
English pronouns with translation: table. The role of pronouns in English

To make your speech in a foreign language expressive, correct and varied, and also learn to understand what other people are saying (write), it is necessary to know English pronouns. A table (and not one) will be presented in this article with the necessary explanations to facilitate the assimilation of grammatical material.

What is a pronoun and what is it for?

This part of the speech is used in any language to avoid tautology, revive dry statements, and make them more logical. Pronouns in English are called Pronouns, which translates as "instead of nouns."

This service component serves as a substitute for those parts of speech that have already been mentioned in the oral or written text. Nouns and adjectives can be replaced, adverbs and numerals are slightly less common. Pronouns help us to maintain the logic and clarity of the presentation of the thought, but do not repeat it, calling again the same people, objects, phenomena, signs, etc.

What are the pronouns in English?

In total there are eight types of these service parts of speech. Next we will consider each of them separately

The English pronouns, like the Russians, change in person, gender and number. In addition, they are necessarily consistent with the part of the speech that is being replaced. For example, matching by gender: girl (girl) - she (she). In the same way, matching is done in the number: boys (boys) - they (they).

Now let's see in more detail what each variety represents and how this part of speech can simplify English.

Personal Pronouns

They have their name because they replace nouns - animate and inanimate. There are seven in total.

  • I - I;
  • You are you (you);
  • He - he;
  • She is she;
  • It is it;
  • We are we;
  • They are they.

Pay attention to the following features:

1. You are used both in the singular and in the plural. It is translated accordingly: "you", "you" (appeal to one person) or "you" (appeal to a group of people).

2. It denotes not only inanimate objects, but also animals.

The above personal pronouns are given in the nominative case. But what about, if you need to say: "you", "me", "about us", etc.? What is transmitted in the Russian language by the remaining cases (dative, genitive, prepositional, etc.) in English is called one word - the subject case. Such pronouns replace words that are not subject to a sentence. The correspondence table is presented below.

Who! What?

Whom? What? To whom? To what? By whom? Than? About whom? About what?


Me - me, me, me, and so on.


You - you (you), you (you), etc.


Him - him, him, and so on.


Her - her, her, and so on.


It - him, him, and so on.


Us - us, us, etc.


Them - them, them, and so on.

Begin practicing in the use of the subject case, when you will thoroughly understand and learn the forms of the nominative. Otherwise, you just run the risk of getting confused. In general, memorizing pronouns is quite simple, and the more often you engage in a foreign language, the more confident you will become.

Possessive Pronouns

This group is the second most frequently used. But do not be scared to see the new English pronouns. The table below shows the correspondence between personal and possessive types.

Personal pronoun

Possessive pronoun

I - I

My is my

You are you (you)

Your - your (your)

He - he

His is his

She is she

Her - her

It is

Its is his

We are we

Our - our

They are they

Their - their

As you can see, the basis for almost all pronouns is one, and the differences are often only in one letter.

It is recommended to learn and practice first personal pronouns, then possessive ones, and then practice in mixed tests, where you need to choose the appropriate one in terms of meaning and grammar: you or your, etc. So you will assimilate everything and never confuse these two Outwardly similar groups.

The demonstrative pronouns (Demonstrative Pronouns)

We continue to study pronouns in English, and now we turn to the variety that helps us navigate in space, show a certain object, direction and place. They do not change in persons and genera, but they have the singular and plural forms. Further in the table you will see the indicative English pronouns with the translation.

Where is located:


long away



This (this)

These (these)

That (that)

Those (those)

For example, if a picture hangs on a wall in the distance, then they say about her: That is a picture. And if there are pencils on the table, it can be designated as follows: These are pencils.

There is another function in this group of service parts of speech. They can replace individual words or even entire expressions. This is done to avoid repetition. For example: Air quality in the village is better than (air quality) in the city.

