Food and drinkCooking tips

Everyone knows how to fry potatoes.

Fried potatoes like everything. Even those who "sit" on a diet can not resist this appetizing dish. But does everyone know how to properly fry potatoes?

The simplest and most correct way of cooking chips is also the basis for many, many variations on this topic.

Before frying potatoes - in a classic way, or with various additives (mushrooms, eggs, ham), on any kind of fat - you need to carefully pick the roots (the tubers should be healthy, without rot), rinse, clean and dry. This first stage is unchanged and is mandatory for any method of cooking chips.

On what fat to cook it? This is a matter of taste, but you need to know that the potatoes burn quickly on butter , on margarine - not very tasty and useful, on fat (melted or bacon) - this will already turn out to be a completely different dish. Experienced cooks prefer vegetable oil or melted butter.

Potatoes should be salted only when it is already semi-soft. If you salt earlier, you get potato mass, not fried potatoes.

The first way. Potatoes fried in circles

For one serving, we need to take 2-3 potatoes of medium size, 50 grams of vegetable oil. Put a large frying pan on the fire, warm it well and add oil. Cut the potatoes across into thin circles. To each circle fried, carefully put them on the bottom of the pan and turn over as soon as one side of the slice is fried. Now you can salt. If the circles are really thin (1-2 mm), then such a heat treatment is sufficient. If they are a little thicker, after the roasting, reduce the heat and close the frying pan for 5 minutes.

Butter, added to the ready-made dish, will give it a special taste. Serve with fresh vegetables and herbs.

The second way. Fried potatoes with onions

Remove one small onion and finely chop. Fry in 50 grams of vegetable oil until golden brown. Sliced potatoes in thin slices put in a frying pan with butter and fried onions and bring to the preparedness, stirring all the time.

You can cook the same dish and so: before frying potatoes, slightly cool the butter with onions and strain. Prepare the potatoes on the resulting onion oil. Serve hot, with chopped dill and green onion, with a salad of fresh vegetables.

The third way. Potatoes with cracklings

Crisps are made from bacon - specially prepared lard. It can be salty, smoked, with garlic, with red pepper, with dill - everything is delicious. You can fry potatoes at any. We cut the fat into small pieces, put it on a hot frying pan and quickly fry it. If you do not like cracklings yourself, they can be pulled out carefully from the fat that has been melted. On it we fry potatoes. We serve only hot, with fresh herbs.

The fourth way. French fries

This dish has many fans, in restaurants and fast food it is prepared on special equipment. But how to fry potatoes "fries" at home?

To prepare two servings, we need 4 potatoes and not less than a glass of vegetable oil or 250 grams of frying fat. In a saucepan with a thick bottom and walls, we heat the fat to a boil. Tubers cut with bars (not more than a centimeter thick). We lower these small pieces into the pan in small portions for 8-10 minutes. A small strainer or colander is placed on a bowl, paving with a paper napkin or towel. We put the finished potatoes into a sieve in a sieve, so that the fat absorbs into the napkin. Solim. We serve hot, with different sauces or ketchup.

The choice of the way - how to fry potatoes, for you. Much depends on whether you serve it as an independent dish or it is a side dish to meat, fish.

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