompanied by pain, which causes loss of appetite. Parents usually do not rush to the doctor to ask what to rinse your mouth with stomatitis, because wise people experience and so give a bunch of tips and recommendations. But they are directed more often at elimination of symptoms.

So do not rush to fight the visible manifestations. Before asking a neighbor, what to rinse your mouth with stomatitis, try to determine the root of the problem. And starting from this, begin treatment.


In children, it is not uncommon for the first time that stomatitis occurs during the eruption of teeth. This is explained very simply: a crumb constantly pulls toys into his mouth, gnaws fingers that are not always perfectly clean. Often, this complication occurs after the transferred measles, scarlet fever or sore throat, can be a consequence of severe avitaminosis. Children often suffer from a herpetic variety of stomatitis, in which the mucous membranes are covered with a white coating. The reason may be taking antibiotics, so if you have been treated for a long time with such drugs, you need to pay special attention at this time.

And if the sores appear in an adult? What to rinse your mouth with stomatitis in this case? It should be noted that in the adult population, stomatitis is less common, and the causes of the development of the disease can be:

  • Insufficient oral hygiene.
  • Regular microtrauma of the mucosa.
  • Pathogenic microorganisms. It should be noted that the body normally cope with them. But if the immunity is weakened, then the ailment has all chances for development.
  • Lesion of the gastrointestinal mucosa.
  • Contribute to the development of stomatitis and endocrine diseases, disorders of the nervous and digestive systems, metabolic disorders.

As you can see, before deciding what to rinse your mouth with stomatitis, it would be superfluous to understand what you are actually dealing with. In any case, delaying with treatment is not necessary. If the disease goes into a chronic form, coping with it will be much more difficult.

Features of percolation

On primary symptoms and additional examinations the doctor can determine the etiology of the disease, which is now progressing in you. We list the specific features that you can also evaluate:

  • If there are aphthae on the mucous membranes and at the bottom of the oral cavity, that is, round vesicles, from which ulcers with a yellowish film and a red border are formed, then one can speak of aphthous stomatitis.
  • Herpes virus can cause disease in children and adults. At the same time, vesicles are formed on the mucous membrane, which are quickly opened, and erosions are produced with a touch.
  • Catarrhal stomatitis - as a rule, is not characterized by ulcerative rashes. The reason is the presence of carious cavities. The gums in this case swell and bleed.
  • Ulcerous form is characterized by a lesion to the entire depth of the mucosa. In the absence of treatment, necrotic processes begin. Chewing is painful, the temperature rises.
  • Gonococcal - vessels of mucous membranes swollen, with small ulcers, covered with a mucopurulent secretion.
  • Candidiasis - a fungal lesion of the mucosa, when a whitish film forms on the surface, burning may be present.

Now we can understand what is happening in the mouth, and turn directly to the question of what to rinse your mouth with stomatitis.

Home Treatment

So, what if you found a stomatitis in yourself or your baby? What to rinse your mouth at home? Even before calling a doctor, you can begin to perform the first procedures - irrigation, aimed at removing puffiness and inflammation at the local level. You can choose one of the following options:

  • Blue iodine - it is bred in a 1: 1 ratio. You need to rinse three times a day.
  • Hydrogen peroxide is a popular but useless remedy. It is often used by dentists to rinse the pocket or cavity in the mouth. To do this, the doctor uses a syringe to inject the formulation directly under the fold of the mucosa. Independently you can not do this.
  • Apple cider vinegar - changing the pH of the environment, it helps with some forms of the disease. Do not forget to dilute with water at least 50%.
  • Propolis tincture. It is recommended to use it regardless of what to rinse your mouth with stomatitis was decided by you. After the procedure is over, you need to lubricate all the sores that are there.

Folk remedies

Recommendations can be found quite a lot, but before choosing a tool at random, it would be nice to ask a specialist if you can rinse your mouth with stomatitis. Severe, ulcerative form may require more cardinal treatment, at the level of internal organs. If the appointment has already been received, then the following tools can be used as auxiliary ones:

  • Egg white. It is recommended to whip it into a foam and keep it in your mouth for several minutes three times a day.
  • Ginger root. It is simply brewed in boiling water and used for rinsing. This helps to remove the unpleasant odor and strengthen the gums.
  • Honey is a natural antiseptic. Dissolve the spoon in a glass of warm water and use to rinse.
  • Lemon. A tablespoon of zest is brewed on a glass of boiling water. The composition is used more for prevention.

Healing herbs

And what to rinse your mouth with stomatitis in children? Of course, I want the tool to be gentle and natural, but effective at the same time. Medicinal herbs - this is an excellent choice, if there is a need for treatment of mucous membranes. They are inexpensive, safe and effective.

  • St. John's Wort - a tablespoon of grass should be brewed with a glass of boiling water. Strain and warm infusion rinse your mouth.
  • Calendula is a very effective treatment for children. If there is no way to prepare a decoction, just add 1 teaspoon of alcoholic infusion into a glass of water.
  • Chamomile and linden - 2 tablespoons of flowers of the one and the other pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse your mouth after each meal.

Treatment of infants

Sometimes mothers are faced with the fact that a newborn child has a tongue and gums covered with a white bloom. What to do? This can be a candidal form of stomatitis, and it does not represent anything terrible, but it is desirable to show the child to the pediatrician. The safest in this case is baking soda. To do this, dilute a teaspoon of soda in a glass of water. Of course, parents have a question: "How can I rinse my mouth with soda while stomatitis? After all, the child is still very small!" Nothing complicated in this. It is enough simply to moisten a piece of gauze in the solution and wipe the affected areas with it.

How does simple soda help in the treatment of the disease? It changes the acid-base balance in the mouth, which greatly complicates the life of the pathogens of the infection. In addition, this remedy helps to clear the mucous membrane, remove inflammation, has an antiseptic effect. Therefore do not doubt: the answer to the question of whether it is possible to rinse your mouth with soda during stomatitis, is positive. In some cases, it can serve as an independent drug, and in others it will purify the mucosa before exposure to other local drugs.

Universal chlorhexidine

This antiseptic, antimicrobial agent, which has a bactericidal action against most pathogenic bacteria in the mouth. But in the case of herpes, he is powerless. There is an alcohol and an aqueous solution, but in this case only the second one is suitable. The concentration of aqueous solution is standard - 0.05%.

How to rinse your mouth with chlorhexidine at stomatitis, you will be told in detail by your doctor. The scheme is simple: the procedure is carried out in the morning and evening, after brushing your teeth. The course of treatment is no more than 10 days. It should be remembered that the antiseptic works exclusively for the prevention and treatment of bacterial complications in stomatitis. With the disease itself, he can not cope. So do not be surprised that you rinse your mouth day after day, and there is no improvement. Consult your doctor for a more appropriate treatment plan.

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