Relative Pronouns

This variety can often be found in complex sentences for joining the main and the subordinate part. Such a pronoun of English with translation and understanding of foreign speech can create difficulties. Therefore, we need to understand this issue well. The following relative pronouns exist:

  • That - which, which (used to denote both animate and inanimate objects);
  • Which - which (only for the designation of objects or phenomena);
  • Who is who (who only points to people);
  • Whom - who, who, whom (in colloquial language does not occur, is used only in the official speech as a speech cliche).

Interrogative Pronouns

As you might guess, this type is used in interrogative sentences. If you already know the topic "Special issues", then you know these English pronouns well. All of them are noteworthy in that they begin with the letter wh:

  • What? - what? Which one? which the?
  • Which? - What? Which (of the two)?
  • Who? - Who?
  • Whom? - To whom? Whom?
  • Which? Whose?

Sometimes the suffix -ever can add to them, and then the combinations whatever (any, anything), whoever (anyone, anyone), etc., are obtained.

Pay special attention to the following features.

Who is used in the singular and assumes the verbal form is, as well as the ending -s in the present prime time.

Who is there? Who likes this film?

The exception is when a personal pronoun in the plural (you, we, they) is used, if the answer implies the naming of several people, objects, phenomena, etc.

Who are you?

Who of you live in this house? - We do. (Which of you lives in this house?) - We.)

Indefinite pronouns (Indefinite Pronouns)

Often there are situations when the information is not completely clear, or the speaker is not sure of its truthfulness. For such cases, there is a special group of auxiliary words. Next, you can see all the indefinite English pronouns with the translation.

Animate objects

Inanimate objects

Anybody, anyone - anyone, anyone

Anything - anything, anything

Everyone, everyone, everyone, everyone

Everything is everything

No one, nobody - nobody

Nothing - nothing, nothing

Someone - someone

Something - something

Other - other

Either - any (if you choose from two)

Neither - none (if you choose from two)

Each - each

Note that all the pronouns listed in the table refer to a single number (even if many items or people are translated into Russian).

The plural number of indefinite pronouns is represented by the following words:

  • Any - any;
  • Both - both;
  • Several - several;
  • Others - others, others;
  • Many are few;
  • Few - a little.

Reflexive Pronouns

They are used to describe actions that are committed with oneself. These English pronouns are associated with the already known varieties - personal and possessive. Only in this case is added a particle -self (in the singular) or -selves (in the plural).

  • (I) I - myself;
  • (You) you - yourself;
  • (He) he-himself;
  • She she - herself;
  • (It) it - itself (about animals and inanimate objects);
  • (We are) we - ourselves;
  • (You) you - yourselves;
  • (They) they - themselves.

How to translate the reflexive pronouns? On examples, this is clearest of all.

Sometimes you can translate as "yourself", "yourself", etc.

"Why?", She asked herself - "Why?" She asked herself.

We arranged a great holiday for ourselves. We had a great vacation.

In some cases, it is possible to translate such pronouns with return particles -y and -sya.

The cat washed herself. The cat washed.

Where are you hiding yourself? "Where are you hiding?"

In those cases when the fact that the action was carried out by someone independently is emphasized, it is possible to translate the reflexive pronouns by the words "himself", "sama", and so on.

He has built this house himself - He himself built this house.

Reciprocal Pronouns

This species includes only two representatives: each other and one another. They are synonymous.

Such pronouns are used in those cases when two objects perform the same action directed at each other.

We love each other - We love each other.

They hugged and kissed one another - They embraced and kissed.

On Christmas Day, friends gave each other presents.

In those cases where it is necessary to designate a group of people performing the same action with respect to each other, it is necessary to use the one another form. For example:

We are a united family and always help one another. - We are a friendly family and always help each other.

People of different generations have difficulty understanding each other.

This is the system of pronouns in English. There is nothing complicated in it, because some groups of service words are formed from others: return and possessive - from personal, reciprocal - from indefinite, and so on.

Having studied and understood the theory, start practicing in various types of exercises. The more often you do this, the sooner you will achieve a noticeable result: start without hesitation in using English pronouns in your speech.

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